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@amWhy: perhaps I should have qualified my message with "apart from review queues". I can edit the message, but will leave it so that the history remains.
@SmokeDetector am tempted to flag as spam, but the link may be helpful and it isnt overly promotional
@SineoftheTime: morning time here in India around 6:26 am, but good night!
11 hours later…
2 hours later…
@Peter open for deletion
2 hours later…
shall we delete this question or wait a bit , if an improvement comes in ?
@Peter wait :)
@SineoftheTime Could be deleted anyway soon , but I do not (yet) set the final vote. It is , to my opinion , not a duplicate.
@Peter seems to be a hot topic, more than 40 comments in an hour
@SineoftheTime Therefore I flagged it that it should be moved into chat.
@Peter Only one del vote needed, and now at -5, I think it's pretty safe to delete.
@SineoftheTime Why?
@Peter ^^^ There is already an effort, via edit, to reopen it: check the reopen queue. If reopened, regardless of score, the closers will be barred from voting to close the pos
^^^ ... from closing the post again.
@SineoftheTime Comments have nothing to do with the quality of the question, nor with the decision to close or delete. As @Xander puts it, "comments are ephemeral". I hope I got that right, Xander ! :-)
@amWhy I've never said: a lot of comments $\implies$ good quality question ;). I've just stated a fact, namely that there are more that 40 comments to a question asked 1 h ago
@SineoftheTime You also advised "Peter wait :)", and your next statement to support that was "Peter seems to be a hot topic, more than 40 comments in an hour". So I wanted to clarify my most comment comment to you. "Hot" is not equivalent to "wait"
@amWhy Deleted anyway. Finally, considering the behaviour of the author (some comments were somewhat rude) this is justified. So, I won't support the undeletion (one vote , not surprsingly , came already in).
This answer was deleted in review by "recommend deletion" votes. The answerer undeleted it. I don't think that the answer is very clear, but I don't think that it is bad enough for unilateral and permanent moderator deletion. Can I request more eyes? Answer to: Understanding Monty Hall problem‭ - Pragyan Srivastava‭ 2023-01-27 14:44:44Z
@XanderHenderson The is poorly formatted, with a huge block of text that doesn't "hang together". I cannot vote to delete again. I've done all I can. Maybe others can respond to your request above. I already provided days recently, and again today, my eyes. (Just written in a matter of fact tone of voice.) Thanks for asking here.
Sorry, too, ^^ for all my typos, and omitting of words. I think more rapidly than I can type! :/
@bobeyt6 The post you answered here is no better than is the post you requested closure of today.
Nor was your answering [math.stackexchange.com/q/4631801/90030] and better that your request to delete an answer to a PSQ here, on Thursday. Please follow the same guidelines you want us to penalize others for.
3 hours later…
1 message moved to ­Trash
1 hour later…
@amWhy Sorry I couldn't resist. I tried deleting later but it had unfortunately been accepted.
hi @bobeyt6

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