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Lacking context / clarity? What is the most effective way to divide?‭ - Camelot823‭ 2023-01-23 21:18:37Z
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@amWhy I agree that it should be closed, but I do not know which reason hits the nail on the head. Maybe "opinion-based" ?
@bobeyt6 The answerer of this poorly written question even begged for an accept !
@bobeyt6 That is also a (multiple) duplicate.
3 hours later…
@bobeyt6 can be deleted
same here - the answer should be a comment, but I do not think that a flag will be accepted.
@Peter I am not sure why that question or answer should be closed / deleted. Do you consider the question to be off-topic? or is it deficient in some other way? If so, how?
I admit after having thought about it that the question could be on-topic as a terminology-question . But concerning the answer I do think a comment would have been enough.
I retracted my close-vote. I could not retract the downvote because of time limitation.
@Peter Answers should be posted as answers. In this case, I don't see how one might improve the answer.
It answers the terminology question, and provides references.
What more is needed?
@Peter You can vote again on a question or answer if it is edited. I have seen that users (with the edit privilege) made minor edits to a post only to be able to change their vote (e.g. because they realized that their initial vote was not justified).
It would be interesting to know if that is an accepted practice ...
2 hours later…
delete both answers here - they're both messy, unclear, and don't really answer the question.
2 hours later…
@XanderHenderson Please explain why, @Xander?
@amWhy I'm not sure what you want me to explain. I asked a question, which I could expand to "Is this question lacking context or clarity?"
Below the question, there are comments:
@Shaun: calculating a reciprocal and multiplying is an inefficient way of dividing, so not the "key". — Rob Arthan 19 hours ago
Yes, @RobArthan, but it is the concept behind division, is it not? Perhaps I misinterpreted the question . . . — Shaun 18 hours ago
These seem to indicate that these two users do not have the same interpretation of the question, which implies that the question might not be entirely clear.
@XanderHenderson agreed. I've added my vote to close. But I question the unspoken acceptance of all answers provided by former mods: math.stackexchange.com/review/first-questions/1906845, to questions, which if answered by anyone never a mod, would be quickly deleted.
@amWhy I am not sure that I follow your reasoning. The question you just linked to is, so far as I can tell, completely unrelated to the question I linked to. I agree that the question you linked to is probably not a very good question for this site, but I don't think that it is clear-cut enough that I can unilaterally close it (perhaps that is the similarity?---neither question is "bad enough" for me to take unilateral action).
Q: Does this prove that no Collatz sequence can be divergent?

DjwardI seem to have proved that Collatz sequences cannot be infinitely divergent (They must be cyclic or converge at 1 eventually). Here is the full proof https://www.scribd.com/document/621649137/Collatz-Proof-Second-Draft# . I would appreciate any feedback.

(In the case of the summation question I already cast a third close vote, so closing it again at this moment would be an abuse of moderator powers.)
Can someone with number theory content knowledge take a look at this answer: math.stackexchange.com/a/4624790/28111? It reads like GPT-generated nonsense to me, and if memory serves the poster was previously banned (under a different account it seems) for precisely that, but this is out of my area so I'm not sure.
@XanderHenderson I wasn't asking you to; and I'm sorry, I thought you were responding to Peter's comment to me. Thanks for the added clarification. My bad.
No worries.
@Feeds can be deleted
@Peter Or just let Roomba get it.
@Xander I haven't checked chat in the past 15+ hours, so I should have read comments here more carefully, prior to my first comment. But thanks.
Again, no worries. Asynchronous chat with many parties interacting has its drawbacks as a clear medium for communication. :)
@NoahSchweber Seems you may very well be correct. What are some tell-tale signs of such posts. It strikes me as a Wikipedia cursory recitation.
@NoahSchweber Open for deletion, one more delete vote needed. I'm more certain it's inappropriate. @Peter
:62837970 No problem. Mainly I was updating you. Thanks for your post here.
@NoahSchweber The HuggingFace GPT detector does not flag this as GPT generated (though the detector is not infallible).
However, the answer has been deleted.
@Xander What are the current "detectors"? I can find the one you mention above easily enough. Are they all mainly AI detectors?
@amWhy I have used the HuggingFace detector. I have also heard of one called GPTZero, but I have never been able to get it to work.
Those are the only two I know of.
And HuggingFace is, I believe, built from GPT-2, while the most recent version is GPT-3, so it is, perhaps, inclined toward false negatives.
@XanderHenderson Thanks!
Q: Does this prove that no Collatz sequence can be divergent?

DjwardI seem to have proved that Collatz sequences cannot be infinitely divergent (They must be cyclic or converge at 1 eventually). I like to play around with the Millennium conjectures and the Collatz conjecture, and yesterday evening I happened to be thinking about summation problems too (see why it...

@XanderHenderson, @amWhy: Just mentioning that Glorfindel wrote a userscript which adds a “Detect OpenAI” button to all posts: stackapps.com/questions/9611/openai-detector. It also uses the HuggingFace detector.
@MartinR Yup, I have that running. I believe it uses the HuggingFace detector?
please close - opinion-based
@MartinR Awesome. Thanks for the info!
@Peter Worse, it lacks sufficient context to answer conclusively. In any case, the post should be closed, I agree.
3 hours later…
math.stackexchange.com/questions/4625189/… opinon-based or missing details
@bobeyt6 slow down with the flood of requests. Typically we ask that requests come from users who can vote to close, when posting as frequently as you do. You seem to be unable to contribute to other users' requests in this room, yet on Sat. you made 15 requests here. I really appreciate your enthusiasm, just contribute, at least, to requests from others to better interact with users here, and we all need feedback, and we can all learn.
@bobeyt6 You've done nothing wrong, at all. Kind of like on math.se, there's a culture/learning curve (I'm pretty sure the curve isn't too steep here in this chatroom). We're glad to have you aboard!

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