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A: Requests for Reopen & Undeletion Votes (volume 01/2022 - today)

Eric WofseyPlease consider reopening Planar Quartic Curve invariants for number of connex components. This question was originally unclear because it did not explain that it was working over $\mathbb{R}$, but now it has been edited to be clear.

3 hours later…
Delete - not an answer / very low quality
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Q: Find conjugate function of g(x)

jackmayikoLet $f_1,\dots,f_m$ be convex functions. Define function $g$ as $$g(x) = \inf_{x_1,\dots,x_m} \{ f_1 (x_1) + \dots + f_m (x_m) \mid x_1+ \dots+x_m = x\}$$ Find $g^*(y)$, the conjugate of $g(x)$.

C1, C2, C3, C4, C5
D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7
C2, being a PSQ again, has gotten abnormally many up votes.
2 hours later…
Q: Find conjugate function

Johnaaa11 $A\in R^{m\times n},\ rankA = m,\ f(y) -\text{ Convex function,} \ f:R^m\rightarrow R.$ Let $g(x) = f(Ax)$ Find $g^*(y)$. Because$x\rightarrow Ax$ - Affine transformation $\implies g(x)$ - is convex as well. Because $rank{A}=m \implies g:R^m \rightarrow R$. Because $g(x)$ is convex upwards $-g(...

4 hours later…
@Peter Do you mean close? Else do you mean D?? Please don't conjoin the two.
Hm, doesn't this mean close and then delete ?
@Peter It was not delete-able when I clicked. Wait until closure, then request a delete. That requires only you to scroll up to recheck. Else, until closed, every user here as to keep rechecking it's status. The latter is less demanding of those you solicit
We went through this not long ago, @Peter.
Anyone still enjoying systematic check-my-answer type posts? How do we resolve [these 90 check-my-answer type posts that haven't gotten answers]((data.stackexchange.com/math/query/edit/1664687)? I don't have an efficient way to check, but I bet a lot of the similar questions with 1 answer do not have substantial content....
Ok, that last link did NOT preserve the query I had last run. It looks like this permalink will, though: data.stackexchange.com/math/query/1664695
should this case of vandalizing a question and even self-deletion after getting an answer and accepting it, be flagged ?
Here is a duplicate regarding periodic expansion of rational numbersAlthough I appreciate the effort that the user puts in posting his/her questions, He/She is not checking for duplicates. He/She is n to solving the problems herself but looking at solutions manuals.
1 hour later…
@Peter gone
Here is a duplicate. A user who is very engaged in curating postings gave an answer.
PSQ for deletion
@OliverDíaz Indeed. Worse, it was answered by high-rep user who seeks closure and deletion on bad questions, unless said user chooses to answer it.
@amWhy In which way is this question a bad one?
@OliverDíaz Too bad said answerer doesn't spend as much time on searching for duplicates, as they spend on curating answers.
@amWhy I don't mind answers to duplicates as longs as they are original or show a different approach. If one is to be engaged in curating, and answering, at minimum I think, one should look for duplicates for questions on subjects about which we may have some knowledge.
@OliverDíaz I completely agree.
abandoned VLQ, getting oldish: math.stackexchange.com/q/2512341/29335
Q: What is the smallest expression of a direct product of cyclic groups? Restated in terms of "minimal factorization set for the orders of those groups"

Daniel DonnellyProblem: Given a direct product $G =C_{r_1} \times C_{r_2} \times \dots \times C_{r_k}$ such that $\sum_{i=1}^k r_i = n$ is the problem input size, what is the minimal expression of $G$ in direct product-of-cyclic groups form, where minimization is with respect to the size function $f(C_{n_1} \ti...

Hello, @gst076923 : this is the chat you want. Post the link to posts you want others to consider for closure, using [close](hyperlink-to-the-question). You can use [C](hyperlink...), as well.
@gst076923 Ask me anything you need to know. I'll be able to respond in 24 hours, unless someone answers earlier.
Let me please remind you all that the focus of activity here needs to be on content, not users. The fact that a question has been answered by a high-rep users is not relevant to business of this room. (The fact that a question has been answered may be relevant; the qualities of the answerer are not.)
@Peter In general, you should feel free to flag such questions with a custom flag. In this particular case, it looks to me that the question was on its way to closure (it only needed one more close vote), and it has a negative score, so it seems that the community does not particularly care about the question, and deletion causes no real harm.
@JoséCarlosSantos Are we looking at the same post? The question is less than two lines long. There is zero context or information provided. In what way is that a good question?
@OliverDíaz I disagree. Duplicate questions should not be answered. If one has something novel to say, post a new answer to the old question. (Note: this is said with my moderator hat off. Official policy is a little hazy here.)
@XanderHenderson I concur, provided that one makes the effort and finds the obvious duplicate. In any case, I think there should be a way for the higher ups (the ones who coded and manage this platform) to merge (maybe not the word I am looking for) or move the answers of recent duplicates to old duplicates. I personally don't mind if say one of our famous Mathematicians active in MSE provides a novel answer to a problem duplicate or not.
@OliverDíaz Question can be merged. This moves all of the answers from one question to another.
The problem is that even an exact duplicate may use different notation, which makes merging inadvisable.
There is not method for moving a single answer from one question to another.
@XanderHenderson I had this question in mind.
@XanderHenderson: a good problem for a young grad-student in CS and Machine Learning to solve... maybe not...
@JoséCarlosSantos Ah. That is not the question linked just above your comment.
@JoséCarlosSantos What makes you believe that anyone thinks that it is a bad question?
@OliverDíaz I doubt that it is a difficult problem to solve. SE has chosen not to provide that tool.
@XanderHenderson: that is why I said a young-grad stuedent and not a team of researchers... anyway, I do concur with you that if a duplicate is found and one has something to say, one should post an answer in the legacy posting not the recent one.
@XanderHenderson Stop coddling.
@XanderHenderson It's the one mentioned by Oliver Díaz here, followed by “A user who is very engaged in curating postings gave an answer”, to which amWhy replied “it was answered by high-rep user who seeks closure and deletion on bad questions, unless said user chooses to answer it”.
@XanderHenderson Besides, I find suspicious that Oliver Díaz comes here with two questions (and only two) that, in his opinion, should be closed, both of which got answers from me. To me, it is clear that I am being targeted.
@JoséCarlosSantos It can repeatedly be verified. Summon forth the questions on which you seek closure, including dupes. Then the mods can compare quality of them with the quality of questions you answer.
@Xander Oliver and I have absolutely no connection, save that I check out his requests here. We are not friends. I find it offensive that Jose repeatedly, and successfully, accused everyone else of targeting him. Mods need to stop pandering to such accusations. Scrutinize the accuser
@JoséCarlosSantos Yes, I am aware of the question and the context in which it was brought up here.
No one here has suggested that it is a bad question.
@amWhy I will say the same thing to you that I said in the Math Mods' Office: "Personally attacking other users is never okay (including calling them out for attacking you). As always, use flags. Chat flags are handled by moderators across the SE network, as well as non-moderator users with sufficient reputation. They are usually handled quite quickly."
@OliverDíaz My point is that this issue is that SE has simply chosen not to give us the ability to move an answer from one question to another. This is an intentional design choice, as it has been suggested in the past that we should have this ability. The problem is not one of "solving a CS / database problem", but one of there being no desire to implement such a feature. It is a policy problem, not a technological one.
@XanderHenderson That's what I told Jose. And he did so after my somment. I have not called anyone in particular out. In the math mods' chat, I named no one. Mods, under the moderation team banner, have long protected one user, and punished other users. There has been clear bias displayed in "the moderators' team's" actions. So please do not feign objectivity, now.
@amWhy I agree that you have not called anyone out specifically.
However, comments like "this was answered by a high-rep user" are not productive.
Please refrain from such comments. Focus on the content, not the people.
@XanderHenderson And please tell the user who flagged and took it to the mods' chat, to focus on the same, and refrain from attacking others who link problematic questions, Xander. Again, all mods need to focus on behavior, and not their biases against a scapegoat.
@amWhy You must know that I cannot, in general, answer such a question.
However, I will say that it was not anyone who is involved in the current conversation, nor anyone with any stake in it.
@XanderHenderson That means a math.se user, now moderating another site, who has attacked me historically, on this site, and did so here. Said user needs a warning.
@JoséCarlosSantos: I did (and have) report on previous duplicates not related to you. I am sorry to tell you but you are not in any of my hit list, not even in my Festivus card list. Please stop accusing me in a public forum. If you have issues with me we can open a private channel and air grievances like adults or simple flagg the moderators.
@XanderHenderson point well taken.
Duplicate with no answers.
@OliverDíaz Roomba will get D1 in a couple of days.
@XanderHenderson: What is the general mechanism that rules Roomba so that I don't waste anybody else's time?

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