What is the proper close-vote reason for this strange question ? Isn't it both invalid (a single statement can always be decided with complexity O(1)) and circular ?
I flagged the comment "Pi^2/(6+3). Solved" without success as not relevant for the post. The sum is apparently not this expression. I more and more doubt about how the "declined" can be the result in obvious cases.
Please consider reopening If the image of an operator is closed, is the image of the powers of the operator also closed?. This is a very natural question to which there are no immediately obvious counterexamples, and it has received a very nice answer.
It seems to me that this is exactly the sor...
@islamm ^^^^ Indeed, that questions needs to go: five PSQs, no context. @Xander ?, @TheSimpliFire ? perhaps a fourth or fifth close vote. If anything deserves unilateral closure, it's the first question islamm sought closure for above.
Be prepared for the undeletion of this question. It has 7 downvotes, was closed and deleted, but given the users rant in meta, it has two undelete votes. Many of us have not yet voted to delete, so keep an eye out for it.
@MartinR Open for deletion, but with time, unless reopened, it will likely be Roomba'd. I cast a delete vote. The important thing is it's closed. I'd feel better if deleted, but again, it is not likely to be reopened, I think?, ...
@Peter That would be a very good thing, if the heavily downvoted post could be locked as deleted, by a mod, whether @Xander or @TheSimpliFire, or @ParamanandSingh.
But yes, the only way a post can be locked is via a site moderator.
@Peter I've pinged the mods I see frequenting this chatroom. What intrigues me is that one of the answerers voted to delete the post, so the undelete votes could be from the OP and the other answerer.
Also not that other answerer created a private chatroom here.
@Peter I will certainly vote to delete, as will any of four (and more) other regular users here.
Thanks for starring, because it will be easier for us to follow it. You may even want to pin that comment.
@amWhy My feeling is that heavily downvoted posts generally get deleted by the community, and typically don't get reopened. Thus it seems unnecessary to step in with moderator powers to "permanently" "delete" a question.
If a highly downvoted, low-quality question somehow manages to go through a couple of un/delete cycles, I would be more willing to step in.
@Peter Moderators are meant to be "exception handlers". We typically try to avoid stepping in when the community can reasonably be expected to handle a problem. The scenario which was presented to me is "a highly downvoted post". Such a post has already been downvoted (indicating that the community thinks it doesn't belong here), is likely to be closed and deleted in good order, and is unlikely to be undeleted or reopened.
Community moderation should be allowed to work in these cases.
It only becomes an exception in need of handling is the question is subsequently the target of a delete war, or some such.
@Xander When are you giving finals? Have to have grades in? Can finally release a sigh of relief? The final I'm giving on Friday will be my last, but of course, I currently grading a final given on Monday this week, and need to face time with the six seminar students between yesterday and Friday (Sort of an "oral/virtual" exam"). More grading over the weekend, etc., etc. I imagine much of your time is spoken for, as well!
^^^@Xander, no need, if you're busy, to share right now. Just wishing you, and all instructors/professors, some sanity :z
@amWhy I gave a precalculus final this morning. I am giving a calculus final in 20 minutes. Then I have a calc final and three precalc finals to give tomorrow.
Grades are due on Monday.
Then I get about 2 weeks off before I have to be working again.
The second is a black chinned hummingbird, which my family has kind of taken as a totem in memoriam of my father. My sister has one on her bicep. I might go for similar placement.
@XanderHenderson OMG! that's way out of line. Thanks for pointing it out. I also flagged an answer by said poster, today, after suggestions I made on to answers of theirs yesterday.