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4 hours later…
Hello All, Kindly consider reopening this question which was not duplicate.math.stackexchange.com/questions/3890050/…
1 hour later…
My question is not a duplictate of the question mentioned and I think it should be reopened.math.stackexchange.com/questions/3890050/… . I , afew minutes ago got the message that I was unable to resolve the original reason for reopening but I think I had resolved the issue.
3 hours later…
C (Both links in the answers are dead - this Q&A seems completely useless now).
@ArcticChar FWIW, I found one of the links archived on the WayBack Machine, so I suggested an edit replacing the link on that answer.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (34): Solutions to Groups and Symmetry by M.A. Armstrong ✏️ by Joos on math.SE
D . it seems to be a challenge to ask a question that is NOT answered :(
opinions about this post , please ! I have not done yet any action on it. I am however surprised about the many upvotes in a very short time.
@Peter I can't say anything about the upvotes, but it seems to be a reasonable and interesting post to me.
@Peter The question is unclear IMO. I did not read the whole question and all comments in detail, but as far as I can see, it calculates with $a^x$ without defining it properly, and then tries to draw conclusions.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
this post has survived several days although it is not only off-topic, but utterly unclear.
@Peter I've voted already, but when a question with no answer has uncontroversial score ≤ −3, you can just let it get auto-deleted, so that people can spend the delete-votes on other posts that more urgently need attention.
@supinf @MartinR Maybe it is a meat-puppet ring, even if not a sock-puppet ring? @XanderHenderson: Please handle it. They post a whole rubbish dump of questions, and say they can offer a bounty, and all their accounts appear to have different creation date but they all use exactly the same red pen:
@cmk yes, I posted many questions in different accounts, however they are differente question they are not similar questions. Help me to understand why I cannot do this? I put my effort in all of them, I have made this because I've done all exercises in chapter 2 of Brezis. But, I still in doubt, please let me ask my doubts here, or at least, would you give advices of "how can I achieve this aim?" Thanks in advance if you decide to help. — Silvinha 15 hours ago
@XanderHenderson: Oh I just saw an admission of what I suspected:
@cmk As you can see, I really tried them, because I put in all of them some sketches. Some of them there are more upvotes because I ask my friends to upvote for me, that is the reason! — Silvinha yesterday
I have flagged it, but letting everyone here know what's going on as well.
D1, D2, D3.
D4, D5, D6.
D7, D8, D9.
C1, C2, C3.
C4, C5, C6.
Oh C2 has just been closed, and contextscarcityisapain... Why on earth it got 14 upvotes is beyond imagination.
@user21820 As written, it is utterly nonsensical, but exactly that seems to attract the mass and lead to upvotes that are beyond ridiculous. A moderator flag won't help, I think, although a moderator doing his/her job should delete such nonsense no matter of the score , if he/she notices it.
@user21820 We have to be fast with D1, it can be reopened at any time !
@Peter Gone!
Thanks @Peter @amWhy!
@user21820 I often ran out of marks for comments, but I cannot remember that I ever ran out of delete-votes although I delete-vote pretty many posts.
The only thing I've not run out of are flags! ;D Hard to use up 100 in a day!
@Peter I do when honoring deletion request and accessing "Delete votes" in the review queue "tools". No always, but sometimes.
@Peter I've deleted it.
@TeresaLisbon Thank you. Are you interested in a new factoring/primality project ? If so, we can meet at Martin Hopf's room.
@Peter Right now I'm just a little at the answering end of the main site because I noticed that I wanted to be more prolific and answer some really good questions, and I'm running a couple of programs which are a bit intensive. Nevertheless, what I can do is discuss about the project, so for that I can definitely come.
@user21820: D6 has so many upvotes and not yet enabled for deletion. I gave a - 1
@ParamanandSingh Sorry it's in the the wrong list. Should be a C. And I couldn't close-vote because my previous vote was invalidated for some reason.
Even worse : C2 received a reopne-vote.
@Peter Same as amWhy, I run out of votes occasionally (not that often) when going through delete-requests here. But although we have quite a number of votes, those who have just hit the rep threshold have only a few.
@user21820: it appears I had given a close vote on D6 in past which hasn't aged yet.
@user21820 I'll have a look at it. However, SE policy seems to be that a user can have as many accounts as they like, as long as they don't use those accounts to get around limitations (e.g. sock puppet upvoting, circumventing question or answer bans, etc). So, again, I'll have a look, but it is possible that there is no policy violation here.
@XanderHenderson Sure, thanks, but I'm pretty sure there is puppet voting going on here. After all, this user uses many different accounts and asks 'my friends' to upvote. There is no need for many different (and active) accounts on a single site...
@Peter @XanderHenderson This is some "special" kind of question. I'm not able to format a response, kindly consider doing so, because this to me is near-about crankery. I've voted to close.
@user21820 Like I said, I'll look into it.
@TeresaLisbon That username has a black mark on it in my memory. Closed now and up for deletion, not sure how I missed the request earlier. @Peter
@TeresaLisbon It is generally best not to engage with crankery. I would suggest that you vote to delete, then move on.
@user21820 No comment.
@user21820 No worries. Also, on the other post we were having a conversation on, perhaps I left too optimistic a response, so I should have been a little more circumspect there. It's perhaps the meta post related to that question which played up, because reading that , I developed a little more sympathy for the OP than I should be having. Thanks for closing the crank question @Xander we'll get a move on it then!
@TeresaLisbon No problem. I can understand that when the comment thread on a question gets filled with clarifying remarks, it sometimes gives the impression that the asker now has a clear question even if the asker contributed absolutely nothing to the clarification.
@user21820 All gone!
@amWhy Thanks!
Thanks! By the way @user21820 @amWhy thank you for helping delete the crank question, it could have been a real banana-skin had it remained for longer. I have no doubt that this kind of question will buy itself unusual defenders from nowhere, none of whom will have any point apart from the conspiracy theory.
@TeresaLisbon I had nothing to do with the closure... it was closed by the time I got there.
@TeresaLisbon Well here is a cheeky answer: We do not have to reach escape speed (who is the joker in history who used the word "velocity"?), because escape speed is the minimum initial speed needed to completely escape a gravity well, and we cannot no matter how far we are because G·M·m/r^2 > 0 for every real r.......
It is difficult to follow threads here, sometimes.
@user21820 Are you saying that speed asymptotically approaches zero BUT NEVER ACTUALLY GETS THERE?! WHAT?!
Then how come there is still monkeys!?
@XanderHenderson Sorry, I meant to thank you for the helpful advice , to not leave a question there, and wait till the crank hears of this!!
@XanderHenderson No I'm saying that gravity is positive at every point so you cannot escape. Muahahahaha...
@user21820 If only your services were available to the crank!
@TeresaLisbon No way. I'll charge them a dollar per second.
@TeresaLisbon Let us please try to avoid labeling people as cranks. Mathematics can be crankery, but let us please not attack or dismiss people.
@XanderHenderson Because cause is the epitomy of effects.
It's so easy to make choprawoo...
@XanderHenderson Ok, I'll be more careful about that @user21820 That would certainly help reduce the crankery for sure!
@user21820 Oh, that is fun!
"Escape velocity is inside cosmic space time events"
@XanderHenderson Lol.
I don't have time to look at this right now, but it seems to be a duplicate? Combinatorial moment from Integrability of Thomae's function‭ - ZFR‭ 2021-09-17 15:13:44Z
This question seems unclear to me, even after a day of trying to get something from the asker. mathematical semantics: all sets or just one set‭ - Siddharth Prakash‭ 2021-09-16 01:30:11Z
@Peter Looking at the history of D6, almost all the active users here had voted to close that post. Look like it will stay open.
Am I missing something here? Folk are complaining that it is rude and disrespectful to the asker: math.stackexchange.com/a/4252361/468350 .
It is blunt, but I don't see it as "rude". :\
(I also make no comment about the mathematics...)
@user21820 Oops the above comment are meant to address D6... not C2
@XanderHenderson I also wondered what should be RUDE about this post. Mentioning errors is no rudeness.
(No Roomba) This is an oldie, but I see little value in keeping it around. Is centralizer a normal subgroup?‭ - aditya‭ 2015-09-21 09:02:28Z
@XanderHenderson Was it flagged as such? It's to the point; but not rude or offensive.
@Peter If you go back to your close-vote history and vote on those questions, it should be very easy to spend all your daily delete votes.
@XanderHenderson I don't find it disrespectful or rude, but the answerer has perhaps failed to notice that the asker has accepted that argument is not rigorous or foolproof. They are thinking as if the asker has made mistakes and isn't aware of their mistakes.
@amWhy No comment.
Let us say that this is a typical case of misunderstanding
@ParamanandSingh Sure. It is "not an answer", perhaps, but I don't think it is rude. :\
I think there is no need for mod action on that answer @XanderHenderson
@XanderHenderson I'll just assume it was "word of mouth" that you caught wind of. That has happened for too many years. I'm glad you pause and question when such "complaints" are puzzling.
I see it as a problem when some users construe askers as helpless, vulnerable, weak, frail, so that anything other than coddling them is unacceptable...
@user21820: if I remember correctly Deepak Chopra is the "quantum healing" guy.
... I would, therefore, decline such complaints.
^^^^ @Xander Hypothetically :-)
@XanderHenderson I would say that the only thing that (I think) can legitimately be complained about is "half-baked". But I wouldn't downvote for that.
@ParamanandSingh You do. He should quantum-heal all the pandemic victims and also quantum-halt the pandemic.
Thanks for your feedback, all.
@jasmine Definitely "not an answer", but your comment there seems strange: "Don't write negative things on this site" ? I'm guessing the answerer who did not answer, may have thought s/he knew the asker. But, that post you linked is not an answer and should be deleted.
okay @amWhy i thought that he/she was intentionally written in an ambiguous way
@jasmine It was a good call to link it here, because it does need to be deleted. Thanks!
2 hours later…
Ugh... this post was reopened via what was, in my opinion, an abuse of the new "Submit for Review" functionality. :\ Order and isomorphism exercises Charles C. Pinter‭ - Jason‭ 2021-09-03 05:55:48Z
@XanderHenderson That sucks. I can't revote to close :(

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