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@ElliotYu Thanks. Note that using flags is useful not just for the avoidance of naming-and-shaming, but also for alerting all of the moderators. To the best of my knowledge, a comment here might been seen by myself or quid, whereas a flag is likely to be seen by any one of the moderators.
The issue this morning was resolved by other moderators before I even got online today.
7 hours later…
The author of this post has posted a couple of PSQs recently despite being reminded several times in comments to add contexts. By now they've even placed a bounty on the linked PSQ :/
please delete - this is complete nonsense. It does not address the problem at hand and it's a copy-paste of another answer of the same user.
I request you to have a look a these 2 question math.stackexchange.com/q/4151811/876009 and math.stackexchange.com/q/788164/876009 Shouldn't be first one be closed as duplicate of latter?
@XanderHenderson Is it right for people to continually downvote my post due to excessive edits? Is there a way to correct this?
@Arbuja If you found an answer, maybe you can post that, adding a solution-verification tag or something.
@ParclyTaxel I noticed this as well. A particular sad case of a question showing no effort/context whatsoever , nevertheless receiving 3 answers. Moreover, the tag "conjectures" does not fit at all.
and still a total score of 0 ...
math.stackexchange.com/q/4154857/357390 what tags would best go on here?
There may be a tag or two I missed above
@Arbuja focus on what you should do, that is not overedit.
@amWhy that was not a problem, as I could find them on the userpage "revisions".
Generally if all or almost of the recent actions of a user fall into one category it is ideal to communicate it like that. If only some or a few fall into one problematic category it is helpful to get a list of instances.
Of course that's not always possible as one might discover things one-by-one.
1 hour later…
It should have been a comment, @Parcly. I agree it should not have been answerered. @JoséCarlosSantos rarely explains himself about the matter.
@quid Thanks, @quid, for the clarification!
@ParclyTaxel Lack of judgement. Instead of answering, I should have posted a comment asking the OP what is that they saw at “at the graph and the holes”.
can I know how to improve my question math.stackexchange.com/questions/4154966/… inorder to get it re-opened?
@amWhy can you help me?
To what extent can Enforcement of Quality Standards be applied to question comments?
@TheSimpliFire If the comment amounts to an answer, you can flag it. We've long tried to maintain that comments are for clarification, etc., not for answers. Do you have an example, in particular?
@amWhy I meant for comments such as hints that could be posted as an answer (i.e. can go both ways). There is this fluctuating threshold that isn't really enforced so it might be good to have a policy accompanying the recent announcement.
@TheSimpliFire I agree whole-heartedly.
@ParclyTaxel Now closed
@ParclyTaxel The answer should go to, as it is not an answer at all.
@ParclyTaxel @Peter, The question is now closed and open for deletion!
We hear you
Hello, @TeresaLisbon!
@amWhy Hi! I had to take an off yesterday, plenty of trouble correcting some mistakes in my pre-thesis. I'll make sure I do my CURED work today.
@TeresaLisbon Don't worry about it. We just noticed you not here, because you bring energy here! We all need to attend to real life matters, and if the mods can do it, so can we! ;D
@amWhy True! I should ideally be asleep by now, but the champions league final is in 2.5 hours and I will watch it once I contribute here.
@TeresaLisbon That will be very late, until the final is over??!!!
@amWhy Correct, it'll be 2:30 IST on 30/05/21 when it is completed , provided the teams are not level : in which case, make that 3:00 IST.
Some downvotes needed: here, here, here
@ArcticChar Did you miss voting to delete on D6 (or was it D5); on one of them I cast the first delete voted.
@amWhy Unfortunately I dont have 10k rep yet.
@ArcticChar Oh, indeed. Sorry about asking, but you're far more helpful on this site that most users under 100K, if not moreso.
@ArcticChar Feel free to join our new word search, and @Teresa, and @postmortes, @ParclyTaxel, all are welcome; I think you were already pinged, @vitamind ... Head next door to the Cafe and Tavern!.
@amWhy Not today, unfortunately, since I'm in discussion with someone else on the site, but I'll definitely find a good day!
@TeresaLisbon That absolutely fine; just welcoming any and all who might be interested.
@amWhy Sure! I hope many will be interested from here : If there's something related to EoQS folks are going to come rushing!
@TeresaLisbon Yes, we are searching for Words in ENFORCEMENT OF QUALITY STANDARDS, with the challenge asking for words of seven or more letters!! ;D
@amWhy Lovin' it! Enjoy!
@rschwieb Closed , we will wait for an author response.
@quid Sorry, gotta go! See you!
Alright see you @amWhy
(It's not been elaborated as to what the precise issue with the answer is : the need for an alternate answer then looks a little bit of an issue, especially if that isn't understood as well).
Useless answer. CC @Peter
@TeresaLisbon Gone; I should have flagged the answers, but @quid and company seem to have stopped at a few hand slaps. A user/answerer wasted about 5 hours of many users time yesterday, trying to destroy his answers, mods heard the flags and alerts loud and clear, and at most told the answerer: "be nice, young man", (problably did nothing; nothing they do is transparent) while a mod rages out of control at a user trying to challenge disruptive users. Go figure!
@amWhy Go figure indeed! I don't wish any ill on the answerer, but if it's a person that has been a regular feature on CURED, then it's retribution.
(replace has been with "is" above, if needed!)
@amWhy it would be good everybody first thought about how they personal could reduce disruption.
@TeresaLisbon I should have flagged those answers to your link, but it's becoming a bit hopeless anything will come of it. The user from yesterday was an entirely different answerer, but just the same, no appropriate action was taken, for the degree of disruption and damage he did when trying to destroy his answers. This is likely where @quid leaves us.
@amWhy you know, I could also rant about how users cannot read the dates when answers were given and flag up stuff from month ago etc.
@quid I can't make heads or tails of your grammar their, @quid. Why all the going out of your way to pander to some users, but not others? This site reeks of bias and inconsistency wrt sanctions to whom and for what, if anyone
@amWhy here is a clear version: try to reduce the disruption you cause.
@quid To put it across more politely : I don't know what you people do behind the scene ( I spoke about this to Pedro as well) but essentially speaking this is like doing everything behind closed doors : any user going on a rampage like that has to face tighter visible action. I don't know much, what Pedro told me I'll have to fish out from this chat, but...
@quid I flagged DU not because his answerers were current, but because he took away his answers. I guess I should go back and roll back edits to his attempted edits, and let you spend three to five hours dealing with it.
... he basically said that it's part of the rules , in some sense. I know that you people as mods have to probably uphold the be nice rules etc. , but ...
it's also right to be human enough and say that when someone's throwing their toys out of the pram like that, I mean I don't know, why isn't there a harsher reaction to that?
@quid When you get your acts together here, @quid. You're big on pointing fingers to deflect from yourself; all mods are, via power, intimidation, secrecy, etc. Practice what you preach.
@amWhy obviously I am not talking about this.
@amWhy if you care to check you will see who restored the majority of the answers. Yes you did restore some too, as did some other users, but most were actually restored by the moderators.
@amWhy I do not think you should even roll back the user's edits. Users should be in their senses while being on site : it's a public community, treat it like one. I think losing your marbles in front of everyone else should be treated like how you treat a heavily drunk man at a restaurant, the one who starts throwing their own food over everybody else.
If anything, we are rolling back only for the benefit of the community, though, but I'd prefer it if that user lost reputation for doing this.
It's fine to point finger at moderators, but some users could also stop riding around on a high horse.
(Yes, unfortunately that's the best I can think of other than a chat suspension and so on).
Those that are without fault throw the first stone.
@quid Why aren't you? I know arctic char did so. We don't have the power and access mods have, but we do have something far more precious than your diamonds.... WE are present far far more than moderators, who come in and preach about matters they know nothing about. You all are nothing without us; remember that, to deflate your egos. In turn, we rely on moderators, who seem to have a pattern of a lot of let downs. No always, not even most of the time.
@TeresaLisbon yes while it's ongoing the best course of action for a user is likely to flag i up. It could even make sense to write to SE via "contact us"
@amWhy indeed it was unfortunate that no moderator was present to stop it at the start with a suspension. As said in such a case it can make sense to write to SE even or to try find some CM.
But stop treating active users like children who need to be scolded; you sure as hell don't do that to those who actually need it. No one is challenging your power, but mods express more angst to the very users who are already the hard part in cleaning the sewers, so you can walk in a feel, with the click of a button, like a hero.
@quid You keep setting me up with other site mods, CMs, and I have yet to ever receive a response from a CM I've sought through "contact us" ... I do not wear the diamond, @quid. Do you??
@amWhy what is that supposed to mean?
The point is, when a user is actively vandalizing content en masse they should be stopped via a suspension right now.
What do you think about this limit question? Missing context or unclear because OP does not tell how their attempt “didn't work out very well”, or a duplicate (an almost identical problem is linked to in the comments)? The question has 5 answers, so it is unlikely to be improved.
@quid Exactly. So start remembering that before taking you preaching posture when you habitually slam some of us.
@amWhy look at what you wrote above.
And stop playing games.
@MartinR I marked it as a duplicate of your suggestion, basically the dupe has 3 replaced with 4 and nothing changes. It's fairly easy to find the duplicate question : it's the first (maybe second, I don't remember!) question that comes on Approach0, so you may choose to flag answers where you feel the user should be doing better (everybody should, but some better than others).
I personally think that the linking , and the way the question is addressed there, is good enough if the user decides not to clarify their attempt.
@TeresaLisbon I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Indeed a quote could be helpful.
@quid You are the one needing to remember ye are not perfect, so stop being so quick to throw stones, e.g., at me. I saw perfectly well what I wrote above. But you are rather stuck, as usual, in your "my way or the highway" mode. We, all of us, including you and mods, need to follow the same expectations you demand of all of us. Start doing that, and you'll get a far happier site to work on. Keep behaving as though you are morally superior, by telling folks like me to stop playing games
@amWhy you know that you did play a game.
You have managed to just burn a bridge, because I cannot trust you anymore. I'll say no more in public. Grow up, @quid!
@quid I'm sorry for the imprecision, but basically speaking, mods should be carrying the "be nice" rule with them as they go along, and so the reactions to incidents like this are mellower, perhaps when they could have been harsher.
37 mins ago, by amWhy
@quid Sorry, gotta go! See you!
@quid I did NOT play any games! My god, not you're going to extremes in trying to provoke me, like you accused me of doing yesterday. It's hopeless.
Explain that.
@amWhy what's with the comment I quote.
Are you already back? Did you change plans? Did you want to annoy me?
@quid I had a phone call from my brother, who just got out of surgery earlier! As soon as he called, or shortly thereafter, a nurse entered his room, so I'll talk to him later. Grow up, @quid. Some of us have lives!
@amWhy Good luck to your brother, I am sure the surgery must have gone well.
The user has added a not-answer (really) to a very old question and it's hard to understand motiviation
@quid That''s pathetic, @quid. You didn't even give me a chance to reply, and all you reveal, is your self-centered "everything has got to be about me!!"
@amWhy I also hope your brother's surgery has gone well.
@quid Regarding this suggestion, I know it's difficult to make, but it would been a real statement if a suspension was issued then and there. I know there are people who will contrive to twist this into something negative about the mods, but I personally think for the number of people visiting that page and their nature that it will make an impression for us here.
:58168411, @postmortes Yes, it seems to have gone very well. He'll turn sixty years old soon, and he had to have his appendix removed!!!
@amWhy thank you for the clarification. I hope all will be well for your brother.
@amWhy No surgery is ever great news, but at least that's a well-understood surgery and probably won't have complications :)
@TeresaLisbon what do you mean?
The problem is that as far as I can tell nobody was around when it happend.
@quid Oh , is it?
I did not know that.
But then again, I wanted to say this :
@TeresaLisbon well yes. Do you think we let a user edit 100+ posts and just look how it unfolds?
That's why I said in that case the most important thing would be to get the attention of somebody that can suspend.
To stop the edits.
Now it's water under the bridge.
@quid Oh dear, I seem to have been misinformed. Ok, I'll put my thoughts this way : IF it so happens that on such an occasion you are present, and unilaterally point blank suspend a user for this kind of an action, then I think a dedicated section of the CURED community will try to at least numb whatever negative feedback you receive from that particular incident in any way.
@TeresaLisbon what does the first part refer to?
There is no debate at all that mass-vandalism results in a suspension to stop it.
That's one of the most clear cut reasons for suspension.
@quid What I was informed about : that a user is vandalizing their posts. What I was unaware of : that nobody was around when it was happening . What I thought in the aftermath : What was done seemed too little, which is a talking to. What I did not realize, but haven't checked : has the user been suspended yet? What I also thought : People may take an issue regarding suspension for this act.
@TeresaLisbon the point of the suspension is to stop the edits.
The edits stopped before I saw it.
DV answer consists of output of computer program. Should be a comment at most, cf. this meta post on such answers.
@quid I am actually surprised that anyone can make that many edits in such a short time. Looks like there is no limit on no. of edits per days/hours.
@ArcticChar indeed. That's also what I thought.
There ought to be some limit but it's rather generous.
@quid Ok : now the question is, you have this vandal user, and they've been suspended. So you send them a private message? One would need to inform them, in a way other than a mere suspension, of their wrong doings, right? And on such quick edits on so many questions in a short amount of time : Oof, it requires great organization!
Perhaps some companies are looking for typists. We may have one here, the mods can provide recommendations.
@TeresaLisbon Yesterday I was even checking the mod's profile one by one and see if someone's here. It's so helpless seeing all their edits in the LQ review queue.
@ArcticChar Oh my god : I can't imagine it. All the edits went in the LQ review queue! The sight of it!
I wish you'd taken a screenshot!
@quid That might have been my misunderstanding. Because when I checked their account six hours ago, no suspension had been issued, or at least it did not indicate any such action on the users profile. So I was very frustrated at what seemed to be no legitimate action. Perhaps there is a lapse in time between being notified of a suspension, and the software indicating so.
(Also low on context)
@ArcticChar I saw you had edited many of them to roll back, so I started doing so as well. I pretty much reached 20 low quality questions within that time span, 18 of them that user's!
This question needs to be deleted Sorry if someone else has already posted this.
@amWhy Gone!
@TeresaLisbon Yay! Thanks!
@TeresaLisbon Open for deletion!!
@amWhy Thanks!
@amWhy there is a confusion regarding the timing: while a user "vandalizes" or "spams" or whatever, every moderator will (or at last should) pull the plug essentially immediately.
One might try one comment and wait a few minutes, but other than that it's a case of "suspend first, sort out later"
@quid Thanks, I'm glad to know that.
@quid I just don't understand why that user's profile doesn't show any sort of suspension? unless 24 hours have passed.
@quid Or is the user's self-deletion attempts not considered vandalism?
Halfway through the game, see you all tomorrow! (Or later today)
@TeresaLisbon Enjoy!
@amWhy the stress is on "while" that is while it is ongoing. Once it stopped it's a different situation. One might or might not issue a punitive suspension or worry that it restarts. But the point of suspending immediately is to stop the damage spreading.
@Arbuja I see no evidence that anyone is downvoting your post "because of excessive edits". In any event, even if they are, it is perfectly allowable. As long as the votes are directed at the post and not the user, it is fine.
Assuming that the votes are motivated by the excessive editing, this is not against the rules.
Personally, I suspect that the downvotes are motivated by the fact that your question is not a good fit for the site. It is unclear what you are asking, the post is overly broad, and there is no motivation.
@quid Okay. But I'm not happy there was no, at a minimum, 24 hour consequence.
The excessive editing only serves to bump the question to the top of the queue over and over again, where more people can see it for the first time, and decide that they want to vote.
@amWhy that's understandable.
But as a general principle in some cases punitive suspensions are not really useful.
@quid I guess, particularly if the user was testing out a rage quit, of sorts.
@amWhy I agree that the lack of transparency is a problem, but this is, unfortunately, a problem at a higher level than we have much ability to do anything about. Moderators are asked to sign an NDA, and admonished not to discuss moderation outside of private channels (e.g. moderator messages or super-sekret moderator chat).
I suspect that there are some places at the margins where we could be a little more transparent, but we certainly cannot discuss suspensions or moderator messages or discussions directed at other users.
@XanderHenderson I understand.
@vitamind @Xander, @quid, guess who answered yet another PSQ??
I have already flagged as "This user continues to answer PSQs."
@amWhy thanks we'll look into it.
I need to go now but will be around later. In an hour or two.
@quid No problem!
@vitamind Great!!
This question is abysmal, yet someone answered anyway for net seven upvotes. That's why such users answer PSQs.

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