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I would quite like to see this question reopened. I answered the question, and when I did it had the form it does now (there are issues with the question, but their attempted method is the correct starting place). However, after I answered the question the user deleted everything to make it a PSQ (see the edit history).
(The question definitely goes in the "hard graduate level" pile, and may be more suited to MO. But its a pretty fundamental question regarding hyperbolic groups, and there is a famous open question asking about the reverse implication, so it is nice to see it here.)
this above mentioned question needs downvotes to make it open for deletion
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, link at beginning of answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer (128): How many ways of having 2 Equivalence Classes with Magnitude 3 by Nam.tv2312 on math.SE
Autoflagged FP: flagged by @SmokeDetector, @Makyen
2 hours later…
note the "helpful" comment
@user1729 Open!
@Peter Ready to delete!
@Peter Voted to close, what an obvious comment! I'd have loved it if the OP wrote afterwards : "I got it! Thank you for your hint." That would have been something!
1 hour later…
Sorry for barging in the room, but can I ask what "PSQ" means?
@soupless "Problem Statement Question"
This refers to questions when the entire content of the question is the statement of a problem.
@XanderHenderson Thanks!
4 hours later…
@soupless Such questions often look like a copied and pasted exercise from an instructor or a text, and typically read as though they are demands: Prove...., Simplify ...., Evaluate ..., etc. and may or may not include "Help me." "I have not clue how to answer this!" etc.
The bounty on math.stackexchange.com/q/4031531/42969 has now expired. I find the question still unclear and voted to close it.
Unclear, all attempts to clarify the problem were futile so far: math.stackexchange.com/q/4081381/42969.
@MartinR Was waiting for its expiry, thanks. About the other question ; the user's tone is imperative and a little rude towards the end. I think we should close this, if somebody responds it could get ugly.
@user21820 I have noticed that the synonymization of "question" with "doubt" seems common among people from India. It seems to be perfectly correct for Indian speakers of English, and (I think) should be regarded as a regionalism rather than something which is incorrect.
@XanderHenderson I agree fully with this argument!
Okay... I think I am caught up on CURED. I took a few actions on some things which were brought up over the weekend. Please poke me if there is something urgent which I missed.
Also, just as a warning, I am still "officially" not here (I have a lot of work to catch up on, and need to be in Phoenix this weekend).
So please don't expect prompt replies for a bit.
The most recent meta post, and a few recent posts, seem to reveal that new users, and sometimes not-so-terribly-new users seem to believe the only the accepted answer is correct, and even if other answers are correct, the accepted answer are always "most correct" and "best". Others assume best = highest upvotes. How and where can we give better inform users to not equate acceptance with correctness, or upvote counts ranking from best to worst.
^^^@Xander No necessity to reply to this now. I just did not want to miss a chance to record what has concerned me for some time. I don't mean accepting is worthless, nor is upvoting/downvoting worthless. I'm addressing the black and white (mis-)understanding young users seem to bring with them.
@amWhy I'll have a look. Is there a particular topic which comes to mind as the most important to respond to?
Unfortunately, the software also seems to think that an accepted answer is "more right" than other answers, as an accepted answer will be displayed before other answers. For certain kinds of questions, this likely results in some kind of Dunning-Kruger feedback loop. :\
It was triggered most recently by the most recent post in meta. But it is also relevant to @user21820 concerned about an accepted, upvoted incorrect answer. I'm not suggesting we argue "accepts" are worthless, or highest upvote counts are worthless, but that they do not imply that it is certain, they are the best
@Xander I just think many students, and many people of whatever age, find it simpler to operate in a binary, black and white manner. I happen to have an orientation "are those the only options, because I don't think they are."
@Xander, I do not want to hold you up on this. The fact that the OP an meta wanted to see only green checkmarked answers to questions, prompted me to comment there, and here. But it certainly is not urgent, and can wait of a "rainy day"!
@XanderHenderson But the software creates and perpetuates the Dunning-Kruger feedback loop. I would discuss this in meta.se, save it is the most inhospitable site on the network. Status grow is mostly favored.
@amWhy Yeah, I avoid Meta SE.
Math SE is kind of an exception to how much of the rest of the network functions, and the solutions proposed on Meta SE often don't apply here.
@XanderHenderson Indeed. Great point.
I mean, if you are asking a coding question, then you know whether or not the code provided gets the job done or not, and are, therefore, in a good position to "accept" an answer, thereby marking it as "more correct" than other answers.
The same is not necessarily true on Math SE, where a solution might look good, but not pass when viewed from a more sophisticated point of view.
@XanderHenderson Absolutely. And as SE's network has expanded, how does one determine the green checkmark on sociological based question, including those with questions about "the best way to teach this topic" etc. I know basically many users accept what resonates or makes the immediate "Aha!" And that I can deal with.
And I can deal with referring to that then accepted answer as: "The answer the OP/asker found most helpful." It's a huge step, though, and not logically sound, to conclude, ergo it is the best answer. But that seems to be how recent new users are viewing the green checkmarks, as the best answer.
I think the green checkmarks can be useful, but I'd prefer to define them or describe them as "answers the asker of the question found most helpful."
@amWhy I have provided an answer to the question which seeks to cure some of the misconceptions raised by the comment "Use isaccpeted:yes."
@amWhy I prefer to think of them as "Answers the asker liked best (for whatever reason)". :D
@XanderHenderson That works for me!
@TeresaLisbon I was the first vote to delete. Have you voted to delete?
@amWhy Oh, forgot! It's gone now, though.
@TeresaLisbon Yay it's gone. No problem, I've done the same a couple of times, too.
@amWhy True, it is the impulsive need to introduce terrible questions to the waiting audience here!
@TeresaLisbon I know! And some times I think "of course I voted to delete!" but may have moved too fast for the vote to hold.
Delete this answer and maybe delete the question? @amWhy Yes, you are right : that's exactly what happened. It's also what happens when you listen to music, I need to be fired up before CURED work, probably TOO fired up on that one.
@TeresaLisbon That answerer has been a frequent flyer of late, doing the same.
@TeresaLisbon Yes the question deserves deletion too. One more downvote will allow us to open for deletion.
@amWhy Very true. There have been some people who have swooped faster on PSQs today than social media on anything Trump ever said. Literally, some people have answered questions within four to five minutes of the PSQ arriving. And it's a one line answer. If I wanted to catch a cyber thief I'd code name them "PSQ" and let these great hunters chase them!
@TeresaLisbon The FGITW phenomenon is real. :\
Personally, I would like to see every question asked by someone below some XP threshold (say, 500 XP? 200 XP) start life "closed". The community would then have time to solicit feedback and improve the question, at which time it could be opened.
After that, any answer provided within 5 minutes of the question being asked should be flagged for conversion to a comment.
Or perhaps "low quality".
Anywho, time to teach.
@XanderHenderson Magnificent idea. I'll tell you something bizarre : the last two people whose I helped reopen, become magically receptive to my comments only when their question closed! And they did everything (which was a lot, to give some credit) they could to reopen it, and benefited from great answers (like mine, I smell self-aggrandization here!). No, but seriously, this is worth it.
@XanderHenderson Also add a reputation penalty for anybody , possibly depending upon their reputation, so that high rep users are brought down to Earth from their heavenly abysses.
A mighty number of those are closed/downvoted/have issues. CURED could have a field day with that!
@TeresaLisbon I have had many encounters with this user over the course of my time here on MSE. Please be mindful of the directive to target questions rather than users in here, though.
@KReiser True, I don't think I should have targeted that user, but I'm just putting it out because I'd like to know what action I could take other than merely close, downvote and wait for the next one. Can we , for example flag the user on multiple posts simultaneously? I am sure that the moderators will be noticing the closures of the questions, but I thought I should put it out to say we are moving a little slowly, with a user that has enough reputation and time on the site to know better.
But yes, I have flagged my own comment.
You can now simply move your question to Trash! @Teresa. Welcome to the team of owners of this chat!
@amWhy Thank you very much! Proud to be part of the community moderators of this site officially. I also completed my daily PSQ walk and completed an update.
And with that, exeunt.
@TeresaLisbon It must be very very late, (or early morning) for you! Sleep well.
@RRL All but one had been deleted. The remaining one I voted to delete. So they are all GONE!
@amWhy: Thanks. I assume 12 is still the appropriate daily limit as participation in this room has been increasing (which is good).
@RRL Yes, I think that's been working out well. Thanks for you contributions!!

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