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@TeresaLisbon Open for deletion. Good call!
@TeresaLisbon This now has 2 dvs and 1 uv. But it is open for deletion at this time.
@TeresaLisbon closed! we'll have to wait a few days to vote to delete, unless three downvotes on the questions come quickly.
Hello, @RRL. Seems most of the activity here happens before 8 hours ago!
Regarding my posts from a few hours ago, note there's a variant of that post where 2021 is replaced with 1763 at https://math.stackexchange.com/q/4079962/602049.
There in some improvement for me in accessing the site but not as good as it was on March 26,2021. Reviews are now manageable but takes a bit more time.
1 hour later…
Q: Possible math contest question

bjcolby15I've just discovered a possible math contest question... https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4069992/pqr-pqqrrp2021-find-all-triples-of-p-q-r-and-all-of-them-are-prime The "$2021$" raised my suspicions, and from the wording of it (and lack of any effort in solving) I've flagged it for review...

@DevashsihKaushik: I voted for close as "opinion based".
close PSQ. Requested more context in comments, but no feedback so far.
1 hour later…
A PSQ and also a duplicate. (And apparently the answerer knows that this has been asked and answered before).
@ParamanandSingh, @MartinR is this question suitable for this site?, also the tags seem to be inappropriate.
2 hours later…
@MartinR That is ridiculous. To say that the question has been around and then to go and answer it : well, the answer will go with the question, but this user will now be in a mini-spotlight for me.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@Peter Thanks, not often that three high rep users are on the same question!
Also, the infinity questions just never seem to go. It is excruciating to read each day, what the first number after zero is, and then people say effectively "I know one can't divide by infinity, but CAN ONE DIVIDE BY INFINITY IN SPANISH?" (I mean, it translates to the same thing). I am not ridiculing these questions, but I wonder how these questions come to mind, because if I were honest my math classes were never interrupted by people going all over the concept of infinity.
It is a recent trend, bucked by fascinations from YouTube, imaginative blogs that try to intuit, and intuitions from physics that get carried over wrongly (like the delta function). Yes, we must crack down on these posts more often. It would help if we had a small army of canonical duplicates, which I could not locate as a group on the duplicates post on meta. Perhaps I will collect a few good ones.
@Peter Gone!
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Linked punctuation in body (33): Use Newton divided interpolation method by Chinmay Dhamapurkar on math.SE
@Peter Closed and open for deletion.
@Peter I didn't send our conversation a couple of days ago; I moved our exchange to "Discussion between amWhy and Peter" (another chatroom). I just thought it was best to leave our discussion out of CURED.
Hello to our two users burning the midnight oil (or getting close to doing so!) Hello, @Teresa and @Paramanand ;-)
@amWhy Hello, let me start by saying that this question can be deleted!
@TeresaLisbon Yay! Only one more delete vote needed.
@amWhy Been an hour since you dropped a comment , so does this user deserve to be given some time to edit, or shall we close?
@amWhy: hello. I am still frustrated by the slow response of this site. It is getting better with time but in the meantime it is really painful
In general the entire stackexchange domain is slow for me
Rest of websites like Gmail Google wiki etc are fine
In general the entire stackexchange domain is slow for me
@TeresaLisbon What question? ;D :P
Anyway I did go through some questions mentioned here and voted on them.
This should be closed. PSQ, opinion-based and/or duplicate. Which seems most appropriate?
@amWhy Nice one!
@ParamanandSingh I find that as well, though my phone companies website is even slower! And I imagine on mobil its more pokey than it is on my laptop.
@TeresaLisbon :D
@RRL: I voted as PSQ
I would prefer to see it go and be deleted ultimately as a PSQ as well.
@RRL Surely for lack of context? Why the ratio test failed wasn't mentioned, I got stuck is not good enough. Other tests , and why they are/aren't applicable is also not mentioned. That there is an answer with EIGHT up votes speaks volumes. Then again, it is a trend : the quicker the answer follows the question, the more votes it gets, sometimes very disproportionately!
@Peter: This 1−1+1−... nonsense should be deleted. =)
@TeresaLisbon It's already been closed.
@user21820 To delete or not to delete, that is the question.
@TeresaLisbon Ah. For me, I won't delete that one, because there's effort. But some other people might consider such questions to be too localized and hence not worth keeping.
@user21820 Thanks, that makes sense as well.
@TeresaLisbon When Ross arrives, I smell trouble. Maybe some users are vultures/scavengers, who smell something rotten, and who show up to answer hopeless questions.
@amWhy Here we see another example of this. Downvote and delete this.
@TeresaLisbon Indeed. Stands at two downvotes. We need a third downvote to open it for deletion for those with sufficient rep.
@TeresaLisbon As you wish, open for deletion
@amWhy Thank you, meanwhile the glut continues with :
@TeresaLisbon one more closevote, then deletion.
@amWhy Great! I'm done for the day, so after our update I will go to bed. Thanks!
@TeresaLisbon Nice work. I've got one sole closevote left ... maybe vote limits are good, or we'd never sleep!
@amWhy Of course! And with that (vanish noise, exit Teresa).
D1, D2, D3.
D4, D5, D6.
D7, D8, D9.
C1, C2, C3.
C4, C5, C6.
C7, C8, C9.
@TeresaLisbon There is up for deletion now.
@user21820 All D's need only one more delete vote. I have only one close vote, which I'm saving for the worst of the worst I see in the next two hours!!
@amWhy Ok thanks!

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