@ParamanandSingh I won't call this one crankery (not yet obsessed with Brocard), just off-topic because Math SE is not for 'trying to help out with open problems'.
If every post from that user starts becoming about Brocard, then we know we got a new crank lol.
@user21820: I gave the close vote for Brocard, but still waiting for the lengthy question C6. Just not possible to figure out what the question is about. If I say "needs clarity" it would prompt the asker to add even more detail and make it longer.
If there was some genuine progress or insight on an open problem, then it should go to Math Overflow, still not Math SE.
@ParamanandSingh C6 is truly crankery; the author has repeatedly tried publicizing his/her notion of average, not just on Math SE but also on MO, and crucially without first having proper foundation in measure theory.