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@amWhy: I am in for that suggested edits RQ faq
2 hours later…
@ParamanandSingh Thanks! I'll keep you posted.
6 hours later…
@XanderHenderson How about this :
Q: Probability that two random numbers are coprime is $\frac{6}{\pi^2}$

uforoboaThis is a really natural question for which I know a stunning solution. So I admit I have a solution, however I would like to see if anybody will come up with something different. The question is What is the probability that two numbers randomly chosen are coprime? More formally, calculate ...

(I've left a comment under the most recent question to point to that one)
Low quality post:
Q: i need help bei Problem set

aiman alfarahenter image description here i need to know the solve please

2 hours later…
@amWhy @RRL @JyrkiLahtonen @TheSimpliFire @user21820 @ParamanandSingh Because y'all are involved in the deletion of the question https://math.stackexchange.com/q/3241967/468350, and because I don't want to invalidate a bunch of delete votes before having a brief discussion, my though is that @ArnaudD. 's proposed duplicate is a reasonable target (I don't like "I know the answer but I'm not telling you" aspect of it...

...but it adheres to an older standard, and has a couple of nice answers). I can't *quite* merge the newer question into the older question, so I can't really migrate @@3825
I will just add that the question above is: Probability of a fraction $a/b$ that cannot be simplified It is currently closed bud not deleted. AFAICT it was not brought up on meta.
@XanderHenderson I wonder why super-ping wasn't converted to the username. Maybe super-ping doesn't work in multiline messages? Or maybe there is some limit how many users can be pinged in the same message?
I found this post on Meta Stack Exchange: User's name not being picked up by @@ superping suggestion in chat. But the situation there is different - it was a user without chat account.
@XanderHenderson: the question you linked and its proposed dupe target share an answer based on same idea. One can say that the answer is same but written by two people independently (idea is product form of Riemann zeta).
A proper approach as per our new policy would be to create a new question adhering to current standards and merging these two old questions into this new one. But it seems more work. Another compromise could be close the question linked in your message as duplicate of proposed dupe target. Perhaps one can keep it undeleted, but the question is really a PSQ.
@XanderHenderson: I did not read the full text of your message initially and on further reading it appears our solutions don't differ too much (you proposed a lock and that's fine with me).
@MartinSleziak: superping was a rather new thing for me. Mods have literally got superpowers as the features are named with super prefix :)
@ParamanandSingh Well, regular users can still invite a user into a chatroom, which can often be used for a similar purpose as a super-ping; namely to notify a user about some conversation in chat, if the user isn't directly pingable using @username.
If the user in question talked in the room before, also a reply to an older message can be used: Does a direct reply to a message in chat create a notification, no matter what age the message is?
Maybe the thing in chat which distinguishes mods for regular users the most is that the mods can created private chatrooms. (I.e., the messages are visible only to the moderators and to the users who are granted access to the room.)
@MartinSleziak : I was aware of the private room feature accessible to mods. I was not really active in chat until I participated in the last mod election (and lost :(:( ) so with time I will learn most of the typical chat related stuff.
@XanderHenderson FWIW, I support your plan of action on the 6/pi^2 question.
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
@JyrkiLahtonen @ParamanandSingh @amWhy @-others-who-are-involved :
This question does not meet the standards of Math SE. It is both lacking context, and is a duplicate of another question. However, I think that the underlying question is interesting, and that Eevee Trainer's answer is worth keeping on the site. I have, therefore, closed the question as a duplicate and locked it. For further discussion, I would invite those involved to chat in CURED. — Xander Henderson ♦ 32 secs ago
Thank you for your input.
@amWhy I would be in favor of such a discussion.
@XanderHenderson Tanks, and Tanks for ur action on that question. ;D

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