@Saad Likely not, though depending on the mod, a few might respond. It is frustrating, indeed. You can find many of these undeletions (or undeletion attempts) in the chatroom "GENTLE".
@amWhy It's surprising that going against the community standard, i.e. undeleting posts that clearly fit the reasons in the closure panel, is not a punishable action.
This has been annoying my in all the chat rooms for quite some time now. How can I "go to" a starred comment? The links are listed in the right margin. If I click one, I get to see that comment. BUT NOT IN THE CHATROOM I LOGGED IN. Take amWhy's comment on the top for example. If I click it, a new tab of my browser opens up with that comment clearly visible.
But I cannot do anything in that tab! There is only a link "Join this chatroom". But fer crying out loud I already am in that chatroom!
Is there a way to use that link so that clicking it scrolls me to it in the current tab?
More often than not I would like to see the preceding discussion. When the message is a couple of days old, finding it in this tab is a pain.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching product name in body, +3 more (590): How Does Full Spectrum CBD Oil? by jeremyormier on math.SE
@XanderHenderson That's exactly why I explained this to be the reasons in the closure panel instead of some other community guide as those reasons are officially recognized by SE.
@JyrkiLahtonen In case it might be interesting for others, I'll just mention that I left a few messages related to this (stars, transcript) in another room. (It would probably be off-topic here.)
@Saad I've asked you twice previously, to not request any more than 12 close, ditto for delete.
And yet today you post 16 of each type of request?? And when I see you overdo such request threads in any given day, I have to be honest: I feel inclined to ignore them ALL.
Please try to pace your postings: up to 12 per day, but if you miss a day, don't flood this chatroom with any more than 12 requests of each type, when you do make requests. Next time you exceed this quota I will delete the last of your comment-requests for each type.