Folks coming here must be at least thirteen years old. That's hardly "newly born". Most who come here are young adults, and some not so young. I don't care where you go on the internet, to show up in some forum or chat room and post a problem statement with the expectation that someone will do it for them is rude on any site, whatever the topic. I didn't earn a PhD to put in my share of teaching or students on manners 101: don't pick your nose in public. Ask please. Say thank you...
I'm glad to help young adults (even teens) hone their manners, and see some of the subtleties, to widen their perspectives, and such. But I'm not going to spend remedial work trying to teach 15 year old brats, or 25 year old brats, how to be decent human beings, when I'm charged with, and paid for, teaching them precal, or cal, or group theory.
Anyway, @XanderHenderson, No, it is never fruitful for an initial comment suggesting cheating or shaming of any sort. I agree with you there.
Manners are context dependent. The rules on MSE are different from the rules on other websites, which are different from the rules in the real world.
A new user does not come to MSE with an innate knowledge of what is okay and what is not. They do have to be taught (though the clever ones will catch on very fast).
Moreover, there are a large number of people who answer questions like that, which makes it look like it is okay. You can't expect a newbie to read meta.
Newbies asking PSQs are a symptom of the problem. Answering machines are the real problem.
@XanderHenderson they feed off each other, without one, there would likely not be the other. Kind of goes back to the Help-Vampires and the Rep-Who*** oops, we're not supposed to use the latter word I wrote half-way. Any way, I'm have little to argue with you about, @Xander. The differences between our perspectives is so small compared to shared interests
In any case, I agree that most of the "do for ce" can all end, or last only briefly (first question or two asker, per return user, and would end, without the answering-rep-manufacturing machines on the site rewarding non-thinking immediate-gratification. But learners, or students who need learn how to learn, contribute to the problem at some level; it's a cycle that needs to be addressed on both the help-vampires and rep-who... err rep-farmers end of things.
I asked a question that happened to be a duplicate of another question, so currently there are two post with exactly the same question. I would delete my duplicate question, but there are in that post two useful answers. Is it possible to delete my question and move the useful answer to the other post? See:… and…
@Bob Let me first say that duplicates can be useful, since they help other users when searching. So maybe there is not need to delete.
Moderators can merge questions, which essentially means that answers from one questions are moved to another. You can find some examples even in this room.
If you think that a question is suitable for merging into another one, you can simply flag the question and ask mods to look at it - and they will decide whether or not to merge.
But since you have asked in chat and several moderators visit this room, maybe it's easier to ping one of them - I'll try the one that posted here most recently. @DanielFischer What do you think about merging the two questions suggested by Bob?
I see I have moved past 5000 messages (assuming the numbers in the room info are correct). Maybe it's time to retire?
BTW since suggested edits have been discussed recently - if you want to see whether there is a user with many suggested edits in some time period, you can try Data Explorer. (I'll just remind that data in SEDE are only updated once a week.)
@MartinSleziak That's definitely an option. What makes me hesitate is that awwalker's question got 315 views in over six years while Bob's got 93 views in five days. So with regards to visibility, the old question isn't a very attractive target.
Perhaps if neither of the post is clearly superior to the other, then newer $\to$ older could be considered as the default direction for duplicate closures. After all, that is also what @Bob suggested.
Also the newer question has comments pointing to OEIS while the older one already mentions OEIS in the question. (OTOH probably the WA link in the comment is useful.)
What happens with the comment when merging? Do moderators have option to leave all/some comments on the source question? (I.e., neither delete them nor move to the target question.)
Probably I should leave the considerations about direction of the dupe and possibility of merging to the people who know more about the topic of the question(s).
@MartinSleziak Non-deleted comments are moved when merging. I think one can leave the comments at the merge source by deleting them before the merge, and later undeleting them, but I'm not quite certain of that.
@amWhy It seems that you haven't gone through the question carefully. By "schools" here OP meant different philosophical schools and not the ordinary schools.
Addressed you already, @user170039. It seems that most of the positions you take on matters are oppositional. Opposed to so and so, and so and so, and anything mentioned in CRUDE.
This question has been asked by someone with enough XP that they should know better than to post a PSQ. Yet much of that XP comes from highly upvoted PSQs. :'(
In mathematics, geometry is the topic I'm studying. Just out of curiosity I would like to know what computational geometry is about. Who studies this subject and why? What are its applications, or is it confined to a theoretical side of things? How does it relate to computer science?
@amWhy Five of the six posts you link will be autodeleted and I will not spend my delete vote on that. The remaining one I actually the question. That I did not reply does not mean I did not check.
@JohnMa Those suggested links I posted I not just the two of interest to me; they include suggestions from other users too. Good to know that in so many cases, you think suggestions from others, for deletion, or closure, are a waste of your votes. That makes how I deal with your suggestions much clearer to me.
@JohnMa But it's okay for others to waste our delete votes on this question when it too will be autodeleted, with no need for you nor anyone else to speed things up?
@JohnMa ahh, I missed that checkmark. All good and well: I'm sure you'll find enough support for your last four linked posts, and any/all future links you post here, as well. Cheers.