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This question has nothing to do with mathematics, and anyone who even takes the effort to learn basic programming would not be asking it.
@Did @amWhy @SimplyBeautifulArt: Please help to deal with the above if you agree, thanks!
@amWhy Most of them need a little delete vote more. Obviously friends upvote.
Time to close PSQs on the HNQ here and here.
More PSQs here and here.
How the SE software picks such useless questions is a mystery...
This mathematically nonsensical answer should be deleted first.
2 hours later…
@user21820 Not entirely. The usefulness of the algorithm is a different question. Except from TeX - LaTeX, I've rarely seen a good question in the HNQ.
@DanielFischer I guess on the internet nobody quite knows when I'm sarcastic. I do know they have an algorithm, but it's useless for Math SE. The mystery is why that algorithm was applied to Math SE...
@user21820 I don't think that Math.se is special in that respect.
Well, the fact that a question which has MathJax in the title cannot get in the HNQ reduces the pool of possible candidates.
A questions without MathJax in the title are quite often: A) Soft questions. B) Questions with non-descriptive titles such as "How to find this trigonometric limit?". (Of course, there are many exceptions, but I'd guess that these two classes are the most frequent.)
@DanielFischer Martin's point is an intriguing one. But even without that effect, Math SE is very special, because drive-by upvotes significantly skew what is 'hot'.
The vast majority of drive-by voters have a mathematically useless sense of usefulness.
@user21820 The drive-by upvotes are a much-lamented problem on (almost) all other sites too.
But it's different for non-technical sites like SciFi SE or WorldBuilding SE or even Bicycles SE.
Even some technical sites seem to have much less problem, such as Security SE.
@amWhy: By the way I just saw your comment here:
Well, what's stopping you? Use Burnside's lemma. If you get stuck along the way, and post what you have done along the way, as an edit to your post, I'm sure there'll be help. You might want to start by stating Burnside's lemma, — amWhy 15 hours ago
Don't tell the asker, but even a trivial Google search will find the answer.
3 hours later…
@user21820 gone!
@user21820 This is only to be expected and is not a problem per se, if you ask me. More serious is that some very experienced users, some mods included, see fit to answer any and every question. And about that, math.SE is specific.
@Did Well there is a whole range of problems, aren't there? Of course, the problem of experienced users answering lousy questions is far worse than drive-by upvoters, because they ought to know better. However, the drive-by voters cause the voting system to fail to identify good questions and answers, so it is also a problem even if a lesser one.
@user21820 <− @Did @amWhy: This question is now open for deletion.
4 hours later…
@user21820 Poof! :)
@user21820 @Did, Both linked questions here are open for deletion.
@user21820 big sigh :(
@user21820 Deleted! Unpinning....
:41242256, @SimplyBeautifulArt, @Did There are only two questions from mathb remaining. The top will be open for deletion, upon one more downvote. When it's at -3, keep me posted here, so I can respond upon its deletion. The other remaining question is now at "0" and is closed, but given unwarranted upvotes on answers, it won't be auto deleted unless it receives more downvotes. I can live with that.
Hi @ZacharySelk!
Hi @amWhy
@ZacharySelk How has your week started off?
it's been quite nice, I don't have to teach this week
so I am free to do things I enjoy, like closing/deleting questions on here :)
@ZacharySelk Ohhh lucky you! :).
also read math I want to read
how is your week
@ZacharySelk :D
@ZacharySelk I'm working at home today on an online course I'm teaching (and doing a few other things too). But it's always nice to have a day or two where I need not commute!
very nice
Since most of the school is gone this week, I can actually park on campus vs take the bus so my commute is manageable
@ZacharySelk Sweet. Is it the end of a trimester? or a Thanksgiving break where you're at?
Thanksgiving break
That's a pretty generous Thanksgiving break (an entire week, so to speak in academic week-speak).
well technically I have classes today and tomorrow, just don't have to teach
but I still am here in my office
@ZacharySelk I see; well at least you've got a reduced load this week!
definitely, it's very nice
what are you working on
i m
1 hour later…
@DanielFischer Anything turn up in in the "stuff" you have access too? Re: downvotes and other weird behaviors?
@amWhy Sorry, no new downvotes, no new data. I know this is annoying, but our tools are limited.
@DanielFischer No problem. Thanks for checking.
De nada.
@user21820 only one more delete vote needed: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2528891/…
@user21820 Recent case.
@ZacharySelk, @SimplyBeautifulArt, see the link immediately above (in @Did's comment).
@GabrielRomon No one told Jack or Blue to do that. They chose to play with Latex to make things pretty, knowing full well the questions are very low quality. If it was the asker that put that time in to the question, great. If the external formatters wasted their time, that's on them.

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