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@amWhy Hahaha... Yea you tried. =)
@amWhy Hmm... I agree with you that the question should be deleted. But there are many users on Math SE who think that bad questions with good answers can/should/must be saved. It seems that we are on one end of the spectrum. Too bad for the quality of Math SE due to the other end of the spectrum.
@mixedmath: The question is of very poor quality as can be seen from the fact that the last paragraph of the question is nonsensical: "Is there any procedure for converting decimal to binary, rather that the process of converting them to each other?" While I don't see anything wrong with the answer, it does not even answer the underlying question, and yet it was accepted. The correct answer should be:
> On Math SE we use base 10, so when describing other number systems we describe them using base 10. Notice that I even said "base 10" where the "10" is in base "10". This is circular if we don't even know that "10" means "ten", but we do because we are as usual using base 10! If you want to go completely independent of base, you can. You just need to understand "1" and "+", and write "1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1" to mean "ten". You're lazy to write that? Then consider using positional number systems!
I'll also note that your method of undeleting and locking to preserve a good answer seems to be sub-optimal. As Martin and I have discussed extensively before, there is another option available (which Martin has in fact used a number of times): Write a new question (a different one) and move the good answer there, leaving the old lousy question closed. Jam can do this, or you (as a moderator) can do it if you love Jam's answer.
@mixedmath: Also note that this user has an established history of lousy questions. See this for example.
@amWhy @Did @SimplyBeautifulArt @LeakyNun: This HNQ PSQ needs to be closed and deleted. I can't tell if Math SE is on its way to becoming Yahoo Answers 2.
This is circular nonsense that comes with HNQs (the question was not a bad one though).
6 hours later…
@user21820 Indeed. Or (the method I've done most often in the past) is to find a suitable question which this one duplicates and merge.
This is a not particularly deep question, and I suspect it's been asked before. But I haven't yet gone looking for a good duplicate
The suggestion of finding a better question (or, in Martin's case, creating a better question) and merging is suggested in the privilege information for deleting questions
And it's a very good idea. It would be good if more often questions with good answers were merged rather than deleted.
On the other hand, there are some questions which are asked so often, and carry the same answers, and these serve no real purpose. But these should be closed as duplicates, not deleted.
(sometime deleted too)
1 hour later…
@mixedmath Hmm so wouldn't it be great if you did just that, instead of locking the question? 7 favour deletion: Did, amWhy, Andrés E. Caicedo, achille hui, Alex M., myself and Gerry Myerson (see his comment on Meta). 4 favour undeletion: Hurkyl, Eric Wofsey, Will Orrick, yourself. The asker does not count. The asker's Meta post garnered 14 downvotes and 0 upvotes, so apparently the consensus is that it is a lousy question. I think it would be nice if you went along with that consensus...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer: Proving there are infinite primes of some form $a+nd$ by Sanji Vinsmoke on math.SE
@SmokeDetector This same spammer has posted 4 PSQs here and here and here and here.
@user21820 That's the plan. I haven't gotten around to it yet.
The lock lasts 7 days. I figured I'd do it by the end of that week.
@mixedmath Okay thank you for your response! And @amWhy may also like to know that, since it wasn't clear earlier on what you meant to do with the locking.
@user21820 No problem. I appreciate your calm and deliberate engagement with me on the question.
I'm off for a bit. Cheers.
@mixedmath Same to you! See you!
@user21820 Can you give me a link to the meta question?
Q: My question is being closed mistakenly

parvinMy Question is being marked as off-topic and is closed due to that reason. I believe it is not off-topic and is related to math stack exchange, it is also edited. please check again. I need some one to check the edit to see it is not off topic. I am not looking for reasons. not duplicate.

@user170039: Not only that, that user posted another Meta rant:
Which has been deleted so you can't see without 10k rep.
1 hour later…
@user21820 The post on main was undeleted, by mixed-math, then locked by mixedmath, which means no one can comment, edit, vote to delete, nada. I don't know whether it is now still locked. But the only folks who can touch it are mods, and mods aren't too keen on undoing one mod's mistake.
@mixedmath And I am deeply concerned with respect to the manner in which you engaged with me yesterday. You snubbed me. You escalated things by ignoring me, and not permitting a calm, deliberate conversation with you. Most people get pretty darn put off when a person doesn't have enough respect for another to actually listen, engage, etc., which is revealed when ignored, minimized, written off. That's how I came away feeling yesterday.
1 hour later…
5 hours later…
Note, @mixedmath, @DanielFischer, five hours ago, we've been warned about two posts from a blacklisted user @SanjiVinsmoke. Perhaps the posts came up after they were dealt with, or the user was blacklisted. Other than that, it's none of my business. It's in your hands to handle, or not handle the SmokeDetector. Good day!
3 hours later…
@SimplyBeautifulArt, @Did, @user21820, @all: This question needs two more close votes
@user21820 this PSQ you posted about math.stackexchange.com/questions/2500252/… is open for deletion (first vote from me.)
And another in that list of five posts (pinned since Nov 2): math.stackexchange.com/questions/2500363/… is open for deletion, and the other three listed no longer exist. So I'd suggest unpinning the list of five Psq's, three of which are no longer relevant, and pinning my more recent comment about the two remaining posts that are open for deletion.
@user21820 On the other hand, looking at the last link I provide immediately above, the question has received two seemingly valuable answers, so I've no interested in deleting it.

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