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@SimplyBeautifulArt You've read nothing I've said there, @Simply. Go ahead, roll back to your edit. I'm not playing games here. Do what you want to do. You've not heard or listened to anything I've said, they I'm getting slammed from all sides. So I must be wrong, while Michael's initial edit for the asker, which should have been made by the asker, was perfectly fine.
@amWhy You're right, I haven't actually read much there, because, frankly, I don't wish anything to do with it, and I do not think the edit is much of a big deal.
:-/ I'm sorry if I sounded like I was opposing you, just had thought you'd like to know the edits had some rationale behind them
@SimplyBeautifulArt As I said... feel free to roll back if it's "no big deal".
@SimplyBeautifulArt That's fine.
@MartinSleziak But the asker tagged algebra-precal, and s/he emphasized they are only first encountering limits (pre-cal turf), not having learned the limit definition of a derivative, derivatives in general. (please see the asker's question.) So the "calc" tag is really not appropriate. I don't know about you, but I first encountered limits long before I studied calculus.
@amWhy Fair enough. Changed back to precalculus (a bit reluctantly). I guess fits the question, since this is explicitly mentioned in the post.
I am not sure whether (calculus) or (precalculus) is better there, but that's probably the least problem of that question (and certainly now something to lose sleep about).
Perhaps we could have both tags
BTW the post has now just been closed - revisions/timeline.
Welp, back to deletion plz
@SimplyBeautifulArt Only one more delete vote needed, math.stackexchange.com/questions/2431905/…
@Did @user21820
Oh, and another PSE if anyone's up for closing at this hour
@SimplyBeautifulArt Of course! :)
@SimplyBeautifulArt I probably shouldn't even bring up this post, posted within the same hour as the other duplicate question: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2431874/… !
Compare to
what the... why though?
@SimplyBeautifulArt I have no clue. the -8 closed question seems to have posted before the -10 closed question, each asking the same question, but at the point I checked, both seem to have been posted "9 hours ago"
There is a small difference of $x\to1$ and $\to-\infty$. (I made a comment to the other one saying that reposting is bad - after seeing the minor difference I have removed my comment.)
I did not notice that the first revision does not say whether $x\to1$ or $\to\infty$.
3 hours later…
Dealing with solicitation here I've already flagged as spam
@amWhy Now deleted - revisions/timeline. So is the other post by the same OP - revisions/timeline. There is one undelete vote, but I do think it's likely to get undeleted. Unstarring/unpinning.
@amWhy You probably know this, but just in case - you can hover over the timestamp to see the exact time. Meta: Exact time when one makes an answer. In this case 2017-09-16 15:46:59Z and 15:18:39Z.
4 hours later…
Last PSQ from a seemingly ongoing series by this user. A logical consequence of the "any question goes and any user voting to close anything on the site is a fascist" politics is the continuing stream of such posts (another is the site's abysmal reputation).
(Cont'd) Post deleted. I had posted the comment "The systematic outsourcing of the OP's homework continues. "Here is a mathematical question, I have no idea whatsoever about anything in it, please write down a full solution" does not make for an mse question." My guess is that the deletion is a tactical move and that we should see the outsourcing by "Georgette" continue one way or another.
5 hours later…
Consider deletion, but the question was asked only 3 hours ago. Possibly consider waiting a bit.
Feel free to watch this new user.
Pretty much picture only post.
@Did Here's one I found in the review queue: math.stackexchange.com/q/2430791/272831
@SimplyBeautifulArt Amusing exchanges with the character in the comments, I must say. :-)
@Did =) Good day
@MartinSleziak Now in the reopen queue: math.stackexchange.com/review/reopen/871078
There were several messages about this question by me, user21820 and also amWhy. We will see what happens in the reopen queue.
Appears to be some low quality answers (and comments posted as answers): math.stackexchange.com/q/940220/272831
(interestingly, two answers from the OP him/herself)
Since this was discussed back then in connection with the $\frac{1}{\sin(x)} +\frac{1}{\cos(x)}$ question, I will remind that reopening also removed delete votes. (This is the only way to remove them that I am aware of - if we do not count deleting and undeleting.) Do deletion votes dissolve when a question is reopened? When else?
@SimplyBeautifulArt I actually disagree with re-opening as high scores do not imply worth keeping. Unfortunately (to me), it's likely that there won't be enough delete voters.
At least it shows that there is some diversity to this room - two opposing suggestions are now among starred posts; one to delete the post, another one to improve the post so that it meets the site standards.
It is allowed to have differing opinions on things - I hope.
@amWhy: I purposely asked you in this room so that it's hard to notice us talking about it. However, I think it has now gone too far with the "going to $$ in". What I don't understand yet is why some people dare to repeatedly ask strangers to give them things they didn't deserve/earn. Is it socially acceptable in some places?
@MartinSleziak Of course, and we both could unstar each other's post, but surely we won't.
@user21820 I would suggest to wait first whether the question is reopened.
In fact, if a question is reopened, removing stars might be a reasonable option - after mutual agreement. (If it is reopened, my suggestion to improve is no longer needed. Your message was changed from pin to star due to age - so if you still think it should be closed and deleted, you can post a new message and it could be pinned and thus better visible.)
@SimplyBeautifulArt It has been deleted. I guess there's no real benefit to keeping it. Unstarring.
I was about to do the same thing :-) I'll add link to revisions/timeline.
@MartinSleziak Oh I forgot. Alright.
Sep 2 at 15:31, by user21820
Does anyone agree that this HNQ PSQ should be deleted?
So I guess that the star on the older one can now be removed? (Although it's probably not necessary.)
@MartinSleziak I'll do both.
Hmm I can't. Never mind.
BTW although you call it HNQ PSQ, I doubt it was the question was ever in HNQ. MathJax was introduced in the title during the first 5 minutes. (Unless I am missing something.) IIRC I have mentioned this when we discussed this question before.
@MartinSleziak No idea. Maybe it's because it keeps getting deleted and undeleted, as its timeline shows.
@user21820 I cancelled stars on the old copies of those messages. (I hope I understood correctly that this was your intention. If not somebody else can pin them again - IIRC the same user cannot pin the same message twice.)
It seems that there isn't an easy way to find out whether a question was in HNQ: How to see if a question was a “hot network question”?
@amWhy <− @SimplyBeautifulArt @Did @Jack: Now open for deletion.
In this specific case I do not see mention of twitter in the revision history, but I do not think all hot question get tweeted. (Bounty questions have preference and on this site there is usually enough of them.)
@user21820 that was scary fast
@Jack Open for deletion
@user21820 Well it certainly isn't socially acceptable in the US! At least not that I know of. Yes, I think this user is going too far.
Has been deleted, so I've unpinned the comment.
:-/ wish the starboard were longer on my screen
@amWhy: If you ever feel like you'd like me to step in, just let me know. I've refrained from doing anything so far in case it isn't what you want.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Use Zoom-Out to see the top 10 starred messages. No more than that will be shown even if you zoom out a lot.
@user21820 Lol, thanks for the tip
@user21820 Yeah, that's helpful to know! (I've had the same concern that @SimplyBeautifulArt mentioned.)
Another trick which I use if I want to unstar and old message is that in addition to zoom, I also pin it for a short period so that it is displayed on the visible part of starboard. (And there is also a userscript to remove star from older posts which are not visible there - but I do not have installed it.)
The userscript has been mentioned here: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/39390242#39390242
Ah, okay
@MartinSleziak The question is now reopened - revisions/timeline. So I am removing stars from my message.
I will ping other users how entered the discussion about this question - @amWhy (in this room), @user21820 (his message suggesting deletion is still starred), @Did (who voted to leave closed.)
I honestly think that the question is useful (and so are the answers posted there) and I did my best to improve the question. (I guess that it might be one of the factors which lead to question getting in the reopen queue). It is obvious that several other users in this room have different opinion and think that this question should be closed and deleted. Of course, if you think that it's the thing to do, you can go ahead and start the next round.
Heads up on this closed once, reopened, closed again, and also deleted, post which needs to remain deleted. (No doubt, the rapid fire edits from Michael Rosenberg after its second closure makes it pretty obvious that he's cast the lone "undelete vote". Anyway, I'll keep an eye out on the deleted post, and alert this chat if it somehow gets undeleted. math.stackexchange.com/posts/2431905/revisions
@amWhy Since it was deleted - revisions/timeline - I have also unstarred in additions to your unpinning.
@MartinSleziak The asker hasn't been seen in a long time, so I won't bother to attempt to close it again. Thanks for tracking it!
BTW it seems that this room will get to 10000 messages relatively soon. The activity here really increased since the end of July - probably mainly thanks to amWhy's suggestion to restart the room; see here and here.
2 hours later…
@SimplyBeautifulArt Nvm, self-deletion
1 hour later…
A: New top bar is coming to the Stack Exchange network

E.P.If you want me to review, then don't light up the review icon if there are no actionable tasks The number-one complaint I have with the current top bar is the fact that the review counter lights up even when there's nothing at all I can do to make it go away: So, what's the main outcome o...

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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, mostly dots in body: P.D.F question? by overtherainbow on math.SE
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