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@SimplyBeautifulArt It's now deleted, so unstarring.
This HNQ sub-par question needs one more close-vote. This wrong answer to it needs downvotes and deletion, but it's going to be tough (I'm one of only 2 downvoters). @amWhy @Did @SimplyBeautifulArt @Jack @ParamanandSingh
This PSQ is up for deletion.
This PSQ is up for deletion.
@user170039: You can help with the downvotes needed if you agree that it's wrong. =)
@user21820: Thanks for letting me know of the question. But I don't understand what you meant by "HNQ" and "PSQ". What do they mean?
@user21820 Re the wrong answer, I tried to expedite things by posting a comment. Idealist in me says the comment will have the desired effect, but Realist says it was an exercise in futility... We shall see.
@user170039 HNQ = hot-network-question (which typically explains cases of bad posts getting many upvotes) ; PSQ = please-solve-question (which means just problem statement with no context, sometimes even with the words "Please solve." or "Full solution please.").
After a while, it gets tiring to say in full so many people abbreviate these. =)
Sorry, I didn't know that @user21820.
Nothing to be sorry about; we don't have an FAQ on terms used to describe bad posts. =P
@Did I have no idea. It depends on the user; some quickly rectify errors and may have just been too busy recently; others sit quietly to gain as many upvotes as possible despite knowing they don't really know the mathematics perfectly.
In this case, I think it will be better for us to wait for a reply of @Did's comment (or a revision of the answer to which the objection pointed out doesn't apply). If the user still doesn't respond then maybe the proper course of action will be to vote to delete this answer (assuming that there is a procedure for doing so for answers just like questions) @user21820.
@user170039 Sure! Answers cannot be 'closed' as off-topic or unclear, so the only way to get rid of them is through deletion, which only becomes available when its score is negative, and only can be done by users with 10^4 rep or more. Hence those of us who feel that mathematically wrong answers should be removed have no choice but to downvote and delete such answers.
Does anyone agree that this HNQ PSQ should be deleted?
One more vote to delete: math.stackexchange.com/q/1885419/9464
@Jack Incidentally, there is a non-trivial answer to the second linked question. See my this post on an unconventional definition of differentiation that is more powerful and actually gives what is asked.
@Jack This and the next are deleted; unstarring.
2 hours later…
@user21820 It's now deleted, so I unpinned the comment about it.
@Jack gone!
@Jack Both gone!

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