4 hours later…
@quid Personally I am glad that I do not have dupehammer nor moderator powers. Occasionally I voted to close and made mistakes, I would have to be more careful if my votes were binding.
I was under the impression that there is some kind of unwritten rule that moderators should avoid casting binding votes. (See the previous discussion - you can see there some examples of mods posting comments instead of voting and also quote from Carl Mummert which seems to be under the same impression.)
But I thought that this is something which is not explicitly stated somewhere. So it was interesting for me to see that at least in the early days of MSE there was also post on meta stating this policy.
Jan 12 at 13:33, by Martin Sleziak
If the main thing I take from our conversation is the following, and if I at least try to act according to that, then this time was not completely wasted: At the same time there is tendency among most active regular users to abdicate their own responsibility to keep the site clean.
8 hours later…
I saw that this question was closed as a duplicate despite the fact that the other question has no answers. This can be only done by mods right?
1 hour later…
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