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1 hour later…
@anorton deleted
@ArthurFischer No progress. The lone delete vote there is mine, and it was cast before you posted the link here.
On the other hand, this room might get more attention from high-rep users in the future.
@anorton Downvoting is a great response if you're still not "trusted". Sometimes it creates pressure on users to reconsider their posts. (In this particular case it probably won't work, but in general that's a good approach.)
@Fundamental I feared that might happen. Unfortunately another mod (not one of the three you'd likely suspect) cleared a low-quality flag on that post which invalidated the then ongoing review. Oh well. Mod-hammer it is.
2 hours later…
13 hours later…
[tag:duplicate] These two posts are about the same identity and they are both asking for a proof by induction:
[Induction proof on Fibonacci sequence: $F(n-1) \cdot F(n+1) - F(n)^2 = (-1)^n$](http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/523925/),
[Induction proof $F(n)^2 = F(n-1)F(n+1)+(-1)^{n-1}$ for n $\ge$ 2 where n is the Fibonacci sequence](http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/783152/). One of them contains an attempt by the OP, otherwise they seem the same to me. (There is also at least one another post about the same identity. But as these posts are specifically about inductive proof,
1 hour later…
@MartinSleziak Markdown formatting is ignored in multiline messages.
I voted to close 2014 post as a duplicate of 2013, because the answers under 2013 are better.
(This is usually the case: answers posted in earlier years are better thought out and written; more recent ones are 2-3 lines typed in a hurry.)
Thanks for the explanation. (I wondered what might be the problem.)
I thought about the same direction. I voted now, too.
3 hours later…

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