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@amWhy @Jack @ParamanandSingh @Did @user21820 100% PSQ
@SimplyBeautifulArt $\checkmark$ !
@SimplyBeautifulArt yup
@amWhy The 100% PSQ is open for deletion
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yup
@SimplyBeautifulArt oops, I didn't post the question I meant to post! (Last link).
@amWhy yup
@SimplyBeautifulArt yuppity yup yup!
Good night now
@SimplyBeautifulArt Cya
@DiscreteMath oh, good night :D
1 hour later…
@amWhy: Another PSQ (should be deleted) math.stackexchange.com/q/1590374/72031
@ParamanandSingh @SimplyBeautifulArt: One more delete vote needed!
3 hours later…
I am not sure whether you'll agree but would it be possible (or even reasonable) to leave the OP some time to improve post before deleting the question.
After all, the system is set up in such way that if a question is edited within 5 days since it was put on hold, it goes into reopen review queue.
Quite often I post under a question which was put on hold the comment from the comment template here. (If the chosen reason was lack of context, the second one is relevant.) I think I might have seen similar comments posted by Simply.
Still, the post can be deleted later - for example, it's possible to leave post starred (rather than pinned) and then it is easy to check which posts were closed from this chat room say 5 days ago. (And if the post were not improved, a new suggestion to delete can be posted here - and even pinned.)
Another place where past close votes can be checked is votes tab in user profiie
Another option would be to preface a message starting discussion about a new post by something like or - depending on the action in question. Doing this would make finding past messages related to closure/deletion easier.
(You might have noticed that I tend to do this for the posts about merging and duplicates - which are the topics I mention here most often.)
How long has the room called C.R.U.D.E. existed? — Michael Hardy 7 mins ago
@MichaelHardy As you can see from the transcript, it was created in January 2012. — Martin Sleziak 1 min ago
@MichaelHardy The room's existence was by no means kept secret. It was mentioned in several posts on meta, many comments on meta, some messages in main chatroom, ...
The room's name was changed a few times, I think it was called Jury Duty before 2015.
The room certainly had periods of rather low activity, in fact, it was frozen twice - in 2012 and in 2013.
@MartinSleziak It's possible, but I think that you'd agree in this case that it's reasonable to delete it because of the asker's comment:
sorry but i'm in a hurry. — geeky me Dec 27 '15 at 10:21
@user21820 Just a suggestion - maybe applicable only to some posts. We'll see what other think about this.
@MartinSleziak Yeap! =)
@MartinSleziak : Was there some suggestion that it was kept secret?
@MichaelHardy What was to be kept secret? The PSQs being kept secret from their course instructor?
@MichaelHardy I did not claim that - but since I was not sure why you asked about the room in your comment above, I mentioned a bit more details here in chat (since I saw that you're here anyway).
Sorry, if that sounded accusatory.
I expect that non-negligible of chat-regulars and meta-regulars are quite likely to stumble upon some mention of this room, especially if they often deal with closing/reopening. One of the aims of the post about List of chatrooms was to make more users aware of relevant rooms - I am glad to see that the post helped with that.
Sorry for the typo - it was supposed to say non-negligible percentage. Although I would not be confident enough to guess how high the percentage actually is.
2 hours later…
@SimplyBeautifulArt The post is deleted now - revisions/timeline. Removing stars.
@Jack If you look at the comments, there seem to be some disagreement with closure of this question (and there is one reopen vote). However, if I check the timeline I see that the reopen review ended with 4 votes to leave closed. The close vote review had one vote to leave open.
PSQ here might as well be deleted.
@Jack <− @amWhy @SimplyBeautifulArt @Did: This needs more delete votes because the asker does not say why he/she is interested in the question.
This PSQ also should be deleted. This user has a history of posting PSQs.
17 hours ago, by user21820
@Jack This other answer to that question is also mathematically nonsense, being an invalid quantifier swapping.
Which is now deletable.
@amWhy @SimplyBeautifulArt @Did: One more delete vote needed.
@amWhy Now deleted - revisions/timeline. I'm removing stars.
2 hours later…
This and this are PSQs that now can be deleted.
Would somebody be willing to suggest a wording for a comment template explaining briefly that many downvoted/closed/deleted questions can lead to the question ban?
I think posting such comment to new users which post such questions would perhaps help to decrease number of people asking about the ban after they already hit it - like this most recent one: My mathstack account has been shutdown why?
1 hour later…
@Did @amWhy @SimplyBeautifulArt: This please-do-my-homework-due-tomorrow-question fully deserves to be deleted.
Well, the OP was not seen online since they posted the question, so there's not a big chance that they plan to improve the post.
Deleted now: revisions/timeline.
1 hour later…
This crank spam should be deleted.
@MartinSleziak Good point
@everyone I'm going to also post my useful links in my private chat room, as it kinda gets lost in here.
@user21820 gone!
@SimplyBeautifulArt What room is your "private" chat room? Of course, you may want to keep that information private.
Just deleted the the PSQ you mentiond 5 hours ago... will unstar, @user21820

 This is the Realm of Simply Beautiful

Room for totally bored people to hang. Open discussions.
@user21820 Aw shoot, I was just in the middle of leaving a comment :P
@Jack, I'm unpinning the most recent pinned post from you, because I cast the third delete vote on that question, and it is gone!
Stemming from @MartinSleziak , I have a proposal:
Wait at least 24 hours after closing before we delete questions, unless it is obviously not salvageable. I think we do things a little bit fast in here as far as closing followed by deletion.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Hmm ... sounds familiar... but I'll have to check that chat room out!
@amWhy =P
(Just a small pain getting those links from the starboard in here)
@amWhy Thank you!
Your question was put on hold, the message above (and possibly comments) should give an explanation why. (In particular, this link might be useful.) You might try to edit your question to address these issues. Note that the next edit puts your post in the review queue, where users can vote whether to reopen it or leave it closed. (Therefore it would be good to avoid minor edits and improve your question as much as possible with the next edit.) — Martin Sleziak 23 hours ago
@MartinSleziak Btw, you can write [edit] to create a link that sends the clicker to the page where they can edit the post you commented under.
I know that. Just prefer not to.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I leave posts alone if there's any slight hint of effort (even if no context is given) on the asker's part. So usually I don't end up hitting posts from proper students. I went through the current list of starred PSQs and only one was closed recently (nearly 24 hours too); you could of course wait an hour for that one. =)
@user21820 :P
@user21820 deleted
@MartinSleziak Sure.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Thanks!
Please do not repeatedly post low quality questions. Doing so will result in having your [questions closed](goo.gl/J58Qwn), and repeated closures and deletions will result in a [question ban](goo.gl/7QcTa9). Instead, please follow the guidelines outlined by [How to ask a good question?](goo.gl/PlJyVQ) and [How to ask a homework question?](goo.gl/Fyfb22).
Please do not repeatedly post low quality questions. Doing so will result in having your questions closed, and repeated closures and deletions will result in a question ban. Instead, please follow the guidelines outlined by How to ask a good question? and How to ask a homework question?.
Perhaps we should drop the period at the end.
@SimplyBeautifulArt This sound quite reasonable. I guess you have checked whether it fits character limit. Will you add this as an answer to the meta post with templates?
Please do not repeatedly post low quality questions. Doing so will result in having your questions closed, and repeated closures and deletions will result in a question ban. Instead, please follow the guidelines outlined by How to ask a good question? and How to ask a homework question?Simply Beautiful Art 10 secs ago
214 characters left
Also, very low quality from new user.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Lol I agree with your template but you used it on a user who has only posted one question. Did you specifically intend to preemptively warn them?
Either way, I suggest dropping "repeatedly", since it's logically implied.
Actually, let me sugar-coat it a bit.
Please do not post low quality questions. Doing so repeatedly will result in having your [questions closed](goo.gl/J58Qwn), and repeated closures and deletions will result in a [question ban](goo.gl/7QcTa9). Instead, please follow the guidelines outlined by [How to ask a good question?](goo.gl/PlJyVQ) and [How to ask a homework question?](goo.gl/Fyfb22)
Please do not post low quality questions. Doing so repeatedly will result in having your questions closed, and repeated closures and deletions will result in a question ban. Instead, please follow the guidelines outlined by How to ask a good question? and How to ask a homework question?
Or yeah, you can go ahead and sugar-coat it.
A: List of comment templates

Simply Beautiful ArtAvoid the question ban Please do not post low quality questions. Doing so repeatedly will result in having your questions closed, and repeated closures and deletions will result in a question ban. Instead, please follow the guidelines outlined by How to ask a good question? and How to ask a h...

Welcome to Math SE! Please follow the guidelines outlined by [How to ask a good question?](http://goo.gl/PlJyVQ) and [How to ask a homework question?](https://goo.gl/Fyfb22). Low quality questions run the risk of being [closed](https://goo.gl/J58Qwn), and repeated closures and deletions may trigger a [question ban](https://goo.gl/7QcTa9). Thank you!
> Welcome to Math SE! Please follow the guidelines outlined by How to ask a good question? and How to ask a homework question?. Low quality questions run the risk of being closed, and repeated closures and deletions may trigger a question ban. Thank you!
Omit the first part if the user is not the first time posting.
If you want a Math-flavoured comment, try replacing "run the risk" with "have a high probability".
Please follow the guidelines outlined by [How to ask a good question?](goo.gl/PlJyVQ) and [How to ask a homework question?](goo.gl/Fyfb22). Low quality questions run the risk of being [closed](goo.gl/J58Qwn) and [deleted](goo.gl/FmJes1), and repeated closures and deletions may trigger a [question ban](goo.gl/7QcTa9). Thank you!
Please follow the guidelines outlined by How to ask a good question? and How to ask a homework question?. Low quality questions run the risk of being closed and deleted, and repeated closures and deletions may trigger a question ban. Thank you!
Missed that part out.
Nah, I just added it in
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body: 2D collision equations with inverse y-axis by lygho on math.SE
@SmokeDetector doesn't seem that bad
@SimplyBeautifulArt did you click on the link? I won't.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Um this last one seems to be a false positive?
I don't see a bad keyword anywhere in the body. What word could SD have been 'thinking' of?
@user21820 Same
@Did: Do you know who's supposed to tune SD?
Huh, can you not edit deleted questions?
You can't edit deleted questions. You can only edit deleted answers. — dfeuer Dec 11 '13 at 18:05
Sadly, I don't have any deleted questions to try this on
@SimplyBeautifulArt I tried on this one. Clicking "Edit" gives me the message "You cannot edit your own deleted question. Undelete before editing.".
@amWhy Thanks
@Jack You asked in a comment to your question on meta: "I am wondering if I should inform the moderators about this particular case." I think the mods read meta quite regularly, but in addition to that, two of them were pinged here about your question. And also I posted today a message about that question in the same room.
@Jack OP has a second problem statement question posted 2 years ago.
1 hour later…
@SimplyBeautifulArt my vote to close
@MartinSleziak Thanks!
3 hours later…
@Did I guess I couldn't ping you from a meta post: math.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/26877/… It's been closed as of now, but if you want to give input or set the record straight, or not, I thought it's something you might want to be aware of.
@SimplyBeautifulArt only one more needed.
I've voted to delete this meta "question": math.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/26877/…. It has been closed; as of this point, it has a net -6 votes, is just another iteration of is opposition to closing questions as "off-topic (as meant on MSE)", see links in comments). To me it is another MichaelHardy drama "question".
@amWhy @user21820 @Jack Delete? math.stackexchange.com/a/2402587/272831
@SimplyBeautifulArt yup... one more to go
Hi, @MartinSleziak o/ (meaning one's head with an arm raised as in a wave, hello)
Jack mentioned in a comment on meta this Willie Wong's post: Are we too trigger-happy about deleting (relatively) new posts?
@user21820 The post is now deleted - revisions/timeline. I removed the star.
@Jack It is now deleted - revisions/timeline. But it already gained two reopen votes and two undelete votes. So perhaps we might keep it among starred messages in oder to "keep an eye" on this question.
( @MartinSleziak Thanks for being awesome like usual )
Probably the attention to the question was partly due to the (now deleted) meta post. There is also this comment.
> Am I the only who is shocked that the question was (quickly) deleted? It is quite sad to see how the site has evolved into one so very hostile to those who wish to learn mathematics (<i>and</i> also to those who wish to teach it) - esp; at lower levels.
@SimplyBeautifulArt It reminds me of this message: "Just stopping by to say this user is awesome. Great to have folks like this around." It was quite popular at the time, it even lead to a question on meta.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Now deleted -revisions/timeline. Removing the star. Oops sorry, I was too hasty. I am pinning it back again.
Sorry for the redundant ping. :-( Not that awesome after all - I should be a bit more careful.
@MartinSleziak xD
@MartinSleziak There have been occasions when that feature could be been handy, will keep in mind
@MartinSleziak I suppose so!
Oops! Sorry for the redundant pings as well :)
@MartinSleziak Now it is marked as duplicate (by the OP, in fact) - revisions/timeline.
@SimplyBeautifulArt It has been deleted now.
Questions that look like homework problems that may have been copied without the poster understanding the question, in which the poster shows no effort to answer it, are routinely closed, and I agree with the practice of closing those. Recently a question said this:

How can I get
$$\sum_{k=0}^n\binom{n}{k}(pe^t)^kq^{n-k}=(pe^t+q)^n \text{ ?}$$

How can I get
∑k=0n(nk)(pet)kqn−k=(pet+q)n ?
I'm having a real problem, trying to figure out this equation. Can you, help me with that ?

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