15 hours later…
If there are some mods around, it would be probably good to hear their opinion - after all, question has been closed by a mod.
In the review queue, all reviewers voted to leave closed:
On the other hand, this user seems to know a lot about semigroup theory (it seems to be one of their research area).
I was about to answer this question, but it took me some time to gather the relevant information and meanwhile, the question has been unfortunately closed. I hope it will be reopen. — J.-E. Pin 34 mins ago
@Shaun I am not sure, but maybe adding some comments on where you already looked might improve your chances. (Although it was closed as too broad and not for lack of context.)
Hypothetical examples: "I have seen that the books Rosales, Garcia-Sanchez: Numerical Semigroups contains some open problem, but I am more interested in semigroups in general rather than numerical semigroups. Some open problems are mentioned in Higgins: Techniques of semigroup theory. However, since the book is from 1992, several of them might have been solved in the meantime."
Well, this is what I was able to suggest. Maybe some other users will notice your message here and they might have some better idea about what to do.
If you get more feedback here, you might try also reopen request thread - but I doubt that this could be very successful without including some reasons why you consider the closing as too broad incorrect.
I am not sure, maybe also asking J.-E.Pin for advice how the question could be improved (so that it has bigger chance to get reopened) could be a possibility.
1 hour ago, by Martin Sleziak
If there are some mods around, it would be probably good to hear their opinion - after all, question has been closed by a mod.
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