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How are you doing?
1) how come you were smacked with serial voting reversal?
2) how did you get 11 rep for an upvote?
@Farhan I was smacked with serial voting reversal?
@voretaq7 twice?
and I don't know about the 11 rep thing either -- I think maybe an answer I downvoted got deleted or something. Either that or it's a bug.
I'm not sure how smart is the logic to catch serial voting.
@Farhan heh, I don't pay much attention to what happens with my votes after I cast them, but probably I was voting on stuff that floated to the top of the queue from the editing sprees & it offended the algorithm's delicate sensibilities
What I know, it looks for multiple votes casts within a span of few seconds or minutes.
it's not a bad algorithm, but there are definitely false-positive cases (surprisingly few though, and the false-negative rate is very low - it's good at detecting vote rings and such)
@Farhan yeah that's part of it, it also takes into account vote history (A votes for B a lot)
How's your plane?
and my browsing style is "Open a bunch of interesting questions, read them, and vote a lot" which is often on the edge of "too many votes in X minutes"
@Farhan Reassembled :-) I was going to bang out my flight review today but the weather is being a dildo - actually need to call my CFI & see if we can do it Saturday and I'll bring the old girl home this weekend
(then I have to write SO MANY CHECKS -- this is a big ouch)
@voretaq7 Cool
I really have to break myself of the habit of saying "Well, while we've got it open let's do...."
(I did however stop myself from redoing the rest of the interior (wall panels & carpet) so HOORAY FOR PERSONAL RESTRAINT I guess? :-P
That opens a can of worms which requires $$$ to close
@Farhan I know what's in the can: Side panels (about $1100), new soundproofing/insulation (probably $500), primer (cheap), and time (I'll probably do it myself during the next annual)
it's on the list because my insulation/soundproofing is literally carpet foam glued to the skin
I don't like that because that stuff can hold moisture, and Piper never primed the skins at the factory - they're amazingly clean considering, but I'd like to see the plane outlive me.
So will there be a grand opening?
@Farhan hah, well there will be a grand "Holy fuckweasels I can FLY again!" that's for damn sure :)
(assuming I don't pancake the thing finishing up my flight review - which is unlikely)
I did do some W&B calculations with the new figures and it's depressing, CG moved forward 2 inches and now I REALLY need to replace the nose strut at annual or I'm out of balance with 2x200lb people in the front seats and full fuel.
@voretaq7 Start loading your passengers from rear seats.
I might be coming to NY next month. Is there any chance for a quick meetup?
@Farhan when I ran the full load plan I can haul me (185lbs) and 3x200lb people, with standard fuel, and be fully legal
@Farhan Depends on the day, but sure.
NYC or suburban hell?
@voretaq7 I'll be at JFK on 4/16 in the PM, but other than that, it's strictly weekends.
don't want to spend my PTO in NY :)
A wise choice :)
@voretaq7 Not Manhattan, but Brooklyn and Staten Island (as it's on the way)
Staten Island Doesn't Count.
(seriously, they exclude it from housing statistics and stuff because it's just... no.)
I only considered it a view next to I-278, until some people moved there and I had to visit.
I might be able to make it on the 16th next month, but wont if you will be swamped at work.
@Farhan During the week I'm usually buried (and until I reset my sleep schedule my hours are strange)
stupid product release!
I can understand.
@voretaq7 Luckily, I don't get too involved in the release committee :)
heh, that's the problem - we don't have a release committee.
oops, fixed the typo
So on the weekends, you just stay close to FRG?
@Farhan Depends on the weather & what else is going on, sometimes I'll fly off upstate for lunch or something
I try to get in a few good 50+ mile cross-country trips since I eventually want to get that instrument rating
Sounds good
I'm not sure about when i'll come on a weekend (most probably), but will inform you
email or phone?
@Farhan either - 914-424-5426 is my cell
@voretaq7 Thanks
i'll send you my number too
I guess your real name is on your twitter
@Farhan It is stupidly easy to get my contact information. I have a pilot's certificate, and I own internet domain names.
If I ever have a stalker they'll have no trouble finding where I live.
@voretaq7 Yup, reverse n-number lookup does come in handy
Yeah I could write to the FAA and have them block all that shit, but it's in SO MANY OTHER PLACES anyway so.... meh.
I've noticed that many people who own airplanes create an LLC to own their plane or list a POBox.
Both do cost money and bring some level of headache
I sent you a message a few minutes ago.

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