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Winter bikes have to be tough - not optimised.
That said, most of my best segment times come in winter, with a howling tailwind and are often in the dark.
6 hours later…
@AndyP Yeah - the US specifically had a boom period after WW2 through the 60s due to war reparations. The UK was still paying off war debt through into the 90s, and rationing went on 3x longer than the war itself for some things.
@Criggie I don’t understand why you guys have so much trouble with winter and maintenance
sure, the salt can cause corrosion, but just lube your chain every now and then and it’s fine
how so?
brass spoke nipples are a good idea
We don't have salt on the roads here at all, other than riding near the beach.
then it’s even less of a problem
just ride the same bike year round
I have more issues with winter grit and dirt getting in places
A chain that is black with road dust is generally goign to wear faster than a clean chain. Winter rain makes that more common than summer riding.
I was riding ~1000 km a month, and that adds up pretty quick, maintenance is simply a more regular thing.
Right now I'm annoyed with myself for fitting a new chain on the wet-day bike and not a replacement cassette.... it skips :-\
come and try Scotland.
In winter once something is wet it stays wet unless you bring it indoors to dry.
In my particular case I also live within ~50m of the sea so salt in the air even
I got 4200 km off that cassette- should have known better. Downside, the chain broke and I managed to loose 1/3 of it between the break and coming to a stop. So fitting a new one was the only option.
I'd love to try Scotland.
If I ever go anywhere I'd try at least a ride.
@Criggie Yep, even with mudguards entire lower half of winter bike is basically covered with a thin black/brown grinding paste
almost every ride
Yeah that's not good for your chain life. But cleaning it every ride would be annoying.
especially when at that time of year its always dark.
dont like cleaning bikes at the best of times, certainly not when its cold and dark
just rub it down with a rag
it’s not like you have to spend hours with a brush
it’s really a 10 second thing
Yeah - dark, uphill ride to home, in the rain, with a headwind from the south pole, and there are no streelights for ~1/3 of my commute, AND its 80 or 100 km/h road there. Yeah that's unpleasant
I do wipe my brake rim tracks every couple of rides in winter - can feel the grit otherwise, know its not doing the metal any favours.
no streetlights is good
@Criggie I kind of doubt this has any lasting effect. I sometimes pick metal shards or gravel out of the brake pads when I feel like it.
I run 3 front lights and 5 rear lights because its so dark. Technically illegal, we're only suppoosed to have one or two.
why not one proper light in each direction?
maybe a second as backup, especially on the rear where you’ll probably not notice immediately
yeah - one trip I had all my rear lights die. four of the damn things.
One is simply not enough
wtf? What are you doing? :D
are they dynamo powered and attached to a single wire? :D
no - dynamos are rare here.... I've only ever seen one or two and normally on imported European bikes.
@Criggie Weird. Here most of the bikes have one. Only sports bikes don't
you're in Europe from memory? Don't the Germans mandate for them ?
here its almost always battery-based.
Yes. Dynamos aren't mandatory anymore, battery lights are legal now
Oh okay - it used to be like that though, right ?
a few years ago dynamo lights were mandatory, yes
There was a time when ebikes had dynamos because lights had to be dynamo-powered 🤦‍♂️
in Germany and Austria at least
imagine if eScooters would need dynamo powered lights xD
That would be typical German law 🤣
The old bottle dynamos are horrible though, lots of drag and they don't work in the wet
yeah - still see them on vintage bikes. Tyres with the zigzag track for the dynamo head to run on, yeah they were a thing
But now with better batteries and LEDs, things have improved.
So its forecast to rain tomorrow here, but my wet-day bike is down,waiting for a cassette.
Should I fit my tubular wheels ? Feels risky
I do not enjoy flats on those tyres.
Tubular wheels? Are they still a thing? o.O
1 hour later…
well clearly :-P
4 hours later…
I have a mountain bike here which was not used at all for a period of ~8 months or so. It seemed that the biting point of the brakes has changed compared to what it was: now the levers came much closer to the grip.
I performed the piston mobilization procedure on the front brake, as described here (for reasons unrelated to the gap in use): magura.com/en/components/techcenter/…
After this, the biting point has changed considerably: it bites much earlier.
Does this indicate that the brakes need bleeding?
I did hear some "slurping" noises when repeatedly pushing the pistons back. The bike was upside down when working on it, out of necessity. I know that this is frowned upon as any air bubbles can rise into the brake caliper.
Now there is a significant difference in biting point between the front and rear brakes (I didn't touch the rear). An additional question: how to remedy this?
@Szabolcs When that happened to me, a week later it stopped working entirely and I had to replace the oil entirely. I'd go get it checked by a professional.
@Szabolcs "The bike was upside down when working on it, out of necessity." can’t you suspend it from the roof somewhere? E.g. tie a string to a roof joist and the just put the saddle nose into it. It’s what I do in the shared bike garage here. Can’t have a bike repair stand here.
@Szabolcs have you tried just pressing the brake levers a couple of times (with the bike the right way up)?
you can also press the pistons back in to “reset” the position
3 hours later…
@Michael So Gabba + arm warmers was barely warm enough. I don't think it ever got as warm as the 14C it was supposed to be 🥶
@AndyP here it’s 35°C and all the hiking paths are completely deserted because people hate the heat :D
it’s like a ghost town here
lol, i wish. if only we could meet half way, then both could be happy
It was 33°C yesterday, plenty of roadies out there but noone greeted back 😬 bad etiquette!
@Erlkoenig Theres SO many miserable people out there! Can have a perfect day and yet still they are so absorbed in their own misery they can't return a cheerful 'Hi'
Yeah indeed! Why even ride if you don't enjoy it??
I was sat down at a nice little café and greeted some newly arriving roadie, he ignored me and then was unfriendly to the waiter. Eh.
Maybe at home they have a screaming kid, a wife that doesnt like them and a dog with a bad case of the runs.
The misery of the bike is less than the misery at home :P
maybe they want some peace and quiet only to get greeted by annoying cyclists :p
Then they should ride an escooter, nobody greets those 😜
2 hours later…
Why is a local art auction house selling a vintage road bike 🤔 quittenbaum.de/de/auktionen/design/163C/alle-lose/…
"Aluminum tubing"? That can't be right. And why are the pedal cages stuffed into the bottle cage 🤣
@Erlkoenig if you meet another rider every five minutes or so greeting is the polite thing to do. When you meet more than five cyclists every minute greeting becomes indistinguishable from a persistent tremor.
@Erlkoenig Alan was known for their Aluminium frames.
@gschenk Yes of course...
@gschenk Interesting, even in 1979?
@Szabolcs What brakes?
If you didn't push the pistons all the way back in, their resting point might be too close to the rotor and thus lever stroke is reduced.
@AndyP fourteen? Luxury !
@Criggie poor you is in the worst of winter, right?
Yeah - probably get maybey 8 hours of sunlight in the day. The Sun is just peaking over the horizon as I go to work, and will be down by the time I go home.
it’s 21:33 here and the sun is just going down
will come back up at 5:00
best time of the year :)
sunset officially 22:00 here, but will be light till almost 23:00
and then start getting light again 04:00
I'm at just about 3 months recovery now. Should be "normal" but improvements are in the "marginal gains" area.
Sleeping is still bad, but once I'm moving the day is okayish. Still very limited on wind, I can't do a fast ride much at all.
still sore ribs?
and docs any idea why progress is slow?
doctors lie - physio says its a year minimum for complete recovery.
Some actions hurt more, some are fine. I have no desire to start trimming the hedge at home cos I know that's going to be painful
Riding is relatively OK, for 30 minutes or so, but an hour gets sore
@Criggie why do you say the doctors lie?
in my case the 4–6 months recovery time unfortunately turned out to be too optimistic :( Too many complications and set-backs
crazy how much damage even a controlled surgery can do. Accidents must be even worse.
doctor said 1-3 months. That was incorrect. Physio said that doctors always drastically underestimate the time to recover from this kind of thing
(off to work - BBS)
google says 3 to 6 weeks and if still in pain after 8 weeks revisit doc to get checked again
there is a huge difference between being able to do basic stuff (move around, take a shower etc.) and being fully recovered and pain free even in all-out exercise and extreme positions
yes, absolutely. and in some cases there will be lasting effects (like from scar tissue)
@MaplePanda Magura MT5. I pushed them all the way in, until they were flush with the caliper.
I've been to Utrecht, Amsterdam, Delft, and Den Haag and so jealous of their bike infrastructure.
@gschenk Nice. I wondered if you were on holiday since you hadn't been around.
Even Antwerpen was good. I thought Bruxelles had horrible bike infra and hardly anyone biked there. But it is still massively better than any German large city
And any German city is probably better than all UK cities except perhaps London
@AndyP I could hardly hold back posting here after a day of cruising at the sea side on a Holland-Bike tandem.
We visited the Zandmotor!
It's so cool to see it in real life after it was in the news for about two decades.
@AndyP I really liked the two solutions to the number one reason for but having dinner lanes.
If there isn't enough space for safe bike lanes (a) close the street for car traffic (exceptions: services and special needs NY neighbours; retractable barriers with key cards) (b) make it mixed use, pedestrians, cyclists, cars permitted anywhere, does speeds, cars walking pace to slow cyclists pace.
I had to google Zandmotor.
Looks like an interesting project.
And a day cruising on a holland bike tandem sounds super fun.
I guess there's also a 3rd solution to bike lane space. Make each road have 1 car lane - 1 way only. and then the 2nd lane converts to bike space
If the Zandmotor works it might be the most important innovation in coastal protection in decades. Just the thing needed with ever more severe storms.
Photo of one of three parallel bike paths through the dunes (On Strava: strava.app.link/xRwoEqkPZqb )
I've never worked so hard climbing on such a flat route. Apparently my stoker found it a hilarious practical joke not to pedal at all whenever we went uphill.
@gschenk Photo doesnt show for me sadly. Guess its some privacy setting. Might be able to use uploader in chat and point it at that photo on strava?
I imagine that would be quite fun for the stoker :D
I was exactly there in 2019, really beautiful 🥰
Climbing on a Tandem with HR=180 while the stoker is complaining about being cold is... an experience.
@Erlkoenig Maybe your stoker was super fit and not working as hard 😉
From my visit in 2019
@AndyP Yeah sure 🤣 I think he didn't comprehend how much I was pulling him
Upload from phone didn't work. Will try another day from computer.
@Erlkoenig I think you photographed the biggest climb in all of northern NL there!
All the extra weight was tough, especially since we stopped at the fishery port at Scheveningen for lunch. 30 kg bike + 40 kg stoker + 5 kg seafood inside stoker. And that on a full stomach.
@Erlkoenig image acquired for meeting background - thank you.

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