i'm in the market for a bike rack for my car. i used to have a sedan but now i have a hatchback, making me think i want to go for a roof rack. any suggestions/recommmendations?
hatchback is a golf gti, so my bike doesn't entirely clear nicely when im in my driving position
OK I find that if I'm flexing my ankles more while riding then the calf muscles feel it. That's called twiddling, to move your legs a little less and bend your ankles a lot more.
@Batman We have a Thule roof rack which is pricey but seems very stable. AFAIK none of them have good security locks, so my advice is that if you're leaving the car parked to add a cable lock possibly one with balls on the end that you shut in the door.
@Criggie I am not sure if California's Constitution would allow them to succeed. Beyond that, I think they have tried to break the state up into smaller states (5 or 6 or whatever) several times. Never just leave though. California has a VAST road infrastructure that would collapse quickly without matching federal funds. Their public welfare system is similar.
@freiheit I'm aware of most of that ;) I grew up in Cali, but was trying to simplify. All of my family is still in Sac or LA. I checked on figures and didn't realize that the fires had scorched such a large area. 1.4 mil. That's an Alaskan fire season there.
Normally the media makes a huge deal out of like 30k acres burned in Cali, but 1.4 million is quite a bit by anyone's standards.
Alaska is having a very low year at ~400k at this point it looks like
looks like the last several years have been ~500k and you have to go back to 2015 to where it was up at 5 million
but even at 5 million, the death toll was nothing like what California will hit, nor the economic damages
@Criggie, would your bend stick out over the sides of the car? That is often a reason not to put one on the back of a car, (besides being too heavy for the carrier.)
I have had my 'bents bikes as well as trikes transported in cars, for maintenance and to get home once broken down (only once so far.)
We have so many bike shops and quite a few of them do not want to try something they are not familiar with. And when you are too far for walking, you might as well go to one who is really specialized.
I set aside about a 100 Eurodollarpound for taxis a year from the money I safe by not having a car.
This year I used up about a tenner. The last six years nothing whatsoever. If I run in a major mechanical and need transport I should resort to a taxi and still have a positive balance.
@Willeke Exactly - car's only 1.8metres wide, and the bent is about 2.3 metres long. I don't have any way to move the bent other than riding it or hire a trailer.
I am lucky enough that mine all fit in a normal station (estate) car, most with just one back seat down.
Not that I own a car, or even have had driving lessons. So I have to ask someone with car or borrow the van from work and find someone with a license to drive me.