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room parent site changed to
Fixed it.
why unix?
What? I like the UL site design.
It's like, cream colored and clean.
Well, that's the main thing to consider when associating a room
@MichaelMrozek it really is. scifi's site design is bamf, but the look applied to chat makes it hard to read.
Hee hee hee @ZulyGonzalez should i find that sloth picture? :P
me likey :-)
I've been looking at cats recently, but I have a bajillion doggie/puppy ones
baby. giraffe!
i have a weakness for pigs:
And, the gif to end all cute gifs
user image
That gif is the best!!! I saw the baby giraffe and pig photos on /r/aww the other day :-)
@ZulyGonzalez hee hee hee
a gal after me own heart~!
I think you and I will get along fabulously :P
@Aarthi I think so too!
@ZulyGonzalez :D as a token of our newfound friendship:
And this one's bow is purple! Like your grav :D
Omg how cute is that!
ikr?! omgggg
I liked this one a lot too:
but dogs with hats kill me:
Who am I kidding, dogs period
Dogs and puppies are my favorite
But I also like dolphins, pigs, bunnies, sloths, hamsters...OK any baby animal :-)
oh, and don't forget baby seals!
how about baby-babies? :P
Me, circa 1990.
/blatant self-promotion
Awww baby @Aarthi! You look so happy!
@ZulyGonzalez Hee hee hee Mom says I was a very jolly toddler. Then she wonders what happened to me :P
I like looking at human baby pictures when I know the person. Otherwise it doesn't have the same effect.
@ZulyGonzalez Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel.
@Aarthi You still seem happy to me!
@ZulyGonzalez ahahaha i am! my mother likes to tease and joke.
okay it appears we really are leaving. I promise, more ADORABLE animal pictures upon my return. After I pack up my knitting for New York, or something. @MichaelMrozek has this covered, surely :P
/waves always a pleasure, @ZulyGonzalez :)
@Aarthi OK. Later. I will be expecting lots of cute pictures upon your return :-)

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