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honestly, FML
Q: How do you make a variable in php?

AndrewDevsHow do you make a variable in php?

That one's particularly awesome.
variables in PHP do backflips by default. they know what they are.
> You mean "How do you make a variable do backflips in php?", right?
His only other question wasn't awesome either:
Q: I am getting this error on php. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xamppp\htdocs\connection\includes\class-query.php on line 55

AndrewDevsI am getting the error : Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xamppp\htdocs\connection\includes\class-query.php on line 55. If you can help please comment $friends = $db->select=($query); foreach ( $friends as $friend ) { $friend_ids[] = $friend->friend_id; } ...

(the irony being he's already used variables, ten days ago)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit s/used/copy and pasted code that contained/
@psr What!? No, what? pfft Crazy talk.
makes notes
So i have these dynamically generated java beans that don't have a good toString implemented
I want to log all of them, as stored in an arraylist
I have a helper method that turns a bean, without a good toString implemented, into a good String.
They are beans. Reflect them. Grab all the getters and walk over them.
I am hard pressed to think of a better use case for java 8 lambdas.
i mean, it's like match made in heaven
guess what doesn't support java 8: spring 3
guess what i just spent 2 days trying to upgrade from and finally gave up from
i went with this out of rage:
eh, it's hard for me to copy paste
basically i used guava Iterables.transform
which i think is actually less verbose than making my own loop despite the lack of lambda syntax
1 hour later…
@MichaelT The prices, O_O
People like to think biking is a cheap hobby. lol :P
@RobertHarvey I'm probably looking at something like: hostelshoppe.com/2014-CATRIKE-Trail-Folding-174391
As I said, I'm after folding, not speed.
@enderland I'm used to seeing $700 cyclocross bikes, not $2500 and up.
Notice large back wheel and extreme "I can really get my legs pushing on that" position.
@RobertHarvey my road bike was about $700 - and you can spend so much more on them if you want
Also, I think getting hit by a car on one of those could really ruin your day.
Thing is, I've got really bad balance... so the two wheel type is... a bit more challenging.
My parents have a tandem trike...
something about like this:
Not that brand though.
(and frankly, much better seats)
The reasoning behind that was my father's back is not as good as it used to be - and doing even 5-10 miles on a two wheel tandem doesn't happen. At all.
Are there decent trails in most of WI?
We've got a ton of decent trails nearby
Lots of biking in Iowa..
Better in Minnesota, but up near St. Germain they are excellent.
(Their last two wheel tandem ride... I was on the way home from Madison to their house - in college... and saw them relaxing / recovering on the side of the road about 7 miles from the house... My mother (on the tandem) and my brother rode the tandem back while my father and I drove back.)
And then they went and got a recumbent tandem trike.
@MichaelT ahhh that looks like a perfect place to live
And I think they've said that their range limit is in the 20-22 miles out and then back, for two days in a row.
That county has done quite a bit with their bike trails that I haven't seen otherwise in Wisconsin.
(I saw it when I was driving to do some UP MI photography... and I was talking to them on the phone... it was "there's a bike trail here... it looks paved..." and then a few miles later "its still here, this isn't a small trail - I'm in the middle of nowhere" and then later "Ok, the town that I just drove past is St. Germain... and there are 8 bikes in front of that cafe... this is a biking place.")
We brought our bikes when we went through Duluth for a few days last summer but never got out to ride
Lots of very pretty stuff up along north shore area too
Yep. The key though is paved roads... these aren't mountain bikes. And the weight distribution on them makes crushed limestone awkward.
There's tons of paved stuff near me
Minnesota has some of the better trails in the area.
My parents love going to Red Wing.
I know MSP has a ton of bike trails
MSP is a bit further north...
their 'ideal' is about 3-4h drive from Madison. MSP is 5-6.
Though they did do a trip out to Alexandria MN one time ( mapmyride.com/us/alexandria-mn )
and have been out to Cour de Lane... and I know I didn't spell that right.
The Hiawatha trail.
Ah, right, we drove pretty close to Madison but were coming from eastern Iowa
We want to do the trail out of Glenwood Springs Colorado some time.
Always forget how far east that is compared to MSP
That one takes a bit of weather planning though... there's that river. Apparently, it likes to wash out the bike trail from time to time.
Btw, that road in the picture - thats I70.
Nature is beautiful
You can see the bike rail at the right, east bound (current level) and westbound (upper)
See? River? See the bike trail there... yea...
@MichaelT that angle makes it look super weird, almost like the river is defying gravity
I live pretty close to this
it was a railway bridge over a river/flood plain
> The Colorado River through the canyon, as of Tuesday afternoon, was running more than 4,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) above its average springtime peak, according to CDOT estimates based on readings taken at the Shoshone Power Plant, just west of Hanging Lake Tunnel along Interstate 70.

By Tuesday afternoon, the Colorado River was running at 18,100 cfs through Glenwood Canyon. The average springtime peak in that section is around 14,000 cfs, according to CDOT data.

At one point near Shoshone, the river was up to the railing that runs along the bike path, which is about 48 inches above
Anyways... want to do that one again some day.
Hard to find a good picture showing how tall that bridge is
@MichaelT yeah, that looks awesome
That's a better picture, that bridge is crazy to bike over in a little wind ;)
My parents might have done that one some time in the past... they have been in the area.
And a recumbent trike you don't worry about wind other than a head wind too much.
Btw, Cour d'lane... check out the bottom right bridge:
@MichaelT yeah... that'd trip my fear of heights. LOL :)
@enderland don't worry... its wooden.
Though heights? not a problem...
you are making me want to bike so badly. I'm planning on biking to work mostly in the next months but... not the same!
You could have helped out on the trail crew when they were converting it from rail...
see the guard rails? No? Oh... yea.
@MichaelT yeah.. about that. I got a lot better with my fear of heights when I ran lights at a concert venue (so I was up on a ladder doing work a lot) but.. that's different than a bridge over a canyon/valley area
I drove through that area on my Great Unemployed Road Trip.
No, wait... wasn't that one...
it was the "Not as great grip from SF to Montana and back" trip.
The thing I remember of it was driving past and seeing this statue:
and going "hmm... next time spend more time here"
the thing was I was doing a Seattle to ? drive and trying to find a good place to spend the night.
The first hotel in Montana I saw was in this town:
Saltese (also Packers Meadow or Silver City) is an unincorporated community in Mineral County, Montana, United States. Located at 47°24′37″N 115°30′35″W (47.4102075, -115.5095972), Saltese lies an altitude of 3,366 feet (1,026 m). "Saltese is an old gold and silver mining town that took its name from a Nez Perce leader, Chief Saltese." "The town was first known as Silver City but was renamed in 1891." In December 1912, David D. Bogart, the 6th mayor of Missoula, Montana, was killed in an avalanche in Saltese while prospecting for gold. == References... ==
I got off the interstate, got on to the frontage road, drove past the hotel and turned around and got back on the internet state.

[street view](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Saltese,+Mt+59867/@47.4093492,-115.5087729,3a,75y,3.56h,84.92t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sUHoAYV5rOJCOTW-MJN3wLw!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DUHoAYV5rOJCOTW-MJN3wLw%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D10.566716%26pitch%3D0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x536093130913dbcf:0x40673fb314fe6cbf!6m1!1e1)
Went a bit further and stayed here instead. The big difference: trucks. Lots of trucks.
Don't you think I know that? I need help getting it to work. — mac 2 mins ago
well I wasn't going to downvote you, but if you have an attitude.. well then!
@RobertHarvey I lol'ed. In the library.
Price of 55 gallons of crude: $28. Price of 55 gallon drum to hold crude: more than $28.
You know, I never really understood why the price plummeted
@daOnlyBG Saudi Arabia is trying to put price pressure on their not so friendly neighbors.
@MichaelT Actually, I'd suppose the opposite would make a lot more sense
@daOnlyBG They're trying to make it so that Russia and Iran don't have the budget to support the military and allies (of this two) in the area.
Granted, thats a bit simplistic way of looking at it... but its a valid one.
It is also putting pressure on Venezuela which in turn isn't helping out Cuba and that got Cuba to reconsider its relationship with the US.
They're also trying to mess up the viability of the small drilling companies for fracking in the US as they can (currently) only sell in the US.
And furthermore, they see the writing on the wall with a switch from a carbon economy to a renewable energy economy. In 20 years, that that oil may be worthless because you can't burn it without carbon taxes.
So, pump it all out while you can... and before your not-so-friendly neighbors can.
Altogether, the Mid East states can expect to lose approx $300 bil in 2016 alone
...per the IMF calculation
I know it isn't, say, $1 trillion... but for a collection of countries with substantially smaller economies than the US, $300 billion is an awful lot of money to lose out on just to make a political stunt
I'd be more convinced of the "writing on the wall" you mention
or long-term phenomena
The carbon taxes idea sounds pretty interesting as well- I wonder if the recent international climate-related agreement had an influence
The main use of oil is gasoline - transportation.
And since I love graphs... here's another for @JimmyHoffa
The demand for oil in the US is down a good chunk.
And we've got a law here that we can't export oil made in the US.
So that is driving down the price a bit. And if that improvement continues, well, then the price of oil is down.
Every day that the mpg goes up, the price of gas goes down. And if you are going to try to make the most profit for the oil in the ground... get it out now.
@MichaelT Definitely
Hopefully in about a year and a half's time, I won't have to worry about the price of gas for fuel
@daOnlyBG because you're going to bike to work like @enderland ?
@MichaelT I wish. I've been saving up enough of my paycheck to get on the waiting list for the Tesla Model 3 (the not-so-expensive one, to be released in '17)
Q: Should Community Managers remain impartial during Moderator elections?

RichardCommunity Managers (e.g. paid employees of Stack Exchange) play a large part in the background running of the SE sites and can be seen to exert enormous influence over users. We've seen that there's modest interest in Community Moderators weighing in on Moderator Elections... Should existing m...

I don't exactly disagree with you, but... I think y'all put way too much thought into this. If I had the ability to sway an election via commentary, I'd have done it by now. — Shog9 ♦ 2 hours ago
A: Draw a Call Graph

AmptI think what you're looking for here is a Sequence Diagram. These allow you to visualize the order in which various modules call eachother via the use of arrows. Constructing one is simple: Draw your starting class with a dotted line below it. Draw the next class/method in the call trace with...

how can I pare this down to make it easier to understand?
I feel like I'm being too verbose
but I also think that examples are useful
Maybe I chose too complex an example... or didn't explain it enough
@MichaelT glenwood canyon holds a special place for me. So beautiful, so easy to get to, one of the only vaca's I had growing up was a weekend there every few years, and I've been there many times as an adult now and just had a great time every time. The canyon's beautiful and everytime I see it I'm instantly in a better mood. Cheers to anybody who takes a bike ride through there. They opened some brand new more adult springs with bar and a ton of separate small hot-tubs of varying temperatures
just this past year
@Ampt sequence diagram works but they become useless with too many things and too many steps which I think would plague him
I think he'd want a different diagram. Sequence diagrams should typically give 1 - 3 possible flows at most, and if you have more than 4 or 5 steps in the sequence it's going to quickly become tricky to follow
it's really for inspecting individual flow-paths, not dependency relations between methods
perhaps it would work if he did one sequence diagram per sub-module
maybe I misunderstood the question then - I thought he wanted to see the interactions for one possible flow
@Ampt I'm not sure
you may be right
of course I am, did you see how long my answer was?
now upvote it and move on already sheesh
no need to actually read the damn thing
> I've tried to keep track where the flow begins and ends anytime I call the main function but I feel I need to draw this because I'm getting lost in the sub-calls.
> What concerns me is that each function calls multiple external functions within their body to complete their task and return the value to the caller.
to me that seems like a good use for a sequence diagram
a sequence diagram would rapidly devolve into being just as complex as the code itself
depending on the complexity
it may work, I just have concerns
> a spock on your family!
well your concerns are completely unfounded because I have SCOTCH
@Ampt shit shit shit.. I can't win this
What did you grab? Finally taking a step into the great beyond, the whiskey afterverse, The Scotchterlands ?
I... uh... got some... Scotchy scotch?? Uh... shit. I definitely didn't make up having scotch to win an internet argument.
@Ampt well if you're going to make anything up to win an internet argument, I really can't support anything more than scotch. Except for the whole blaspheming the sacrosanct scionic potion of distilled beneficence. Your tongue will surely be stricken from your head after swelling to proportions that cave the base of your skull in tonight while you sleep, so it has been writ for all that would commit such acts. Night.
Hi guys, I posted a question in programmers.stackexchange and I was suggested to go to the chatrooms for getting it addressed. Am I in the right place?programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/307746/…
Basically, we would begin asking you specific questions, gradually leading you towards a problem that can be answered. The question you posted, in its present form, is not answerable, at least not without writing a book.
For starters, what does the protocol look like?
@RobertHarvey what would you suggest?? coz I dont have development know-hows, and I want to try instead of using open source code from git.
2 hours later…
Learn C.
1 hour later…
I believe this question is off-topic for stackoverflow and belongs here: programmers.stackexchange.comJohannes Jander 16 secs ago
@JohannesJander Off-site resource requests are off-topic on Programmers.SE, same as SO. Please avoid recommending sites you aren't familiar with. — Ixrec 35 secs ago
this needs more upvotes:
A: Clickbait titles, their metaphor posts and what to do with them

SnowmanI think the key here is differentiating between metaphors and examples. If I am describing object composition in OOAD, I may use a car analogy. A car contains many components which I identify as classes in the OO design. However, I am describing the car problem in terms of object design. Anyone ...

why is it so hard to design classes
because it's hard to design anything worth designing
though there might also be real causes like too much inheritance instead of composition, or too many classes when pure functions can do the same work more easily
@Ixrec for me it's a simple class really
Q: How to return result from a delegate

Please TeachHow can I change this class to return me stream which I can send back to browser ? I am trying to create a Excel file using report viewer and send it back to client who is using a browser, public class WebReportRenderer : IDisposable { private ReportViewer rvInstance; private IList<Stream

2 hours later…
hey guys! Let's rename this site to "Programmers Overflow: A site for professionals not newooobs." that way we'll only get about 1 valid question per week and we can all go on holiday.
"Programmers Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professionals and students in software development and related fields ..."
there's probably no constructive way to rephrase that which would exclude lazy students while also including the perfectly competent ones
2 hours later…
Is "solutions over software" a viable approach? Generally, would stakeholders not only look at software, but infrastructure, processes, and organizational structures? I recognize that some environments may not all for all four aspects to be open for inclusion in a project.
you mean... someone hiring a company with lots of devs on a long-term basis instead of the duration of one specific project?
@Ixrec No.
When you launch a project, instead of thinking just about what software is needed to solve the problem, you would also (possibly, depending on your stakeholders) consider changing the infrastructure, the processes used by the stakeholders, and/or the organizational structure of the stakeholders. It could be that a project actually requires 0 software development effort.
important question: anyone here buy boxers online?
It may not be always feasible. For example, where I work now, we can't tell an air force that their whole organizational structure needs to change - that's a long, slow process, but there are people who work with how our technology fits into organizational structures with our customers. But we can have some feedback on how smaller scale things work.
Happy Coffee Day
Happy Distance Medley Registration Day!
my fabric softener smells like gummy bears. Now I always want gummy bears.
<-- has only had one coffee today.
That doesn't make any sense. "Distance Medley" just brings about the image of a cornucopia that needs to be reached for
@JimmyHoffa I get to register to run 36.0975km this year, over three races.
@ThomasOwens you mean, like training users to use a crappy UI instead of developing a more intuitive interface? Or changing a process to adapt to some inflexible software? Isn't this what Excel has done to the business?
@ThomasOwens how often do you see people wanting to change how they do things.
@amon No to both of those.
@ThomasOwens I get to register to drive wayyy more than that this year, over 2 daily races in sequences of 5 at a time
@MichaelT That is true.
Questions that ask "where do I start" are typically too broad and are not a good fit for this site. People have their own method for approaching the problem and because of this there cannot be a correct answer. Give a good read over Where to Start, then address your post. — Kyll 18 secs ago
I love that false positive.
Let me think of a good example...
Just wish Kyll would use a share link so he could get the publicist badge.
I'm not coming up with an example right now because it's not really feasible for where I am, to change hardware (our customer provides us with the full hardware environment to run on) or organizational structure or processes (it's the government - not gonna happen).
This year, I hope to run a 00:25:00 5k, a 1:00:00 10k, and a 2:30:00 half.
if you put them all together, you're pretty much at a marathon
just do one of those and be done with it
I'm still 4 miles short of a marathon in races. Although I do hope to head back home and run the Boilermaker, a 15k road race. Running that would put me at well over a marathon in races.
But I don't have the time to train for a marathon.
training? Who does that. Just sign up
that's all the prep work you need
<- is sour today because his RMA isn't going well
I'd die.
I think that's an overstatement
you'd want to die, but that's, like, completely different from actually dying
No. I'd die. Like, have a heart attack or something in the middle of the course.
That's how you know it's working! :D
That's what we like to call a "Deep Burn" in the industry
Just walk it off, you'll be fine.
1 minute to registration open.
I need to register, then run off to my meeting.
Training already? Good man.
I've been training since last year. I ran these same three races. Finished the half in 2:35:00ish with a sprained ankle.
@ThomasOwens I know what you mean. I stubbed my toe on the way to my beer fridge. I still made it back with two beers in hand. Some of us just tough it through the hard stuff.
@MetaFight Wow. You are a testament to mans willpower, truly.
and next time you're up, could you grab me one?
@Ampt didn't you hear? @ThomasOwens was going to run and get you a boilermaker. No need to ask the injured.
Amazon sale of the day:
$23 for nine movies
@MichaelT Oh, perfect, thanks!
@Ampt I would, but that would be depriving you of necessarily hardship in your life. I don't want you to be too soft in such a harsh world.
@MetaFight jeez, what a jerk. I'll just wait for @ThomasOwens to get back.
@Ampt you'll thank me down the road.
Parenting is hard. #selfless #thankless #inItForTheLulz
@MetaFight That last one is how I'm approaching the whole thing too.
(you know, for when I actually end up having a kid. Someday)
on a serious note, I'm not a parent, but I recent met my sister's adopted kids. They are absolutely amazing! Clearly parenting is f***ing hard work, but I totally see how it's worth it.
@MetaFight Toughest job you'll ever love.
@MetaFight yes, from Amazon
I spent a month with them as "the uncle from away." It was such a great time. At 3 and 5 years old those two are just love giving machines. It almost makes me want to move back just so I can maximize the time around them before they hit puberty.
They live in Maine?
Great ages. So much fun!
@KitZ.Fox you're not far, but why would you assume Maine?
"from away".
Pretty sure we're the only ones who use that expression.
@enderland good experience, or no? I'm looking for quality boxers. I recently starting buying quality base layers and it's world changing. The next step is high quality boxers. I can't seem to find merino wool boxers... maybe that's a bad idea.
That's going make your undercarriage rust out.
@KitZ.Fox it might be an east-coast thing. I'm from east coast Canada.
You want silk lined cotton or polypro.
Merino wool is a gift from heaven!
Moisture wicking. Keeps your boys comfy.
@MetaFight once I found one I liked, I just keep rebuying the same type - so while the first was a gamble... if you find you like them you can always order more :)
@enderland do you have a link to the item? Your recommendation is a good enough start.
I'm having a 90s flashback day. I'm kind of depressed, but in a much nicer chill way than last week.
I think you're going to be too hot with merino wool foundation garments.
@MetaFight these are the ones I've gotten before. they are pretty cheap and I find them quite comortable
they are cotton I guess
Cotton kills, don't you know?
ruh oh :|
It's because it holds moisture against your skin, which is not good in freezing temps.
You need a layer in between your skin and cotton, like silk or polypro.
Moisture wicking, as I mentioned.
Wool is good because it holds heat even when it is wet.
But it tends to be heavy. And really damn hot.
In this climate, wet cotton socks = amputated toes.
@enderland I scrolled down on that link..... OH MYYYYYY....
thank you for removing that
"Fun Size" rofl
@Snowman wow. uhh... lol
@enderland thanks
@KitZ.Fox yea, I wear wool socks in winter pretty much exclusively
nooo. Boxer briefs are evil!
I think they are sexy.
My now previous manager sent me this video, referencing some of his comments in our 'exit interview'
which is great. The tldr is "do something different to avoid becoming bored/routine in your life" haha
@Ampt ack I had to click the view bookmarklet and quickly refresh to make it go back to (removed)
@KitZ.Fox I think lingerie is sexy, I don't expect people to wear it under their clothes everyday.
Hmm. I suppose that's a personal choice.
Also, I just got outbid on this:
@JimmyHoffa lol I did the same thing
@JimmyHoffa I cought it literally a half a second before it was deleted. Have not used the bookmarklet since.
I can't seem to figure out the script on this box.
I fixed it
It works fine on my other box.
@MetaFight 4 player? whaaaaaat
I don't know what you're talking about. Is it this?
oops. did I hit delete?
I guess it is.
@MetaFight god damnit man.
@Ampt I know. Awesome right?
@Ampt the nice part about the scriptlet is that it lets mods also edit deleted posts... so you can still get rid of those sorts of things
So I installed Tampermonkey and the script, but it doesn't work automagically. I don't know enough to know why, other than basic poking. Is there something I'm being dumb about?
It worked when I installed it bare, but then Chrome helpfully deleted it.
@KitZ.Fox just add it as a "bookmark" in chrome
I have it on my bookmark bar, so I just click the bookmark and it runs the js
Which "it"?
@MetaFight Any of those stretchy materials are no bueno because they bunch. Gotta stick with the classic dress-shirt type material ones IME.
> javascript:$('.message:has(.deleted)').each(function(){var mid=this.id.split('-')[1];$.get('http://chat.stackexchange.com/messages/'+mid+'/‌​history',function(data){$('#message-'+mid).css('color','red').html($(data).find('‌​.message:eq(0)').html())})})
(what is the name of dress shirt material anyway? it's cotton but not in the same sense as a t-shirt..)
@enderland buggy version still. need /messages/ instead of the full URI
@JimmyHoffa well it works for me! :P
no no, that's not it
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
@KitZ.Fox Everything. Nothing.
@enderland you're not on SSL
Poplin, also called tabinet (or tabbinet), is a strong fabric in a plain weave of any fiber or blend, with crosswise ribs that typically gives a corded surface. Poplin traditionally consisted of a silk warp with a weft of worsted yarn. In this case, as the weft is in the form of a stout cord the fabric has a ridged structure, like rep, which gave depth and softness to the lustre of the silky surface. The ribs run across the fabric from selvage to selvage. Poplin is now made with wool, cotton, silk, rayon, polyester or a mixture of these. Being a plain under/over weave, if the weft and warp threads...
@JimmyHoffa Quick lets start intercepting his messages

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