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@ThomasOwens Because then people who use mac might start using other products and learn mac isn't the only computer in existence. Also because indie software for mac is a rarity it seems. You can get every kind of drive scrubber and formatter for windows or *nix... Kind of surprised you can't just dd the thumb drive?
The closed ecosystem has been viewed as a positive differentiation for quite some time.
I still think that Google should release a Linux distribution, but include integrations to their services. I'd use it.
@ThomasOwens There are multiple distros like that; "cloud" based ones. ChromeOS was originally of this nature.
they call themselves "Cloud" OSs because they do everything with online web apps like google and use online servicers for file storage et al
@JimmyHoffa Not cloud based, though. Do you know how GNOME (and I think KDE, too) have mail clients and calendar clients and messenger clients and news clients?
Replace all of those clients with Google desktop clients.
That are designed to integrate with Google services - gmail, calendar, hangouts, news.
It's called the Android OS
@ThomasOwens ...is that different from what I just said? Google "desktop clients" are just chrome extensions, no?
@JimmyHoffa Have the chrome extensions gotten better?
Can you effectively use Gmail offline now?
Or Calendar?
If so, I may need to take another look.
@ThomasOwens Have you seen any "google desktop client" that's not a chrome extension?
@JimmyHoffa When I last used the chrome extensions, they looked like shortcuts to the web apps. Not useful if I'm offline.
@ThomasOwens Ok, but what exactly are these "google desktop client" apps you're talking about if not the chrome extensions? I've never heard of any other apps from google unless you count the android native stuff
@JimmyHoffa Maybe it's just making those apps actually work offline.
@ThomasOwens oh you aren't referring to an actual application set you've seen/used?
@JimmyHoffa No. Something they would develop.
Gotcha. Yeah their extensions are considerably better these days. Should work offline, but go play with them and find out. Not like it's hard to get them all installed and running.
Instead of Thunderbird, you'd have some kind of email client. I don't care if it runs in Chrome or not, but it needs to work offline.
Drive, too. But I think there's an app for that for Linux now.
I'll have to check out the extensions and apps again.
Oh. They do have an offline Gmail. I don't see Calendar, though
Nope, found it. And it's offline enabled, too.
They have gotten better.
It actually looks like this is what I was looking for when I looked at Apps when they came out.
But they sucked back then.
Apps synchronize on login, yes? So if I go to my Windows side (once that's actually running - I need to call MS today and activate), or my Linux side, or my girlfriend's Mac, I'll be able to have all of my Chrome apps there. I should be able to mostly uninstall things from Linux.
how many roles can you apply to at one company before it gets weird?
size of the company?
half dozen, give or take. Especially if they are in different divisions.
mega corps silo their recruiters to divisions in the premise of "institutional knowledge" and what not.
I would say 5 are in one division, but have different job descriptions, all of which I think are applicable
doesn't mean they won't talk across division lines, but you're likely going to be going to different desks for every one of those
I dont want to come off as just trolling for interviews
but I do honestly think I could do all of them
Could also be different departments within larger division. More likely that the same recruiter will see you, but they may not care
Is there an HR contact email address?
My current place tells people to apply for everything that they think they are qualified for and are interested in.
nope - just their online application system
Oh. In that case, apply for all of them.
If there was an email address, you could apply for at least one, and then email HR or the recruiters and tell them what positions you're interested in and ask if you should apply to all of them or if they will match your resume across positions.
@Ampt whatever happened to rolling to a brand new project that's going to be all dev?
@JimmyHoffa account team fucked me over
@Ampt that sucks :/
@JimmyHoffa yeah yeah yeah, last thing I want right now is to hear about it
had to email the prospective project team and tell them I wouldn't be able to do it
Current gig refused to let you roll in other words?
I would have forced that letter on to the account team
they won't let me go without landing the perfect replacement
Or at least, that's what I did when that happened to me.
@GlenH7 which letter?
No, the letter stating you wouldn't be able to roll onto their project
@GlenH7 Oh, huh
yeah, I guess I should have
just felt like my obligation
since I was the one who initiated contact with him
I had a little bit more status at the time, so I made the account PM tell the other account I wasn't coming. And then I was all over the phones with the other team, my resource manager, and my pimp (placement guy).
either way, I'm actively looking for new jobs, so if anyone has anything, feel free to shoot it my way. Enderland already did that (thanks btw)
@JimmyHoffa yes. Yes I am.
Your still tied to your current locale because of family and relationships, right?
@GlenH7 kind of, but the GF is open to moving someplace warm :)
Only thing I have would require you to move
Ok. I'll try to get a link to you this afternoon.
Yep, I'm pretty sure I have it from before. BTW, if you edit that before you delete, then a mod can purge the message
oh really
yep. Watch this message See me edit. Pull the history.
well, no matter. only mods and room admins can see it
and you lot are cynical, but not evil.
Still shows as edited, but the history is gone
@GlenH7 MOD A-.. sorry... old habits ;)
that's a neat trick, I'll hav eto remember that
< click, click, hmmm, what's this delete thingy? />
Peter Gabriel's So remastered is a pleasure to listen to...
The prospective project PM emailed me and he basically read me like a book.
He wants me to be on the project, and understands the implications of me not being able to roll off
I'm thinking I'll have to get the 24 bit FLAC version from society of sound because the version I'm listening to off of amazon prime is flat out amazing.
@Ampt Negotiate a specific time frame with current PM and see if that's acceptable to future PM.
If you work it correctly, you can subtly point out that they've got 4 weeks regardless.
You need to threaten, but not in a pointed manner.
so far no one knows that I'm actively looking for a new role.
I could always call him and ask about you for reference purposes. <cough>
Not even current account PM?!
nope :)
I mean externally
they know I'm looking for a new role internally
Yeah, at the moment, I'm talking about internally only
but not that I'm now actively applying to other jobs outside the company
@GlenH7 you should damage your ear drums, maybe go shoot some guns and blow up something or take a nap on an old '82 20" Pioneer cabinet speaker playing Saving Private Ryan. I could listen to 8-bit mono and hardly tell the difference so there's nothing to lose in avoiding the expensive ultra master deluxe audiophile editions of music.
you go to current account PM and explain that you need to roll. And ask for a specific deadline you can work from with other projects.
@JimmyHoffa My ears have been extra happy all afternoon long. Happy enough to make up for working in javascript today
If current account PM gives you crap about wanting to roll, then you work in something subtle about not knowing how long you're going to be in that part of that state anyway.
So you're asking nicely first, but then applying the only leverage you've got next.
@GlenH7 Honestly, all the games they've been playing I wouldn't want to continue bothering if I were him.
The key isn't to be a jerk about it. Play the company line, "hey, I've been taking this hit for this team for X months..." And then work in "it's time for me to keep focusing on my career growth."
@JimmyHoffa Depends upon where the pain points are at and how flexible folks will be when pushed a bit. He's paid some dues, time to cash some of that in. You also have to account for the disruption involved with going externally.
This is my take on it - It's mostly the account team fucking me
everyone else wants to help
but doesn't have the time or effort to spend fixing this problem
plus there are very large people on the account who want me to stay
Got any Partners or higher that would back you?
The other subtle point to bring up is "your concerns about the quality of your work starting to suffer."
Which is code for "I ain't gonna keep busting azz and I may just sabotage things if you keep effing me."
"Hey PM, I'm really proud of the accomplishments we've made and what we've built up here. I'm afraid my heart isn't in this project anymore, and I'd hate to see my lack of enthusiasm affect the project."
@GlenH7 wow, you're more evil than I; you sure about that comment you made earlier @Ampt about not being evil?
"No, no, there's no chance of my feelings changing on this. This has been brewing for a while and I really need to roll to something else."
But I generally try to avoid all situations like that as I really don't like those games. Just don't back me into a corner because I come out swinging.
@Ampt - it's worth noting that you want to play those very subtly. Most folk are going to react very negatively if played full strength. You need to find the balance between getting the point across without picking an actual fight.
Really, you're just trying to point out the stupidity of what they're currently doing to you.
They are actively not renewing clearances if you don't currently need it, which is good for the company and the government, in the short and medium term and from a security perspective. That sucks on all kinds of levels for staffing future projects and employee mobility.
I don't think stupidity matters.. it's all about $$$$$$$
@ThomasOwens Given lead times in order to procure even low level clearance, that could be very problematic.
@GlenH7 Yeah, that's why it's not good in the long term.
but these are all good points
Unless they are monitoring future project projections and ensuring appropriate coverage for any future classified work.
But they could end up with new contracts and not enough people capable of working them.
@ThomasOwens depends on company goals. Lots of shops that do gov bidding just act like a revolving door; find people who already have the clearance when they win the bid or even sub out the work.
@GlenH7 My current manager is greedy, not dumb. I think that even the lightest hint that I would purposely work against him would be met very, very poorly
Cuts out a lot of cost, lowers the quality they provide and makes them somewhat less competitive on the bids, but the quality isn't particularly important if you're just relying on marketeering to win the contract.
@JimmyHoffa If that's the direction, that's not good. But contractors haven't tended to work out, unless they are bringing in unique knowledge that we don't have in hourse.
But our products tend to be long-lived. I wonder if technical management and security are getting into it.
@ThomasOwens if they were going that direction, they'd just pick them up when they win bids, put them on that one and only one project, and either let them go afterwards or keep them just on that project until they realize they're being screwed and leave
@Ampt play the angle of going external then
It may be hard to just pick them up. If you have an active clearance, you can go to Textron, BAE, Raytheon, Draper Labs, MITRE, Charles River Analytics, and a few smaller places. If you don't, you have limited mobility. So it depends on what the play of the employee is.
Oh. Lincoln Labs is a big employer here that has picked up a couple of people who left.
@MichaelT I never particularly noticed, that is good though. It's a great concept that is vastly underemphasized. People too often tend to think code can't be reasoned about and that's why you need static analysis and testing and all the extra stuff. Those tools are good too, but I'd rather work on reasonable code with no tools than unreasonable code with every tool.
This question should be reopened as defined in the help center. "software tools commonly used by programmers and is a practical, answerable problem that is unique to software development" This tool is solely used for software development. Not to mention the views and votes it has received mean it has found value here. Where else would this question belong? — Shawn 52 secs ago
Testing is more than just a "tool". It's a fundamental property of software that you can run it and see whether the result is as expected. It's never a proof, but sometimes I'm surprised by the simplest bugs in software that makes me ask "Did they even try to run this thing??"
I wish all software could actually be defined in terms of inputs and outputs so testing would be consistently straightforward
but those silly users keep demanding user interfaces for some reason
How are user interfaces not input and output?
in an abstract sense they are, but you can't just call displayUI(click, moveMouseRight, click) and check the return value or anything like that
the UI framework has to do some extra work to support useful UI testing (sadly none of the ones I work with do this)
The main reason we have things like View Models is to push as much functionality away from the UI surface as possible, so that it can be made unit-testable.
The fact that more than half the comments in this meta thread are us trying to explain to Rachel and alk what this question is actually about tells me it was not articulated optimally to begin with. Perhaps some editing is in order? I'd write an answer but I can't think of anything to put in it beyond "I agree, this sucks." — Ixrec 22 hours ago
Q: Why are we getting so many off topic 'debug this for me' questions? what can we do about it?

MichaelTYes, this is a duplicate of Using Programmers as "learning and training area" for Stack Overflow kind questions intended to re-ask the question more clearly and without the tangents of trying to explain it in the comments that have distracted from the core question. For some reason, Programmers....

woot! I have IE8 standards mode.
Piss of quirks. You're a hooker and nobody cares.
Tequila time?
@JimmyHoffa let me see if I can find that bit about quirks.
Nope. Not found on phone.
@MichaelT awesome, I don't see how anyone could misinterpret that version of the post
@gnat I tossed a dup to my question vote on there if you want to dup hammer the redirect.
Other than Visual Studio, is there any reason to use Windows as a programming environment? It seems Linux has the better programming environment in all respects. But I could be missing something.
@Brandin What are you developing for?
@gnat added the and delete.
my current libation, soon to celebrate the defeat of quirks mode.
@durron597 not a clue. This is only the second bottle of Brandy I've ever bought; quite like it though.
@durron597 baking: if in batter, second cheapest. It doesn't matter. If on top, middle of the road.
@MichaelT Online consensus seems to be E&J's
Is the one liquor I can think I've never really tried a great variety of because even the cheapest is bloody expensive
I splurged on this just because I was up on a long weekend
Cheapish and consistent.
@durron597 E&J isn't bad. Christian Brothers is still decent enough.
Note that the "pour on top" fruit cake style you want not the cheapest as more flavor will be present.
@MichaelT yeah, this is a batter recipe.
My vote is that cheaper is better then.
Unless it is awful, you won't notice one way or the other.
You don't want to put rotgut liquor into things even in batter
Christian Brothers is good enough
I wouldn't drink it straight, but I've become snobbish. :-)
@GlenH7 Windows and Linux desktops.
If you're developing for windows, it's often easiest to develop on windows.
of course that's true of most OSes
cross compiling is often more work than it's worth
though having a non-Windows machine around just to make sure your code is portable helps; when I first tried porting something I was stunned at how much non-standard junk VS let me get away with
Cross compiles is something for the build env.
(Had a Jenkins instance with slaves on three different machines to produce the right binaries)
Looks more like a Workplace question to me: "How do I deal with bat-shit stupid management." — bmargulies 1 min ago
(Fairly sure he's joking though)
I develop on Linux and let the CI server build on the Windows node. And I realized my happiness increases when I don't have to interact with the Windows server personally. Just let it do it's thing...
I need to stand up a CI system here..
Anyone in here know Entity Framework?
if anyone's gonna know it, it would be @JimmyHoffa
If you're adding records to the many side of a one-to-many relationship between an entity and its related entities, will EF manage the primary/foreign key relationships automatically, or do you have to make all of those assignments yourself?
@RobertHarvey yes and no. You can do code-first or db-first, and in either case you can dictate or avoid dictating the foreign key information, it's just a matter of how the whole thing's configured. EF is persnickety as I saw the other week; frankly after spending a few days setting it up for production I decided given it's horrible support for upsert I'll just have to stick with classic ADO.NET for all updates... I'm using it for reads though and that's a perfectly good use
I don't know it super well but I went through a bit of trials with it just the other week getting it all setup and resetup...and resetup... I had done analysis on it in the past and liked the code-first and migrations it had, but while it creates some really nice clean structures, there were a couple scenarios where the naive structure wasn't ideal for me, so I took the structures it built, pulled them into a DB project and tuned them how I wanted from there
I can't encourage enough the visual studio database projects - those I've used consistently since '08 and they're fucking spectacular.
but that's just for managing databases and keeping them source controlled and manageable for updates just like the rest of your source
way better than the EF migrations
I'll have to check those out, thanks.
they have a new concept of a "data-tier" application, DAC - I can't speak to those one bit. The plain database project that's available right with visual studio (you have to install the SSDT - Sql Server Data Tools downloadable from MSDN to get it to build) is spectacular. the Data-tier thing sounds a bit meh; some idea of packaging code and database stuff together in a single package but I haven't touched them so I know zilch on those.
Hey @RobertHarvey What's the story with this post?
What about it? Old post, no flags, good views, apparently a good answer.
@RobertHarvey I noticed that you and Jeff Atwood deleted almost all of it's answers
Looks like there was a conversation going on between a couple users in the answer fields. Maybe it predates comments?
They all either repeated information already there, or didn't explain anything. They all had zero votes.
@RobertHarvey I did a SEDE query for questions with the most deleted answers that were not already protected and that one was #2 (This is #1) and I saw you had deleted almost all of them so I thought I'd ask. I guess not much to see there.
If you like that, you'll love this.
(see the comments below the answer)
@RobertHarvey haha
Needz moar picturez.
Also, best user name ever.
@RobertHarvey Oh, the angle on that screenshot is kinda nauseating
Isn't it.
@AshleyNunn @RobertHarvey I was about to say...
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