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9:00 PM
@MichaelT yeah, I think the other problem is coming up with interesting examples of apl that are n characters
that are at the same time explicable to the average programmer
@WorldEngineer coming up with any example of APL that's explicable to the average programmer is pretty much a lost cause...
There's always Conway's Game of Life in APL. There's even an explanatory video.
@MichaelT has the industry "average" been in decline of recent (3-7) years do you think? New guy we got has been hinting at such an idea, I hadn't given it much thought really until talking with him. I'm curious if others have come to a similar conclusion, personally I can't say as though I've any idea at all. It seems more to me that it's always been a mess but I do seem to have better memories of yore. That's always the case though, isn't it?
@JimmyHoffa - I'm doing my DSL using PEG.js. It's kind of like a RegEx that throws events, but it's still way better than a recursive descent parser hand coded in MUMPS.
9:12 PM
@psr why don't you use a recursive descent parser written in js if js is available?
@JimmyHoffa I think PEG.js probably beats that too.
@psr how so? in performance you mean or API?
What're you parsing anywho? out of curiosity
@JimmyHoffa API. I don't have too much concern about performance really.
@psr cool. I'll have to give it a peek. I have heard of it
ah that does look nice
@JimmyHoffa Our app will have a DSL for user customization. The DSL is partly for sandboxing, partly on the theory that it will be easier to have custom language.
9:16 PM
@JimmyHoffa PEGs are a formalized recursive descent parser with a couple of convenient properties. They are the second-best state of the art parsing algorithm we have (the best being Marpa)
I'm playing with it online right now, it is pretty damn neat
@JimmyHoffa it feels less skilled outside the specific known framework and language
People lack the skills to learn new things.
Got a node guy? Ask him to write some Python? Might as well hire a fresh out of college instead.
It's hard to find people willing to try something outside the comfort zone.
9:32 PM
If I asked you to write an iOS app and gave you the tools, would you jump at the opportunity?
@MichaelT obviously, but I don't think that has changed necessarily, you sure? I might agree it seems the ability to follow through on that desire may be less, but people still seem up to trying new stuff, no?
Programming is becoming too specialized and people are forgetting about the generalists with resumes that don't quite make it past the hr filter.
that seems a strange perspective though to if you count in the fact that the variety of necessary technologies required for any given app only grown over previous
People want to hire exprerts in $tech or so they think.
perhaps that has some to do with it- perhaps people are worse at the broad strokes high level understandings (better at concretions than abstractions), which given there are more concretions at play in any given system these days, I could see the result being an overall seemingly less capable workforce
9:37 PM
So they get resumes from people who focused on it. But can't solve other problems.
Do you think there's less desire for crossing techs these days or just less ability? I could see an argument for the latter, the former would be a little difficult for me to grok (enthusiasm seems at an all-time high if you ask me, which rarely has any relation to reality)
Schools teach one language now. Rather than half a dozen. People have forgotten to use the right tool for the right job. Node for everything. Or Java.
Brogrammers are after the $ rather than the joy of coding.
Build it now, make some $, get out before it hits the fan. Go to the next one.
This attitude precludes a desire to write quality software that will be around in a decade.
9:40 PM
HR trends vary over time. Sometimes they want generalists, sometimes they want specialists. When the economy tanked it was always "I have 4 applicants with 10 years with this exactly, why should I hire you?". Now there seems to be some talk of "full stack", which seems to mean generalist+unicorns.
Full stack = can you be devops too?
Usually the dev team understands that someone good at a couple languages will likely be fine with #3, but HR doesn't usually agree.
Insert rant here. Can't type it on phone well.
@MichaelT Oh right, probably means that a lot. But it seems to be very vague, front end plus back end plus network + UX + ... So, like a generalist except as good at everything as a specialist.
I see a fair number of "hey we use this but if you know something similar apply anyway"
9:44 PM
@WorldEngineer I would view that as a good sign, probably indicating the tech team has actual input.
@psr yeah
@MichaelT so you're saying you agree in the last 3-7 years there has been a marked decline in the industry "average" level?
Interesting, and should be good news for my marketability if it's bad news for the joy I'll find in the industry until the weeble wobbles the other way (they don't fall down)
@psr full stack near as I can tell is more unicorns than generalist. People expect full stack to mean "You know everything about everything, right? Because we want you to write a high performance google ad enabled mouse driver which can also cause your monitor to toast bread"
Like full stack means you can design a flawless database in any RDBMS and do the search engine optimization as well as implement the CI, do the devops, and write every line of code inbetween at the skill level of someone who's been doing each of those things for 10 solid specialist years
@MichaelT Rant rant rant. This kids with their 'social media' and 'wearables' - in my day privacy meant even neighbors had no idea who you were. Now it's all selfies and LOL all day long. And look at me when I'm talking to you, damn it. Give me a decent shell and a 14k modem and I can program anything - and talk port to port, none of this bloated HTTP crap on your GitHub and NuGet and get this and git that -can't you write your own code? Go grunt build a source file and let me be.
  = expr

  = '(' term:term ')' { return term; }
  / term

  = left:integer op:op right:expr { return '( ' + op + ' ' + left + ' ' + right + ' )'; }
  / integer

op "op"
  = op:. { return op; }

integer "integer"
  = digits:[0-9]+ { return digits.join(""); }
That was fun. Turn computations into prefix form.
@Tom You're right, professional programmers would probably do it differently. For example, they would not limit it to count_two_chars, making it countChars(String s, char... chars), letting their callers pass as many chars as they wish. — dasblinkenlight 6 secs ago
9:57 PM
@JimmyHoffa This is more in line with what I see. I sometimes wonder if it's a technique to bargain on salary by making sure nobody meets the requirements.
Isn't one of the jobs that Stack Exchange advertises for a full-stack developer?
@MattS. I suspect SE knows the meaning the same way you and I do, unlike many businesses where people think programmers are more sorcerers than anything else
@MattS. Yes, but they mostly hire from the herd of actual unicorns in the basement.
@psr I think it's more just a lack of knowledge: Technology is utter magic. Ask for a magician who knows all magics and I'll be sure to have the best sorcerers in the land!
Or maybe it's part of the test to weed out people who think they're unicorns.
9:59 PM
When you acknowledge magic exists, it's easy to presume the level of magic a magic user has doesn't have to follow any laws of reality like years-to-learn, they're magicians after all.
@JimmyHoffa Sure, what if you hire a blizz-baller and the next level boss rolls fire and cold for his immunities?
@psr haven't you met idea men? They're pretty convinced they are magicians (from a different school) of the completest abilities. By mere definition of their mystical capacity surely any they try to hire will be the most advanced merlins of all, for only such would surround one such as said Man of Great Ideas
@JimmyHoffa the average aren't generalists anymore. Just like medicine. The GPs are great - but there aren't as many.
too many in this world don't realize "being the change you want" is just a cheery slogan to try and motivate you, not a technique for altering reality with willpower
And then you are interviewing a dermatologist for something that deals more with eyes...
10:03 PM
@MichaelT eyes have skin. It's completely valid.
But it's not at the expected skill level. The average looks lower.
You want to find 5 5 5. You are finding 3 3 9. Great if you hit the 9 skill, but not as good on the other ones.
@MichaelT you think this is caused by practices of generalist-vs-specialist, not other possible causes, like supply-vs-demand, or characteristics of the techs people have experience with etc, or anything else?
And if you don't care about the 9 (how many do you need? Is it even in the tech stack) it looks even worse.
The others are there too.
10:07 PM
G vs S is one facet
I'm curious where this comes from. I would actually lay cause at the foot of the many new businesses in the industry started by people of ever decreasing technical comprehension as tech becomes more common place the confidence level of technically incompetent people grows causing greater percent of the technical industry leadership to be non-technical
Btw, ever read great sky river?
@MichaelT nope?
Great Sky River is a Nebula Award nominated 1987 novel written by author Gregory Benford as a part of his Galactic Center Saga series of books. == Synopsis == After the events of Across the Sea of Suns small groups of humans have settled on other star systems. However there is a constant threat from the Mechs, a civilization of machines leftover from other civilizations and evolved to see all biological civilization as unstable and dangerous. Great Sky River tells the story of the Bishop family, who fight for their very existence on the planet Snowglade, which has been taken over by the Mechs....
Good book.
10:08 PM
I feel like I've been reduced from an aspect to a face.
I'll go with fascia, no I don't know what you're talking about
I'll describe more when on a real computer.
Part of the difference is hiring "people with experience who can do specific jobs" vs "hire smart people with related experience who can learn to do everything"
I blame all of the above.
I am 10Ker yet again: "helpful flags 10009" :)
10:17 PM
...to sign-extend int values which are shifted right, does the vagueness offer any benefit to anyone that would offset the cost of forcing programmers to write constructs like (int)((n ^ 0x80000000u) >> 4)-0x8000000? — supercat 1 min ago
@enderland: How do you know that your sample user even EXISTS, much less exists in sufficient quantity and with sufficient disposable income to make it worthwhile to build your proposed product? Doing it Apple's way at least guarantees you know your customers are out there. — John R. Strohm 1 min ago
is this really suggesting you should make products without any ideal of who your users and target audience are?
@MattS. I was just trying to identify if it was merely my cynicism or a real issue
It's a real issue for cynics?
sounds like the consensus is it's not all just in my head (never something you want to verify for someone as paranoid as me...what else isn't just in my head? O_O)
@psr actually, teens today are more conscious of their privacy than those of use born in the 80s
10:20 PM
@JimmyHoffa Personally I think there's an oversaturation of people who are in the market because it's visible that money exists in the tech industry and people want to be around to get it.
@MattS. so you think it's an oversaturation that has reduced the average, but wouldn't that then decry a supply-vs-demand ratio that ensured much of that wasn't actually participatory people? Or do you think the demand is available to cause a saturation of incompetents?
I'm trying to consider how many startups there are that hire people for a few years before finally turning over.
@MattS. start ups are only one part of the tech ecosystem though
Companies built around people who saw the success of other startups and thought they could reproduce the same results.
@WorldEngineer But then you get large companies like the one I work at where it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you sit in your chair.
@MattS. and then there's the crazy world of industrial control systems and the like
10:30 PM
who knows
It's complicated.
@MattS. it's complicated and subject to the same myths as entertainment
that NYC and CA are the only games in town
I don't think I have much experience in the subject, but from what I've seen most graduates are only interested in being in the industry for the money. Meanwhile there are just as many older folks who've become too comfortable with their jobs that they've lost the ability to do anything else.
It leaves a lot less in the middle to select from.
@MattS. My observations are different.....
Graduates are often just grateful to get jobs...
the money is a bonus.
(a good salary, for sure, but many graduates struggle to get work at all in the industry they want).
10:35 PM
no the problem is some people are just bad at their job and some people are not. some industries are easier to find those differences than others
Do graduates have the skills to tackle problems outside of comfort zone?
software happens to be one which is pretty hard to determine that difference
and has really significant implications of getting it wrong
@MattS. where do you work?
@SimonAndréForsberg I'd probably call it a consulting agency actually.
Do you get paid to sit in your chair?
10:38 PM
paging @Ampt
@SimonAndréForsberg Yup, along with everyone else.
He's probably still digging put from snow and wishing they bought more of former employers product.
It's more important to the company to be able to say they have a low employee turnover rate, rather than attracting people who enjoy programming.
I've got a year left when my wife gets her degree and we can move somewhere there are actual jobs.
Stack Overflow is a site for programmers and programming questions. Casting about for some Wordpress plugins is off-topic here. — Hobo Sapiens 45 secs ago
@MattS. hey that sounds familiar
10:43 PM
@MattS. - Just now I thought you were going to say you worked for IBM, but now I don't think so ;-)
IBM is quite public with it's turnover rates at the moment.
you can screw with turnover rates by making people FT vs contract though
@rolfl I can see that too, but no.
So here's a question for you lot: If you could work for anyone, where would you work (dev work obviously)
from Home
@rolfl pins a silver smartass medal with clusters to you
10:48 PM
I don't want to work from home until I am very, very good at what I do and comfortable in not having physical coworkers to learn from
I'd be entirely fine working from home, I've only ever had you lot to learn from and that seems plenty good enough
really I'd like to get my own place though, mostly so I can set up a separate "office"
I worked from home for 18 months when I forst moved to toronto, from England.
Working in person lets me network pretty well, too, though, I guess I haven't been successful in using that yet :P
My problem is that my ideal companies aren't in my ideal settling area. I don't like big cities.
10:51 PM
it was hard.... telecommuting over the atlantic.
@rolfl Just made the connection in my head - I presume your area was spared?
Yeah ... ;-)
@MattS. yeah, me too, I want to live in the country basically
I should add: "so far"
I actually have an amazing job at the moment, but the division I work for is going to be broken up.
@rolfl The media hysteria about this one was pretty appalling. When Cringely is the lead source for numbers, you know you've got a problem.
10:53 PM
His numbers were an order-of-magnitude off.
@rolfl Gerstner and then Palmisano started that trend
And, in fairness, when IBM lays of 10,000 people, that's normal for a company of a half-million
Spectrum article
no idea how accurate the numbers are
10:55 PM
@enderland you rang?
@WorldEngineer Generally not
The person behind those numbers is a known crank who has continued to lose relevance over the decades
Anymore, his articles are lonely dogs in the backyard barking just to hear their own voices
@GlenH7 good to know
Cringely used to produce some quality stuff in his early days. After that, it all went downhill in a bad way.
10:57 PM
For me personally, there's always been the risk with IBM. They have a tough year (again), and they lay people off. People don't realize that IBM is an acquisition/attrition organization
They buy the things they think are interesting, and sell the things they don't.
They have a massive research arm they gamble with, and it pays off in the long run.
@rolfl And they've solidly been in that model since the days of Gerstner
Yeah, it actually works (from a corporate perspective).
I mean, what other company can "sell off it's PC division" and create a market leading "offshoot" like Lenovo
I want a layoff/severance package right now, that'd help with some of my life planning lol
I worked for a smallish financial software company. It made a good product for big-players in the banking industry (still does). IBM bought the company.
@enderland Typically the severance size is tied to years of service
11:01 PM
As a result, I entered IBM with 12 years of 'seniority'.
@rolfl pretty typically on an acquisition
I have 8 years with mine
Yeah, add the years I have been there since the acquisition, it adds up.
I actually like IBM... it's so big, you can do anything you want if you are motivated, and never change jobs.
The job I have now..... is fun.
Fulltime SE worker?
@rolfl I certainly miss aspects like that
11:03 PM
No, not SE worker... but, IBM has this concept of IBM fellows.
@enderland I'm not sure that's fun. I mean they hunt down our trolls on their breaks.
how fun can their job be?
people who have proven to be idea-generators.
the company has about 45 of them worldwide at the moment.
@WorldEngineer no I was saying rolfl is a FT SE worker ;)
they give them millions of dollars to 'play with', and 'see what they can do'.
I work for one of them (in their team).
This generally means finding cool toys out there (often things from other companies or IBM research) that have not yet seen the light of day... and seeing if they can be used to make other IBM software/systems go fast.
11:06 PM
@rolfl I must be working for IBM's evil twin. It's the same situation except the parent company isn't a tech company.
Nowhere to go but sideways.
Recently I have been taking the software that runs the backend of Netflix (It's mostly open source), and installing it on top of SoftLayer (an IBM company). (the software is designed to run on amazon's cloud, so this is a big change).
Now, the trick will be to see if we can use that for other things, or in other ways, or with different hardware or network setups, in a way that makes other things better..... what those ways, things, or setups are, I don't know... yet.
11:21 PM
@MattMcNabb The problems could be fixed easily but if nobody points them out, a bad example will be taught to new programmers and they will adapt those poor patterns because the one who was showing them how to program used them too. — 5gon12eder 2 mins ago
11:38 PM
@WorldEngineer I'm trying to rant here.
11:50 PM
HyperLogLog: For when you only sorta kinda want to count things but you don't have the space to do it.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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