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I can't believe the number of people who screenshot their code
I don't get it
people do weird things in general
Don't ask me how I know about this
@JimmyHoffa and @GlenH7 something that I stumbled across from Cooking.SE: fondues.net/release/bacchus_e.html
(or if you can read French...)
La fondue au vin rouge ou fondue Bacchus est l'héritière d'une fondue déjà connue en France au XVIIIe siècle. Elle se prépare à base de vin rouge aromatisé et épicé et elle s'accompagne d'une sauce colorée au vin et montée comme une mayonnaise. == OrigineModifier == Vincent La Chapelle, chef de cuisine du prince d'Orange, a été le premier auteur à parler de fondüe en 1742. Il proposait une fondue où se mêlaient fromage, truffes et jus d'orange et une autre au champagne. La fondue au vin est un compromis entre la chinoise, où la viande est saisie dans un bouillon, et la bourguignonne où elle est...
La fondue vigneronne est une fondue où viande, fruits de mer et légumes sont trempés dans du vin blanc bouillant pour y être cuits avant d'être dégustés. == Ingrédients == Outre le vin blanc, ce mets nécessite bouillon de volaille et des épices (cannelle, graines de coriandre, piments oiseaux, sel de céleri et d'ail, poivre blanc et noir),. À la viande rouge peuvent être adjoints des fruits de mer et des légumes (carotte, poireau, céleri, oignon), ainsi que des jaunes d'œuf et du persil pour clôturer ce mets. == Préparation == Les épices sont placées dans un sachet de gaze fermé et plongées dans...
> The fondue red wine or fondue Bacchus is heir to a known cast in France in xviii th century. She is preparing for basic red wine flavored and spicy and is accompanied by a sauce stained with wine and rise like a mayonnaise.
> Vincent La Chapelle, chef of the Prince of Orange, was the first author to mention melted in 1742. He proposed a fondue mingled cheese, truffles and orange juice and champagne another one. Fondue wine is a compromise between the Chinese, where meat is entered in a broth, and Burgundy, where it is fried in oil. From the standpoint of diet, it should be noted that the fortified wine is much more digestible than the oil.
Just look at that and think of the white wine in there, the broth that it will become, and cooking the tuna(?) and shrimp in that.
@MichaelT I would much rather cook with wine than drink it. I'll stick to whiskey for drinking. Pairs well with anything I eat.
@Snowman see, thats where you use the sauce: fondues.net/release/whisky_e.html
> 10 cl mayonnaise (1 small cup),
1 soup spoon Ketchup,
5 cl whisky (1.7 oz = 1 shot glass),
10 cl cream cheese,
White pepper.
In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise, the ketchup, the whisky, the cream cheese (to thicken the sauce) and some ground white pepper. Let rest in the fridge for at least one hour.
You're supposed to dip the cooked meat in that afterwards.
What does "cl" mean? I'm not sure I want to try googling it, given it is two letters and the results will be closed as "too broad"
Noun: centiliter ‎(plural centiliters)
  1. (US) Alternative spelling of centilitre
  2. centiliter c ‎(definite singular centiliteren, indefinite plural centiliter, definite plural centiliterne)
  3. centiliter m ‎(definite singular centiliteren, indefinite plural centiliter, definite plural centiliterne)
  4. centiliter m ‎(definite singular centiliteren, indefinite plural centiliter, definite plural centiliterane or centilitrane)
  5. centiliter c
Well, gee, thats helpful. Thanks wikidictionary.
@MichaelT hah, one of those metric measurements that I have only ever seen on a science test.
Its about 1/3 of an ounce.
@MichaelT fl oz
Given that we're talking volume, yep, of course.
@Snowman why would I want a guy who married the bearded lady? Can I sell you? What's the going rate for C++ coders with bearded hanger-ons ?
Please don't be like my wife and say "but oz and fl oz are the same" me: "only for water." Her: "then how do I convert?" Me: "What is the density of what you are measuring?" Her: "I'll just call my dad and ask him."
@MichaelT I love this just based on the fact that in the small variety of fiction books I've enjoyed the past couple years, Bacchus has showed on multiple occasions and has surely become my favorite greek god
@JimmyHoffa YOU'RE the one who brought it up! My wife definitely does not have a beard. I only do if it has been more than six hours since I last shaved.
@Snowman a pint is a pound.
@RobertHarvey markdownfail ;p
@MichaelT don't start with me... the caffeine:whiskey ratio is not good this weekday evening.
@Snowman six hours? Yeesh, I wonder what my deal is; german genes? It takes me at least 2-3 days to pop scruff...
@Snowman and you've apparently been putting panties on goats.
@MichaelT wow, that is one cheap beer!
@JimmyHoffa I have some German in me, not much though.
@Snowman anything over 0:0 is really a perfectly good ratio there, I mean, what do you qualify as good? I guess I'm just not that picky about such a ratio..
@JimmyHoffa that ratio sucks
both numbers too low :-(
@MichaelT I think I might try that recipe though. I've actually never done fondue but I hear it is good.
@Snowman ratios don't indicate volume, a 1:0 ratio or a 0:1 ratio could both mean your dead, a 1:1 ratio could mean you learned to fly but are swerving significantly
@Snowman I enjoy cheese fondue. I'm just thinking of how to do this one... and how feasible it is to scale down.
I am currently enjoying a youngs
@MichaelT oh crap stupid metric system. I was thinking deci-liter not centi-liter
it was cold out- properly chilly for the first time this year, so I opted for a stout tonight.
You need to get some cents knocked into you with that conversion.
@JimmyHoffa I've had that before, it's pretty tasty
@Snowman @MichaelT I'll admit I sincerely don't understand why in the metric system certain prefixes indicate less than by a factor of 10*n and others indicate more than by a factory of 10*n
Is it just rote memory, or is there a system that says centi<metric> is 100th of a <metric> rather than 100 of a <metric> ?
@MichaelT The origin of that link is actually the same Dave Barry book I linked previously about computers sucking at football. Apparently "goat dressing" was really big back in the 90s when he wrote that, and included it in his book. Being young at the time it blew my mind that people would actually do that.
That was one of the first "weird Internet things" I remember
I should perhaps include @GlenH7 in my mention of confusion; I would genuinely like to hear an explanation and a real engineer may well have one. Sounds like something that would be on his fancy shmancy licensing nonsense
A metric prefix is a unit prefix that precedes a basic unit of measure to indicate a multiple or fraction of the unit. While all metric prefixes in common use today are decadic, historically there have been a number of binary metric prefixes as well. Each prefix has a unique symbol that is prepended to the unit symbol. The prefix kilo-, for example, may be added to gram to indicate multiplication by one thousand; one kilogram is equal to one thousand grams. The prefix milli-, likewise, may be added to metre to indicate division by one thousand; one millimetre is equal to one thousandth of a metre...
@JimmyHoffa "centi" always means "hundredth" and "deci" always means "tenth"
I just got them confused because the metric system is so damn confusing. Sure, it is all factor of ten, but what is the prefix for 1/10,000th?
@Snowman nano I believe
Quick rule of thumb: if its "something-i" or "something-o" prefix, its a 1/n.
deci, centi, mili, micro, nano
@MichaelT explain kilometer then
Though that doesn't always apply with kilo and hecto.
pretend its kilameter instead.
@MichaelT so what I'm hearing is "No, there's no system, learn latin or memorize it and STFU"
@MichaelT is n-a-<metric> the identifier for * instead of / ?
so centameter is a thing?
deca, ... we'll forget about hecto and kilo ... mega, giga, tera
You know why metric sucks? Because if I need e.g. a third of something it's a repeating decimal. If I need a third of a TBsp? 1 tsp! ZING METRIC SYSTEM!
See, I like imperial units - they're powers of 2!
If you can't divide it by 2 or 5 it is time for weird fractions
is imperial actually a system? I always thought it was a bunch of shit that people made up for their individual purpose
Most of the multiples for imperial are 2, 4, or 8.
Pints to quarts? 2. Pints to gallons? 8.
Ounce to pound? 16
I guess I should ask, is imperial as inclusive as metric? Metric handles 1d, 3d, and mass. Imperial handles 1d, but do our mass measurements (oz) and our 3d measurements (gallon) count as parts of the "imperial system" ?
The slug is a unit of mass associated with Imperial units and United States customary units. It is a mass that accelerates by 1 ft/s2 when a force of one pound (lbF) is exerted on it. One slug has a mass of 7001321740489999999♠32.174049 lbm or 7001145939030000000♠14.593903 kg based on standard gravity, the international foot, and the avoirdupois pound. At the surface of the Earth, an object with a mass of 1 slug exerts a force of approximately 7002143232736011388♠32.2 lbF or 7002143000000000000♠143 N. == HistoryEdit == The slug is part of a subset of units known as the gravitational FPS system...
It always annoys me when someone is asked "how much do you weigh" and you get answers back in kg.
@Snowman I started rocking a short beard because of this problem. I hated having to basically shave by the end of the day...
Remember that weight is a unit of force... so pound and newton. F = ma and all that, so when want mass, its F/a = m. Thats where you get the foot pound and such. Admittedly odd units for most things.
@MichaelT everytime I'm at the liquor store lately, I'm eyeing the chartreus- very nearly gave it a try last time I was there but got the bushmills instead. It's so damned expensive. It's all your fault, so do tell as I'm too curious, what is the flavor similar to again? As I recall you made tell of it being a particularly unique liqueur mired in it's historical recipe and creation
@JimmyHoffa herbal.
@MichaelT so is oz and lb a part of the "imperial system" ? What about gallon?
Galliano is a cousin of it.
@MichaelT like anise or angostura?
never had galliano
Never had a Harvey Wall Banger?
@JimmyHoffa metric is more or less designed based on some conversions there - ie 1 gram being defined as 1 ml etc
So it's far easier to "swap between" them
whereas imperial is a cluster of archaic definitions that require conversions up the wazoo
So, you see, Harvey was a surfer back in the day. A classic 50's surfer in LA. He would go out and surf, and go to the bar and have one of his favorite drinks - the screw driver.
One day, he did rather poorly at surfing, so when he went into the bar he wanted something with a bit more to it. And he scanned the wall and saw one bottle sticking up higher than the others and said "put some of that on it". So, the bartender poured some of it on the screwdriver and Harvey drank it.
He quite liked it and so ordered another, and another and another. When it was time to go, Harvey got up and walked into the wall.
I can only think of Robert Harvey when reading that. lol
He might have been a surfer in LA in the 50s...
Oh, its the community fund raising season in the office. They're doing an in office mini golf course ($5/participant). The first year they were in the office building, they actually did an 18 hole course.
"community fund" ?
@enderland giving.wi.gov
Ah. We have United Way here
The top individual in the department is signed up for a 'pie in the face' slot... the top 3 people who raise money for that get a pie in the face.
@enderland This is an umbrella group... of which the United Way is one of them.
I bought some Sargento Sriracha Cheese Sticks at Sam's Club. According to both Sargento and Sam's Club, this product does not exist. But it does, and it is delicious.
what if it doesn't exist because it's a massive coverup since it's actually deadly :p
@enderland I am still alive, and hoping that once this bag is done I can buy more
For all of you pedants:
Interesting. I modified the terminology in my answer, but the point I made is identical. Weird how that happened... — Snowman 35 secs ago
@MichaelT Nope; heard of it, don't know what it is
@enderland yeck, the mismanagement and corruption in the huge charity's like that, I'll never give a dime to them
Time and time again the charity's raking in millions and billions et al are shown to be putting that cash to use like a stock broker on saturday; hookers'n'blow. No charity that only pulls in a couple/few hundred K a year is tossing it out like that, they wouldn't be making salary for their employee(s) if they did
@JimmyHoffa Its a screwdriver with Galliano floated on top of it.
@MichaelT still don't know what Galliano is - "herbal" like tea? Angostura? Anise is what I think of when I think of "herbal" and liquor
ah ok, reading tells me it's spicier than anise with a bit of a cinnamon flavor
@JimmyHoffa bfy.tw/2dRk
@JimmyHoffa meh, even clicking over to images was pretty lame
Except for this:
@Snowman Yeah, my brain left about an hour ago.
2 hours later…
hi everyone
1 hour later…
Sun's FORTRAN manual used to include this sentence: "Consistently separating words by spaces became a general custom about the tenth century A.D., and lasted until about 1957, when FORTRAN abandoned the practice." — Blrfl Jun 14 '13 at 21:52
4 hours later…
This XML schema is more screwed up than I thought. Instead of doing something like <xs:element name="name" type="MyType"/>, they did <xs:element ref="refName"/> and then had <xs:element name="refName" type="xs:integer"> earlier. And it's only used in one place, so they aren't even getting good reuse. And half of the stuff is like that.
Fortunately, some tools (like the JAXB tools) are smarter than others and don't make me make an instance of MyType which is just a wrapper around an integer, but set refName to an int directly. Other tools, not so much.
1 hour later…
I went ahead and did it. I put my stuff on Github with a LICENSE file, MIT style.
@AaronHall you should have a look at the HTML5 Boilerplate - you're missing some of the IE necessities
Hey! You really looked at it!
Which in particular stick out to you - that I need?
Note the http-equiv reference in there
and the utf8 reference
IE is picky as shit - you need to have those things - in precisely the right orders at the right places in the doc or else IE will just declare your page is non-standard and start fucking it right up
that boilerplate is actually none so good either because it's missing the conditional bits for older versions of things one second...
^-- that's what you want to look at and use in your document template portions
also you have to control the newlines and BOM in the output if you want IE to accept it as standards
(I think no-BOM for IE? I don't remember precisely. Look it up)
gotta source?
@AaronHall one second, lemme check my gulpfile because I made my gulp build strip the bom or add the bom for this reason
yeah strip the bom
and \r\n for newlines
I'm not exactly a fan of accomodating Microsoft
@AaronHall neither is anybody else, just saying if you want your tool there to provide people the facilities to possibly be compatible with IE, you'll strip the BOM, twist the newlines and add those two meta tags
Otherwise you may just want to add a note so people are aware that it's output isn't IE compatible on the github page
That is less than 2% of browsers, as I guesstimate it...
I mean IE 8
@AaronHall ah yeah, perhaps don't worry about those conditional tags, but the meta tags are still necessary for later IE versions as well as the BOM
just some thoughts
Otherwise cool lib; I like the idea
Yeah, run the main and check the output
Here's an example that got accidentally committed: github.com/aaronchall/HTML5.py/commit/…
@AaronHall I liked the idea of pure but in use it turned out too fidgety for me, I went with this one instead
who said anything about pure (yahoo's stuff, right?)?
@AaronHall you're using it in your main there
            # elems almost always comes first but I like title as first when possible.
            elems=[Keywords(['python', 'html', 'C++', 'C', 'assembly']),
                   Description('demo page'),
                   Author('Aaron Hall'),
@AaronHall just mentioning a lesser used CSS framework worth being aware of if you liked pure; I found pure had a lot more in it than I really needed and was harder to tweak to my taste, there was one called min which was actually too minimal and didn't have as many things as I wanted, base had the most clear and obvious responsive behaviours of all the ones I played with IMO
give it a look next time you're playing with a new page
ok, I see
I haven't even begun considering CSS, this is a pure HTML lib.
oh yeah, I forgot about the Link
☑ Get Coffee on Coffee Day
@Ampt your deception is clearly on the brink if it's grown so overwhelming you need checklists to keep your lies straight. You're going to be discovered any day now. Have you pondered how you will make your escape? Cubical immolation? Ventilation shaft? Window?
@JimmyHoffa I figured I would just kind of start slowly blending into the background
☑ Get scotch on Whiskey Day
maybe take over a cube and pretend to be on a project
@Ampt you could get one of those full-coverage body suits in the pale blue corporate shade of the walls and use it to slip away unnoticed
@JimmyHoffa in reality, I'm actually doing fairly well. New project has yet to pick up enough mass to really be moving full speed, so there's still time for me to figure out what's going on.
Yeah, I don't really want that on my screen either
@Ampt Have you completed the CI suite?
I wonder if there's a CSS that looks like MS Word...
Because that would be kinda freaky.
@JimmyHoffa CI suite?
At what point should I consider my API locked in?
when people are using it
@Ampt your roots are showing
@AaronHall once it's made public and someone else is using it
@JimmyHoffa Continuous Integration Suite?
I never mentioned one, which is why I'm not sure what you're talking about :P
Unless CI suite is some old-style name for CMS
@Ampt apparently @JimmyHoffa's roots are showing... :-)
in which case, your old is showing :P
so I shouldn't post it on hacker news yet, I guess
Here's the pypi thingie Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha
@AaronHall if you openly mark it as ALPHA and expect no one to be using it, yes, then you can post it
but the point of an API is that it rarely, if ever changes. and if it does, it doesn't break old functionality
Yeah, I don't expect it to really change much
so long as you don't expect to remove a function, or change the output of a function ever, then it's ready
(even because of bugs, because once marketing starts relying on 2+2=5, you can't go back and fix it)
was that glen who had that problem?
I've marked it Pre-Alpha, I'm going to reserve the right to change the API any time I want. :)
@Ampt if you haven't found the CI suite, you're closer to detection than you thought. Best to hide in an empty meeting room all day and hope you aren't found out until you find the CI suite
@AaronHall Then don't expect too many people to invest :P
I'm going to fork it for version 3, which will be a breaking change.
guess who's never casting another vote
@AaronHall what is this API used for?
@AaronHall API?
Look, it's a library. let me find the demo
@AaronHall that's completely different. you can version a library
API is usually something that you don't give the code out for, you just provide the endpoints and expect people to program off of that
which is why not changing it is important, because people don't have a way to stick with the version they want
but you provide them the code right?
Yeah, I'll definitely version the API
The lib is at version 0.1.0
ok, it's not really an API, and you're fine to do whatever you want
if people don't like the change, they don't get the newest lib
do whatever you want :D
Yeah, but my functions and objects are an API too
People don't shouldn't worry about their internals either.
Any DDD pros in here? I'm starting to work on a new project in C# and one of the most important entities in the domain is called Task. This is unfortunate because the .net framework also contains a Task class that I'll be need to use quite frequently. Has anyone encountered and solved this problem before?
@TehreemFatima hello. Welcome to the Whiteboard. You don't have to ask to ask a question, just ask.
@MetaFight [Toystory.jpg] Namespaces. Namespaces everywhere
I want to add some javascript function to automatically scroll down page on clicking a button "edit" ... how to do that ?
@Ampt yeah... that's going to be annoying because a lot of my classes will need to use both my domain entity namespace and the async Task namespace. I guess I'll have to either get used to using the Domain.Task prefix or async.Task alias prefix.
Unfortunately for everyone, we're not a code writing service, neither is progs.SE or StackOverflow. You should probably consult a good tutorial or enroll in a course about it.
@MetaFight not sure if C# supports aliasing or anything :(
:/ I haven't found anything on net , so I was asking, anyways !
@Ampt it supports namespace aliasing, so it's not too bad.
You could probably import the task class as dTask or something
that wouldn't be that bad, just have to do it in every class
using dTask = PC.MyCompany.task;
something like that maybe?
yeah, I think I'll do that but with the async Task class instead. I'd like to leave my Domain classes un-fudged so that the ubiquitous language isn't compromised
good idea
name it tsak instead
that should confuse everyone
I've seen people do that.
deliberately misspell concepts to avoid name clashes. puke
then you took them out back and put them out of their misery right? That's the only ethical thing to do.
@MetaFight or drop a few characters off the end of the name
LinkedList => LinkedLis
sorry, wait, that's consultant speak
Ran across that example in some code I saw online the other day. I gagged a little.
for (var i = ll.n(); ll.ne(); i = ll.n()) { i.p(); }
never again
need to alias for and var
f (v i = ll.n(); ll.ne(); i = ll.n()) { i.p(); }
@Ampt sed s/©LinkedList/£inked£ist/ is what I think you meant
@GlenH7 Do I look like I can afford that?
I asked for help, not PTSD flashbacks.
@Ampt You're the consultant... :-P
@GlenH7 well the client can always afford it, but I can't
Damn straight
Ever run into one of those situations where you're dying to figure out how something actually compiled?
@GlenH7 it's a trick - the compiler was pointing at a different code base
We have a statement to the effect of using (Foo Bar = new Foo(...))
But we already have a static instance of Foo defined as Bar already
and on my system, it throws the "A local variable named 'Bar' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to 'Bar' which is already used in 'parent or current' scope to denote something else"
@GlenH7 no you have a static Foo instance named bár
haven't you been paying attention?
ahhh 33 second dup close. woot
@Ampt Clearly not
day 2, no update yet. patience is hard
Wonder how many times bad management will be able to pass off blame to bad workflows and get away with it...\
this may blow your mind... but the next methodology will fail just as poorly as the current one!
No! Say it ain't so
as long as methodology is used like buzzwords and marketed as the next big thing™ they will keep failing
@ratchetfreak missing the point :P
your management will be bad no matter what system they use to rain down their badness upon you
because management will keep falling for the next big thing™
but this time it will work!
@Ampt it's an API, it's not a hosted API. Versioning is only relevant for things you're hosting
we can magically make babies in 4.5 months by halving the time! It'll work, I swear!
if you redefine "baby" and redefine "quality of life" then you can accomplish anything!
an API where people can have multiple versions just by keeping track of an old dll and a new dll - versioning becomes moot. Label or branch or do whatever you do to maintain source lines available for version rebuilding but otherwise, it's not a thing when you release to others
@MetaFight you could create another class with a different name and inherit it from the domain Task then you can use the sub-class as a class-alias. Kludgey as hell but it would work
nothing like ovewriting your work because the VCS system won't work, and your manual "import/export" apparently exports all files in a system instaed of the project you select. Man this VCS is horrible
@JimmyHoffa it would work... but it means that the developers wouldn't actually be using the ubiquitous language in their code :|
@enderland is it CVS?
@MetaFight no its some hacky thing that is a complete piece of crap and embedded into the system I'm using
yeah, I'm excited for enderland!
@MetaFight I hear ya. I'd opt for namespace alias to be sure. How often do you write Task referring to the async task stuff anywhere? I guess in sigs where you have to return Task<bla> but otherwise it'as async and await all over and only when you want to parallelize with Task.WhenAll do you end up referencing the Task class
@JimmyHoffa that's exactly right. My interactions with the async Task type will likely be limited to the cases you mentioned. I think I'll take the hit and alias it. Aliasing the domain Task would probably be MUCH more annoying.
sometimes it stinks to not use general names in your domain because you'll end up typing OblogonTask so often it'll feel like they're all just Tasks in your domains language, but in the case of words like Task or Object or Credentials or Client and the myriad other used-everywhere-over-and-over words, you're better off prefixing the domain onto the class name to avoid these things happening in the future
i.e. SqlClient or DbType or NtlmCredentials
whatever the name is of your domain, it would probably behoove you to prefix the Task noun in your domains language with the domain's name
but sounds like you're beyond that possibility at this point
so you're suggesting not using an alias at all? eg var task = new Domain.Task(); Task.Run(() => task.CpuIntensiveWork()); ?
@MetaFight no, I'm suggesting your domains Task object should have been named WhateverTheDomainIsTask
I haven't written any code yet, so I'm still open to all options.
@MetaFight it sounds like your domain's already set though having a Task object in use and not easily renamable
well, I've named the bounding context "Tasking"... so a TaskingTask is not so great.
well, I couldn't find any synonyms for Task that I liked... but I could still change it.
doesn't have to be a synonym; the domain is called Tasking ? eh, is there a parent domain perhaps? I'm not a huge fan of the name Tasking for a domain anywho. Typically domain's should be named with a (pro)noun
I'm just going to pick a strategy at random and see how annoying it is. I don't mind doing a mass rename later on if my chosen approach is bad.
it may be clear to the compiler - but the Task throughout may confuse devs reading in the future
I would name it TaskingTask if that's your domain. It's clear; it's a Task for the Tasking stuff
The goal of the application is to allow people to create generic Tasks they need help with. Other people can register themselves as available to help and get notified if a Task is available near them. I chose the bounding context name "Tasking" because I figured that would cover all the Task related commands... but I'm realising that my DDD-fu is pretty weak... so maybe I'm doing it wrong.
@MetaFight I'm no DDD person; all the "driven design" stuff I've mostly avoided looking at because it's all buzzwordy formalisms for "normal decent design" to help when people are bad at designing
It's good to not be dogmatic about these things.
as I learned about TDD.
I'm using this project as an excuse to learn and apply CQRS+Event Sourcing. The videos I've watched on it have a heavy DDD lean.
I'm bound to screw something up so maybe I shouldn't worry too much about it yet. Fuck ups -> learning.
@MetaFight perhaps Resourcing instead of Tasking and then you can have ResourceTask or you could try TaskInstance - or you could go with what you're doing. I'm just leery of type names like Task not having some specifier to identify it's not the typical one to future readers
Hrm, Resourcing could work. I'll mull it over.
@MetaFight you're off work and just messing around inbetween jobs aye? Fuck it do whatever. Start writing code, then refactor it 4 times, then delete all of that and start from scratch two more times. It doesn't matter if it's not for work/production
exactly :)
how about that python "os"...wow
yeah, I saw that. I'm kinda of glad nobody was too harsh on him.
it's a common misunderstanding.
at that level.
@MetaFight yeah, I was surprised honestly that nobody gave him the stink-eye
What, we're nice? Imagine that!
you monsters
So I'm lucky enough to get to go to a development conference in a bit. I got a "special invite" to attend a close event hosted by a consulting / development firm. I'm trying to figure out if they're simply soliciting work; recruiting; or both.
people who compete for the best talent?
Apparently. Must be a way of screening out old fogies who can't see the text
control a!
@enderland - I think you meant Ctrl-F4
I wonder if they do Agile, or if they are Agile.
I like how their super-powered devs all have goatees.
And aren't afraid to correct their vision with glasses instead of contacts.
I wonder how many years too old I am for them...
@GlenH7 ugh, the black text isn't exactly the most WTF element of that page.
I think they're banking on our tendency to share stuff like that to laugh at with our friends.
@AaronHall LASIK > (glasses || contacts)
I have large pupils, I'm afraid I would have halos in low-light
@Snowman I don't have that option unfortunately :(
LASIK no bueno if you have astigmatism as well
My eyes are too weirdly shaped and stuff, last I checked.
my pops is working on going blind one eye surgery at a time; lasik creeps me out. I wear glasses and find no discomfit from it so meh... The only time it buggers me is when I want to lay on the couch to watch TV and I can't lay on my side
@JimmyHoffa Simple solution - don't watch TV laying on your side....
@GlenH7 ding ding ding.
@GlenH7 Doc, it hurts when I do this...
> Why don't you go ahead and show me?
@GlenH7 I had a severe astigmatism and LASIK corrected it
@Ampt keep doing it until it stops hurting, the pain is how you know you're growing stronger.
> Yes, yes. Very interesting. How about doing that again?
The surgeon's exact words were "your corneas are shaped like footballs"
@Snowman Hmmm, that's contrary to what my eye doc said. Said I wouldn't have the same level of visual acuity as I do now and I'd likely be unhappy with the results.
@GlenH7 there are different types of LASIK surgery, some cannot correct astigmatism. Some can (the more expensive surgeries).
Hmm... I have astigmatism too. The only logical decision is that curly braces cause astigmatism
@Snowman I'm patient waiting on the implant approaches to continue to evolve
@Ampt curly braces? What are those? Braces look curly to you? @GlenH7 do you have any idea what he's talking about?
@JimmyHoffa Sorry. Was busy sipping on my scotch. What were we talking about?
@GlenH7 considering my vision is still pretty good except for the astigmatism that is creeping back I would tend to agree. That and I have a really annoying eye floater and the thought of having my eye drained and refilled to get rid of it creeps me out.
@GlenH7 it sounds to me like astigmatism causes braces to look strange
@Ampt that sounds like a personal problem, you may want to get that looked at
@Snowman apparently there are some docs who will use a laser or similar to break up the floaters into smaller bits that are more easily absorbed. Mine haven't been annoying enough to make me really want to consider that
I'm pretty seriously considering lasic
@enderland I'm happy with the results of my surgery. Definitely don't go cheap: there are several options, but eyesight is one of the things worth investing in.
@Snowman my vision is like -7 right now too
@JimmyHoffa .... it's worse than I thought!
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