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it's just my personal opinion.
it's a problem to write keywords like tags using parentheses and brackets in the title of the question.
so, we want the ability to automatically remove the parentheses and brackets and String in them, or alert for be careful not to tags in the title.
but there are many kinds of parentheses and brackets in Japanese.
that difficult to pattern certain parentheses and brackets as tags?
ah..., should only target the head or last of the text.
Hello @Sieg! Thank you for the clarification. It seems it should not be very hard to specify a regexp for each type of the parentheses.
I'm curious if you really want to delete them automatically or show an error, because it seems to me that we show an error on SOen as well as on SOru.
@Sieg could you please tell me if we clarify it with the community?
This is how it looks on SOru

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