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12 nominees and only 6 answered the questionnaire.
@MattD You should.
6 hours later…
@AnkitSharma I suspect most people won't read it anyway.
@atticae agree on that.
But to me this idea looks great.
Its a community election and community should know what the nominee gonna do after getting elected.
@AnkitSharma Where's the fun in that? Life should be full of surprises.
@atticae Which is more than likely, given that voting activity was at 60/h at the beginning and has dropped to 6/d since the questions were answered.
I'd already be satisfied if people would at least take a look at the statistics page, but maybe they do, the current voting doesn't go too much against my own possible voting, though I think some candidates could use more love, especially ones who already filled out their questionaires to my satisfaction.
@ChristianRau to me questionnaires is lesser important that user stats
Because facts are more valuable then promises
But I'll resist and refrain from voting entirely until either everyone filled his questionaire or the primary nears its end.
I have already done my voting mostly on basis of user stats. Not filling questionnaires was also considered. I have saved my vote for those candidates.
@AnkitSharma Especially when most of the questions get answered in a similar way anyway. Seriously, a new user doesn't understand the rules, two mods disagree, instaclose powers? What are you possibly gonna say to this in an election questionaire?
Yeah little surprises there.
@ChristianRau that's why user stat page is more important.
How much have nominee voted, flagged and important badges and all.
Still found it interesting what the answers to my small meta participation question were.
@atticae And that was a really good one, I'm glad it made it, together with the very important ID thing.
I think the blog could be a really good chance to promote meta discussions.
@atticae Sure, a blog is nice idea, but I'm still not sure what'll go in there at all. We don't really need yet another movie review blog. But I'm optimistic that we'll find some interesting unique stuff for it.
@ChristianRau Like discussion related to our TOW?
Like The Wachowskis film making style etc
@ChristianRau I would propose a mix of movie/show reviews, articles about movie topics connected to interesting Q/A on the site and a general "What's going on on the site?" (which would be talking about hot questions, events and meta discussions)
But I'll probably keep more behind the scenes of a possible blog anyway. As much as I love to hear my self talking (read myself writing?), I don't think I have so much unique stuff to say. But I'm interested to see what people will come up for it with.
True, we don't need a pure movie review blog. But I think making a connection to the M&TV site would make this interesting.
Yeah I have never written reviews or a blog before, so I am not sure I am qualified, but I'd love to try and contribute anyway.
@atticae The SciFi blog is not too uninteresting in this regard, they do stuff from book/movie/TV reviewing to convention experiences, to favourite site questions, upto even interviews with industry people.
Shit, now we don't have a single nominee who doesn't have downvote.
Well, someone had to put ian in his place!
@ChristianRau I am sure he is devastated now.
@AnkitSharma I plan to, but I'm at work most of the day then went to boardgame night at my local board game shop so I didn't really have time.
I have posted.
@MattD Forgot your name at the top (for whatever weird reason that's suggested to do).
@ChristianRau Because the posts are so long and the names are at the bottom.
@atticae Hmm, sure.
@atticae good point
@ChristianRau Fixed.

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