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@atticae Indeed, more than 50 people voting after 2 hours? Now try to get more than 5 people into a meta discussion after 2 days!
@Paulster2 Oh we really cannot? Didn't know that at all. Well, honestly that's indeed a nice feature.
@ChristianRau ... well, we cannot for the primaries, anyway. I'm not sure about the actual election, now that I think about it. Oh well, speaking out the wrong end again :D
We have 12 candidates
Ignore my previous message...wrong place
@TrishLing Well, actually right place. The role of the chatrooms seems shifted currently. ;-)
@ChristianRau I have them open in different tabs, and I meant to reply to something posted in the general chat.
@TrishLing ... happens to the best of us :D
1 hour later…
Well, it seems that the early voting is quite active ... and what is trending is not surprising at all to me.
3 hours later…
Ahh....the persons i want to upvote are already too ahead. But still gonna vote for most of the people, i mean around fav 10
@iandotkelly 78, that's what i expected. I want to see you get a century.
@Paulster2 Its primary round and 10 out of 12 going to be selected, so its better to vote for all good contender and skipping weaker ones. That will make the final round more interesting.
@TrishLing Best of luck to you too.
6 hours later…
@AnkitSharma ... @iandotkelly is at 97 as of this message ... hitting the century mark should not be an issue ... again, no surprises here.
@Paulster2 its a deserving mark for an faithful pro-temp mod.
@AnkitSharma ... absolutely ... I was assuming it would eclipse the mark by a good bit. Hopefully I'm not wrong. You could easily breach this threshold as well, which would not be upsetting in the least.
@Paulster2 can't lie, i will love to see that.
He's also the only one who didn't get a single downvote. But I find it nice that they limit the displayed votes to 0, to not give a too negative impression for a candidate.
@AnkitSharma ... if you haven't done so already, inspect the votes for up/down count. A little eye opening. Ian is the only one without any down votes ... not surprising either ... I guess @ChristianRau just did, lol.
@ChristianRau ... I noticed the zero shown as well ...
@ChristianRau @Paulster2 how to check that?
@AnkitSharma As always, click on the number. Have you never done that on the main site? It's a good way to inspect voting behaviour.
Click on the number between the up/down arrows
Shit didn't know that before
@ChristianRau no...didn't know that before
ROFL! No issues. I found it through just being nosy
I don't know if it is advertised ... but thought I read it somewhere. It's a privilege as well. You gain it at a certain point level.
It's strange that everybody got downvote except Ian
Oh, don't be so self conscience, Ankit :P
It is interesting with some of the trends, though.
@Paulster2 i expected downvote for me but not for @ChristianRau
What's funny to me is I hadn't even considered down voting anyone.
I have promoted him many time before
Ian and he is the one i want to share my moderation seat with
There are a few I didn't vote for, but didn't downvote.
I see how you are, lol!
Nah, I think that is where we are trending. I wouldn't have an issue with it, personally.
So it looks -1 is the lowest limit for displaying
Really? I need to look at that again ... you must have down voted just to check your theory, eh? :D
@Paulster2 It is at least advertized in the privileges list. And back in my first SO days, when I was fighting to death for each little bit of reputation I was always eager to discover any new privileges, so I usually checked this list for anything new.
@Paulster2 i just checked by clicking on the digit between arrows
Checked for Muxammil Bashir
Oh, I misunderstood what you were saying. None of the displays I'm seeing show anything less than 0 ...
@AnkitSharma Nah, downvotes are natural with so many people and opinions. And frankly enough, I had some arguments with other users in the past which might be interpreted as marginally heated. So this doesn't really surprise me, I'm rather surprised that it's only 2 of 75 for now.
@ChristianRau here +73,-6. Not bad at all.
I concur with your last, @ChristianRau. I think anyone who has any real zeal for this site has had heated discussions with others.
And afterall, you just need a big ID-fan to read my questionaire to be immediately objected. But what should I say, I just can't shut up when it's about ID questions.
I had few heated discussion too
Even where new user accused me to setting up Indian colony in here
I believe I have had discussions with either of you at any given time. No skin off my elbow.
And Ian came in the matter And banned him,
Well haven't you?
@Paulster2 don't remember
must be @ChristianRau :p
No worries ... I remember discussions, just not what they were about. Must have been really important, right?
discussions are always important till they are healthy
Anyway, I hope your both your scores continue to raise ... :D Unfortunately I have to go back to work. I'll TTYL.
Bye bye
One last thing I just noticed something ... I believe the primary candidates page rotates the entries independent of the vote or vote count. Seems very fair.
@Paulster2 yup, i thing it was said previously.
I mean i read it somewhere
here or somewhere else
@Paulster2 Well, it's said in the explanation box at the side "All candidates are displayed in random order.".
Why don't they show this page against the main candidate voting page
rather then that less detailed flag count
@AnkitSharma Yeah, it could be a bit more prominent. Those statistics are main criteria for me, not how many great questions/answers you gave and moderation unrelated badges you have.
But at least they included meta activity and flag count on the election page. Wait, meta activity is actually gone too in the primary. Hmm. ;-(
@ChristianRau but people seems unaware to this page, noticed that while going through comments in nomination phase.
@iandotkelly congrats for making century without downvote in single day. 3 more days to come
1 hour later…
Well, at least I should make it to the actual election phase.
7 hours later…
@MattD have you done the questionnaire yet?
@TrishLing Nope.

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