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C'mon, we need another nomination to get a Primary phase. Or should I just hire a bum from the street and give him an account, ah wait, he needs to amass 300 rep first. All my sock-puppet acounts I use for rep-boosting don't have those 300 either I'm afraid.
4 hours later…
@ChristianRau Might be a stupid question, but why's the primary so crucial?
1 hour later…
@Walt Nothing really crucial, it's just another fun stage of election. Instead of going to the 1st/2nd/3rd choice voting right away we'd get a nice SE-style up/downvoting session inbetween.
@AnkitSharma Resurrection of Subir ;)
1 hour later…
@Mistu4u hehheheh.......so u staying for a while
@ChristianRau its 11 now
@AnkitSharma Indeed, and a quite promising 11th, too.
@ChristianRau Atleast its not from the person who thinks moderation is about having higher rep in lesser days :D

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