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@NapoleonWilson, get in there so I can elect you already. ;)
5 hours later…
@GraceNote how can i nominate someone else
5 hours later…
@AnkitSharma Hmm, well I guess the 1st requirement for a moderator is that they want to do it, so they have to nominate themselves
@Walt Hmmmm.......well good point
Bring all nominees in here and have tug of war :P
Yeah, where's the debate stage between primary and election? ;)
@Walt Over SF&F, i think they do it in chat and meta both
Ooh, can I moderate the moderation debate? :)
I think Grace note is for this purpose or some more comunity moderator can also come
@ChristianRau finally your nomination came
@AnkitSharma Cool, wasn't really serious. Whoever it is, get a stopwatch
It will be fun but i am serious for it too.
I love this SE community and love to be moderate in here
@AnkitSharma Zeroing in on why my name will never be in there ;)
@AnkitSharma Kudos on the initiative
What, how much characters did this nomination text get 140? Oh my, I shouldn't have made so many thoughts what to put in there when the space doesn't give more than the usual flowery politician phrase anyway. At least I won't have to rewatch Assault to find a fitting Napoleon Wilson quote.
@ChristianRau Most of his quotes could apply, really
Can't argue with a confident man, after all
Hah yeah, I was about half done with typing mine when I looked at the message: "Too long by 200 characters." Wait, what?!
Had to seriously cut the thing down.
But I guess we will have enough space in the Q&A part
Give us unlimited space in Q & A :)
@AnkitSharma Nobody wants to read all that. ;)
I am going to read it before voting for sure
@atticae Who cares, I want to write all that!
^^ do it i am with you ;)
@ChristianRau You know, if you just want to write it but don't care if anyone reads it, you can always do that and hang it up in your living room. :D
(or post it here in chat) ^^
@atticae Sure, but I just want to have the illusion that people will read and apreciate it. What's the joy in hearing yourself talk if nobody else does?
Then you should consider a job in politics, nobody will listen to you either, but at least you have the illusion. :D
But yeah in all seriousness, they could have given us 100 characters more I think.
More question coming SF&F question are too much applicable in here
"What's they were missing" - Uh, two of themselves first and foremost.
But i thinks its a fair point of discussion, just changed few word and it fits here.
@ChristianRau Huh? Who is missing what?
@atticae The three pro-tem moderators are missing two of themselves.
@ChristianRau Ah yeah. I can't even remember who was the third besides Tyler and ian.
@atticae The guy who has recently returned from the dead (though has long stepped back from the moderator position anyway).
And he don't talk to anyone either
Election event's colour in bulletin going very well with design and i like the colouring of chat message reminder in the top right, dark brown and reddish orange.
1 hour later…
It certainly does not look like there will be a election question shortage anytime soon, 21 already!
Then the only mandatory official thing missing is the Community Promotion Ads (apart from all the inofficial things, like blogs).
@ChristianRau Didn't realize that was mandatory.
Ah wait, do you mean: Showing those on our site, or do you mean we building one for ourself to show them on other sites?
The latter can already be done for a beta, and in fact is already done:
Q: Let's promote our community!

Napoleon WilsonThis year's Community Promotion Ads have started on all the graduated sites. Since we're still in beta, we don't have 'em yet. But this doesn't mean we can't promote our beta site on the other sites. Of course this doesn't mean we should spam each and every SE site with ads for Movies & TV either...

But the former can only be done for full sites and usually should start shortly after graduation, too.
@ChristianRau Yeah I've seen that.
We should update the one on SF&F with the new design logo. I will try to whop something up on the weekend.
@atticae Yeah, I'm also working on it (when defining working as planning to do it, though). The easiest would be to take our logo (the one from the tour page is a pretty clean one with proper transparency) and use the layout from the current one, with the colors and fonts of the new design. I already experiemented with it when it still was that popcorn kernel, but well.
I also asked Kurtis for some clean pictures and fonts and color definitions in a comment, but didn't yet get around to writing him an actual e-mail for it (which he proposed I might do).
To throw my name in or not....
@ChristianRau If you manage to get anything from him in that regard, I would appreciate it if you shared it. I guess it's not exactly secret, right? Just easier to send by mail?
@MattD One more name can't hurt, you seem to be an avid and engaged user and I would at least rather vote you than some other people from that list (no offsense to those others, just so you know your position in at least my voting order).
@atticae Yeah, I guess. That promotion question might be a good place to share it.
@MattD Go for it. Better to have more candidates to pick from than to settle for someone we did not really want. I also think you'd make a good mod.
It's good to see so many people stepping forward to do the job. Let's just hope they all have the endurance to actually keep up with the task. I imagine it can be more work than some think. (myself included)
But I guess if it's split to three active mods, it can be a reasonable workload.
@atticae I guess it also depends on how fast activity catches up. At the moment we also survived sufficiently well with a single moderator.
@ChristianRau I'm an optimist, I always hope for more activity. ;)
But once the name change to idthismovie.se is made official, activity could catch up quite fast (Ah scratch that, I didn't want to mention this here, we have whole question panel to look forward for this).
And you have to remember that it won't suddenly be more users cleaning up, the moderators are picked from the people that already do the job anyway. Those just will be able to have more impact.
@atticae Indeed, that's a not to ignore factor. After graduation shrunk many privileges, three people can indeed make quite an impact on the non-mod experienced user base.
Anyway I am very excited with all that's happening around here. Yay for graduation!
It would be great to have at least 11 candidates and see a Primary phase.
How will this work now anyway? Is the number of 3 mods fixed? I have seen past elections on other sites where the number was flexible.
Where it somehow was tied to the amount of votes and how close it was.
The info page however says "moderator positions available: 3", so it seems fixed for us. Wonder if that changed or what it depends on.
All I know is, that at a future election there is the possibility to get an additional mod position (by what factor I don't know, though, but I'd guess question count or Q/d or user count?). But I also don't know when the next election will be after that. On SciFi they also have the situation currently, that some mods just stay (without election) and other positions are free.
I guess 3 is just a reasonable starter.
Cool, didn't know about this statistics page, yet.
@ChristianRau Definitely, was just wondering.
@ChristianRau Yeah that's pretty cool. I like how it shows the badges too.
I'm a bit shocked by few of the vote-to-rep and vote-to-posts ratios as I always was concerned many people vote too rarely. But I guess it's also a question of how long one is a member and not so much how many posts/rep one has. I think I must have voted on more than every second post on the site on average.
@ChristianRau Oh my, I really don't vote enough now that I see the stats. Should really work on that.
Hat thrown in. That stats page makes me cry.
Though, I can't do more than occasionally bump that one either:
Q: Please remember to vote

DForck42Voting on Stack Exchange sites does a number of things. It rewards the content that we like to see when we upvote. It also signals trust, the more someone is upvoted, the more powers (muahahahahahaha!) on the stackexchange site they get. If we want this site to be successful, those of us that ...

Yeah, but what if your perception of your actions doesn't correspond with your actions. ;) I really didn't think of myself as a reluctant voter.
@ChristianRau 3 more and you get your wish
Well, it may very well that the statistics I use are not really reasonable either, or I just vote too often.
Even through Facebook page got not much success, still started sharing stuff there.

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