@Andruseto If the message was senseless then it shouldn't be in the question. the question body is supposed to describe the question title in more depth, not to send messages to other people.
also Stack Exchange as a whole is mainly English support, while Stack Overflow now has some other languages all other sites do not and we expect user to have basic understanding of english. while on Anime and Manga we have an exception to some japanese you'll notice that most posted will be accompanied by an english translation. you'll notice on Arquade any question or answer which is not posted in English is removed
So I'm going through the First Posts review and I find an answer that is in French. By the time that I see it, someone has edited in a Google Translate version of it. So now there's French and English. I can see a mistake in the translation (coins was translated to corners when it should have ...
Otherwise known as 必需用英语吗?(is English required?)
Do I have to use English when posting a question or answer to a Stack Exchange site?
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"I say keep it in English. I'm not against diversity or other languages, I'm for us all being able to communicate under one. This isn't political, this isn't about smothering peoples cultures with Western ideologies. It is about being pragmatic."
that said, we don't mind other languages being posted but you have to translate them and if they don't add anything to the question they should be there in the first place
and all i did was ask for the purpose of the final sentence you have edited in. since it as added in later it is supposed to add to the question but the rest of the question was in english while this extra line was not
Stack Exchange is Community Driven, as such except for the moderators, regular users like you and me take part in managing the site by reviewing what has been posted. we can't do that if we can not understand the content that has been posted