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so, my thinking was this:
you could have a simple version of SQL with some predefined keywords ('users', which returns something like a named tuple for example)
and then all you'd need is map, reduce and filter, and one method to put things in a table, and another method to "just put them there"
like simple set arithmetic for database queries
table = ((user['name'], user['reputation'], ) for user in DB.users where user['reputation'] >= 1000)
table = sorted(table, key=\x.x[1])
something like that
in what language
i am not fully understanding the problem
sorry i am doing a couple things at once
no worries
well the language doesn't really matter, I'm using a lot of python so my example will look a bit like python too; but the idea is to "invent a new language" (sort of) to enable people to hack together those widgets
it wouldn't even need to be text-based
as i said, this is probably extremely difficult
okay understand
what will this enable people to do?
well if it's good enough, it'll enable people who can't program, to program - basically :)
this is sort of the same idea:
okay skype?
or vent?
its probably best that we can talk
can't, sorry - it's the middle of the night :-)
where are you in the world?
whats your background?
in software
I'm a nerd :-)
i also study computer science
so where do we start
i still need to install ubuntu on this machine
well i don't think this is something we can start on right away
there's a lot of science and maths to be done before that, it seems to me
we'd need to develop and prove a set op operators and functions to do all this stuff, and see that they be sufficient to do everything
otherwise we'd just be re-implementing SQL
graphical or not
(or perhaps see if this has been done before, which'd be really nice)
ah. I need to be off
talk to you later

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