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4:59 AM
So it's six years since the room was created. A reason to celebrate? Or a reason to worry whether it will last?
Hi @YemonChoi - it's quite rare to see you in this room, I'd guess you visit the rooms associated with MO more often.
5:39 AM
@MartinSleziak Hi @MartinSleziak - I just occasionally pop in to get an impression of how the math.SE mods are doing. As I may already have said, a couple of years into the existence of math.SE are asked for my account to be deleted as I was getting quite frustrated by certain directions but also finding myself logging on in some kind of compusive behaviour when I knew it would get me wound up.
7 hours later…
12:45 PM
I wonder if some moderator will edit the first word of my comment to this answer.
6 hours later…
6:38 PM
@JoséCarlosSantos done
@YemonChoi I wonder how you mange to stay on MO then ;-)
6:58 PM
@quid Thank you.
2 hours later…
8:49 PM
And I almost forgot. Do you (moderators) remember my flags about serial downvoting? It was finally reversed today. There were seven downvotes involved. Thank you for dealing with this.
9:12 PM
Question for the mods: I'm going to be opening a new chat room (my first!) for people to share nice answers they find. I was planning on posting to math.meta to both ask if people were interested, and, more importantly, set out the goals of the room and to try to draw some attention to it. Is that an appropriate use of meta?
10:12 PM
@JonathanZsupportsMonicaC @MartinSleziak has a meta thread about math.se chatrooms, where answers, I believe, feature a specific chat room, what its topic is, etc. Adding to that will bump the post with your new addition, to inform others.
@amWhy You mean this one, right: List of chatrooms?
Of course, it is a judgement call what should be posted a new answer to some existing lists and what deserves a separate question. (This is not specific to chat rooms, there are various other list-questions on meta.)
For example, this room was also announced in a separate post: Launching Pearl Dive - a chatroom where excellent questions/answers meet willing sponsors.
@MartinSleziak Yes, that's it! Thanks. I'm not suggesting @JonathanZsupportsMonicaC shouldn't post a separate post; just informing him of your post, which is extremely useful, so thanks again for posting it! And even if he posts a separate meta post, it might be good for him to consider updating the thread of yours.
Yes, it is certainly possible to do both.
@JonathanZsupportsMonicaC Also I'd say that the purpose of the room Pearl Dive overlaps a bit with the above suggestion. (They are definitely not the same. But Pearl Dive was created with intention to highlight good content on the site - although mainly through bounties. And highlighting good content seem also close to your suggestion.)
1 hour later…
11:35 PM
@amWhy, @MartinSleziak: Thanks. The list of chat rooms was helpful. I was worried that what I was thinking of might already exist, but I don't see one there. I'll definitely update that when I get it set up.
@MartinSleziak: yes, I'm partly inspired by PearlDive, and the idea to use a chat room to surface good content is something I'm totally stealing from them. I'll also shamelessly crib from Jirki's announcment.
I think mine will be different enough to make it a worthwhile addition, and it shouldn't take any energy or resources from PearlDive so I won't feel like a poacher. I'm going to try to get things written up and set up sometime this week. The worst that can happen is that it just doesn't get used, right?
@JonathanZsupportsMonicaC Indeed! Go for it!

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