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8:33 AM
@MattSamuel That sounds like a very strange view. Do you really think the mods would "retaliate" like that? As Arthur Fischer said, "Acts like that would be a sure way of getting Shog9 rip out a still beating diamond from your chest." (not an exact quote, can't find it). Moderators cannot act on whims like that. Censorship is a no-no. I did a few minor offences when serving, and was duly chastised by either fellow mods, or the meta crowd.
I would like to say that I resigned because I would have soon done something like that to gimusi's account otherwise.
5 hours later…
1:58 PM
@JyrkiLahtonen I wasn't sure, but the timing seemed suspicious, and my initial thought that it would disqualify me was very troubling.
1 hour later…
3:22 PM
@MattSamuel I see. The timing was a bit unfortunate. I don't know how it looked like to you, but to the best of my knowledge there was no conspiracy to throw spokes into your campaign. Your vote tally was a bit lower than I expected actually. Either you were not known well enough within the voters. Or the voters simply disagree with your views. A third possibility may be that the users who share your doubts about CURED simply don't care about the site enough to vote.
8 hours later…
11:38 PM
@MattSamuel In a way I was quite happy you ran. It gave an opportunity to actually vote on policy.

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