@AlexanderGruber Please understand, @AlexanderGruber, my motive in what I wrote in response to your words about the purpose of CW, was not to chastize you, or find fault with you, but rather, to explain how I've found it useful, and why. And that wasn't meant to say everyone should use it the same way.
When I recounted why I find it helpful to use CW, at times, I was expressing how it's been helpful to me so as not to be seen as to "ambitious", and when I said I've had to realized, mostly earlier and not so much now, to be humble, gracious, not challenge to aggressively, to be ever so self-conscious as to how others are reacting to me,
and ended with "Silly me, I realized too late that, Hah, you've never had to be self-conscious much about anything. Contrats." I did not mean to direct that to you personally, I only meant that it is difficult for those who have never found themselves in positions of having to justify their existence and/or passions and or commitment and/or worth to understand the persistent self-appraisal and self-consciousness of those who do, in fact, need to justify their existence and worth.
In no way did I intend to imply that you are not aware of some of the extra struggles some have, to be heard, than perhaps you do. If I remember correctly, you've been quite outspoken on occasion about obstacles women many face, in math, for example. In any case, I did not mean to single you out, @AlexanderGruber. It was more a matter of my need to try to express that what so many users/mathematicians, students, etc., can take for granted, cannot in fact, be taken for granted by some others.