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2:09 PM
@DanielFischer What to do when four or five questions, that I've answered, are deleted in the last 18 hours? The initiator of them all us the user "Jack", often followed by the same two users adding theirs. I mean yeah, maybe it's coincidence, but Jack has done this with specific askers, and answerers; recall the meta post Jack left acknowledging that he had voted to close, voted to delete one asker's posts in excess of 24/25 (all in one day).
2:25 PM
@DanielFischer I'm just hoping this isn't retaliatory ; anyway, just thought I'd mention and continue to watch and see if it continues.
2:50 PM
Correction, @Daniel the deletions spanned the last few days, and some of those questions were not PSQ's. Indeed, on everyone, Jack also initiated the close voting. After that one disagreement, and he abandoned CRUDE from that point on.
Correction, @Daniel the deletions spanned the last few days, and some of those questions were not PSQ's. Indeed, on everyone, Jack also initiated the close voting. 
3:12 PM
I am quite sure this user has been targeting off and on this fall (since a dispute over closing, deleting, undeleting, etc. this question on the Sept 30 this year math.stackexchange.com/questions/2451671/…. I see now that since then, he's worked to close questions I answered, and if closed, to initiate deletion. E.g., here, deleted today
@JohnMa Interesting you happen to pop in while I'm talking about a matter you're involved in.
@amWhy Sorry, after my two pings to @DanielFischer, I forgot to include one in the subsequent post.
3:29 PM
@amWhy Generally, if you think a question that was deleted shouldn't have been, the "Reopen & Undelete votes" thread on meta is the default option. But if you think somebody targets you, a flag can be appropriate. However, be aware of your unavoidable observation bias. If some people who generally delete a lot of poor/low score questions delete a moderate number of such which you have answered within a relatively short time, that stands out to you (you see the same names "often"), but it can
still be a small fraction of their overall deletions in that time frame, so it won't look targeted from the outside. Looking at your recently deleted answers,
this has score -5, makes no sense ($A \geqslant A \iff x = y$?), and is a PSQ. Its deletion seems entirely normal. This is also a PSQ, score -3. Auto-deleted, entirely normal. Another PSQ, deleted by (among others) you.
This one is not a PSQ, but at a score of -2 its deletion doesn't exactly raise eyebrows either. Though it's debatable. It's the only one among your recently deleted answers that show up in your reputation tab that Jack voted to close and to delete. So far, it doesn't look targeted.
3:45 PM
@amWhy which matter? Did I voted to delete the post where you have answered?
But I think that the on and off downvotes of my answers this fall originates from Jack; I'll keep an eye on those. E.g., again today. Or, I guess you think this sort of behavior is okay, and so because I vote so often, no one would be able to blame me for targeting, if I were to happen to find a handful of poor questions/answers, because, well, they're biased, so probably just overly suspicious, kind of opens the door a bit. Hi, @JohnMa Taking notes?
Nothing I am not addressing you, but you do seem to be a go-along with anything Jack downvotes, votes to close, and votes to delete. Perhaps my sample is to small to know whether it's a coincident, or something else.
@DanielFischer Immediately after your comment block, Most of the subsequent comment was in reply to your comments. Just note, you're virtually inviting folks to play targetting and how one can/can't do, to get away with targeting some one.
One cannot see who voted to close/delete until it is closed/deleted. So I really have no idea. @amWhy
@amWhy The data I can see doesn't support that hypothesis. And whoever cast today's downvote hasn't cast many to you before, at least not from the same account.
@DanielFischer Very well. Thank you.
6 hours later…
9:45 PM
^ @DanielFischer @quid, you've got a head start on the weekend, mine is still loading....
@amWhy That's nice. Where's it from?
I just googled "tgif images" and it popped up near the top.
@DanielFischer step over to "This is the realm of SBA chat" ... two more images. I'll come back with more to come in the upcoming Fridays.
Please, @DanielFischer Please advise me as any user, how to respond to a user who is shadowing them?
@MichaelGreinecker TGIF!
@amWhy Even better, today was a holiday in Austria.
9:59 PM
@MichaelGreinecker Nice! A long weekend!! I love those. What is the holiday?
@amWhy Shadowing? In what way?
@amWhy "Maria Empfängnis", the conception of Mary.
I can't say anything more at this time @Daniel. A user who show's up within a minute or two in any chat I'm visiting.
@MichaelGreinecker Ahhh... This is the season for many holidays!! I move that December 3 through Jan 3 be named a world-wide holiday!!
@DanielFischer If it persists, I'll let you know. They appear, and 99% of the time, they appear in fully illuminated icon yet never participate. I've been observing this for 6 weeks now. Even when I explicitly address them "@Funkyslenderfatmermaid" with a "hello!" They ignore it, but hold vigils in room that I'm in.
@amWhy Sounds weird. I don't know.
@DanielFischer And their back in crude, after I welcomed another user. It is weird I agree (and I hope you realize that I'm 99.9999% sure there is no current user named Funkyslenderfatmermaid :P. Just don't want to name names, perhaps more obviously, they're in this room now, and in Crude.
... Nothing out of the ordinary if the user frequently participated in rooms that I participate in; but this user, for the most part, just enters, and watches... (at least six weeks now), has never once replied to a greeting I've offered. I'm I to take this as some form of an attempt to intimidate me? Coincidence? I suspect they just like to try and annoy me. Well. I'm not going to worry about it yet.
And it seems there are two accounts this user owns... am I correct, because each of them, ending in the same name (6 letters in all) has followed this pattern.
@DanielFischer, cont. one of those accounts has an icon with white background, and the username written in the middle of it. The other account has a vacant/default image, and goes by a name ending with the same user name of the first account.
He's also now in this chatroom
10:21 PM
@amWhy If we are talking about the same user, he was recently quite active in tagging chatroom and particpated in tag-related issues.
I suppose you are experienced enough to see the users most recent messages and you can see in which rooms he talked. (And you may notice that there are a few starred messages in tagging chatroom by this user.)
I would not suspect any nefarious intentions.
@MartinSleziak That seems to be the same user, but has not participated here, or in Crude, or in the chatroom I link above, despite my many attempts to welcome him. It is clear he's relishing all of this, even as oops, prior to his leaving just now.
What does "as oops" mean?
@MartinSleziak I virtually never pursue a chat user to read and learn about everywhere they are or have been. I don't shadow any user in that way. The "oops" came immediately as the user in question left this room. (I intended to write "It is clear he's relishing all of this, even as he remains here.), but prior to finishing it, I saw him leaving, hence the "oops"...
I don't really understand what are you trying to say.
@amWhy Unless I'm seriously confused as to who we are talking about, the user has participated in this chat- and even addressed you directly.
10:26 PM
It is possible that 50 other users are reading the transcript of this room at this moment - but because they did not join, I do not see them. Should I be worried about that possibility?
BTW for a while I thought that you were talking about me... :-)
@MartinSleziak I'm sorry, And he's back. This is a very different situation, @Martin, than what you speak of. Unlike this user, I don't stalk users stalking me. You had some nice interactions, good for you, and I hope those happy thoughts persist. That says nothing wrt what I'm dealing with. Hi, @JohnMa #1!
@MartinSleziak Oh.... believe me, I think we've worked well together on many things, and you're a resource that belongs in every chat room, as far as I can see! I'm sorry if my evasiveness was confusing. I'm not one who likes to name names when I can avoid it.
10:46 PM
@amWhy So the whole thing is about me (The "shadowing")?
@JohnMa What am I to think when everywhere I go, you, only then, appear? I'm not talking about coming in to a room you happen to be in, I'm talking about your pattern of entering the rooms I'm posting in/commenting, only and usually after I'm in the room and active?
Hello TGIF @SimplyBeautifulArt :P
@amWhy The reason is clear: whenever there is a new comment the chatroom is bumped up to the most recent active chatroom, then I go check it out and grab some popcorn.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Check out your room!
And although today is friday, I am still busy setting up HW, exam..... so really please do not ping me unless there is something essential (You have pinged me a lot today....)
10:55 PM
@JohnMa And why, when you enter a room I happen to be in, and are greeted (by me, at any rate) have you consistently ignored me?
John Ma, sorry for the last ping, I was writing my comment just as you were posting yours. But I had not pinged you in this current conversation here up to the point where you pinged me. I ended up trying to be vague so as not to "bother you?" or make this specifically about you; this isn't the first time I encountered a situation I describe above. Well, then, I agree, although it is friday, you seem to be busy with your work, and it's time for you, perhaps, to focus on that?
11:40 PM
Getting late on your end, @MichaelGreinecker? Go ahead and call it a day :)
@amWhy At least I'm not productive anymore...
@MichaelGreinecker I'm winding down, myself, and I've yet to reach 6 pm in Wisconsin.
@amWhy Being a holiday, I haven't yet really exhausted myself. But it sounds like TGIF turns to weekend for you,
Yes... Thank God/Goodness It's Friday, the last day of a work week, and upon the end of the workday... we move on to the weekend!
Woot woot

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