@mixedmath I don't know about you, but today seems a bit slow, or rather, pretty calm... which, probably, is a good thing! I don't know if that holds true on the mod's end of things!
I noticed a post from one user named "Schrödinger's Cat"; I searched for users with the name (since I know one user with the name ran in the most recent election for mod). I found two, altogether, none of which corresponds to the candidate. (One is newer that the election, and the other, an account created years ago, but not consistent with the mod candidate.) But no user corresponding to the candidate. Maybe it's a matter of username change for the candidate; I'd hate to know he'd left.
Hi Mods, I was wondering why all these taggings wars end? I know users are suggested to flag for moderator attention for tagging/retagging disagreement, but how will you guys act on it?
@amWhy Let say if this tagging war continues and I flagged for mod attention (and let say I refuse to quit the war). What exactly will the mods do? (I also have this question in mind)
@amWhy No, this is really a general question and I have not flagged anything. I just want to know what kinds of actions will in general be done.
@JohnMa Oops, I just reread your comment, if you haven't already, flag for moderator's attention, where you'll have a short space to describe the issue. The mods then can decide the more reasonable approach (tag). For MR in this case, a comment may be left to him; but @DanielFischer or @quid or @mixedmath, or @MichaelGreinecker are better able to explain courses of action they might take
@JohnMa sometimes it might suffice that a moderator says "it's enough now" and decides on some tagging; if this does not help a mod can lock the post, avoiding future edits, indefinitely or preferably until people moved on or became more sensible. In extreme cases users might be suspended.
By extreme case I mean mostly if it continues past mod involvement;
or maybe if there is some history to it.
In fact there are auto-flags for things like that too. I did not yet see many or even any at all. It's not that frequent an issue I think.
@JohnMa Mods will sometimes nudge a user to disengage with an edit war (or a tagging war, which is in the same vein). The mods might make an executive decision on what tags are appropriate. That's usually enough.
But I've suspended people in the past for excessive edits.
@mixedmath @quid The other user in the first particular case that is mentioned, MR, has a bit of history in adding tags when he posts an answer; he's relentless (I've run into this myself with MR, more than a couple of times). (To me it seems self-interested (more badges in more tags), because he never does the same on questions he hasn't answered.