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@amWhy is there a reason you seem to be avoiding/ignoring me? I'm trying to figure out why you had this post deleted which two days ago had 4 reopen votes and that I had been told was no longer flawed by the person who initiated the closure. I'm probably misinterpreting but it seems like you deleted it on purpose to prevent reopening which is absolutely ridiculous as I'm sure @DanielFischer would agree.
hi @arjafi. Having a great evening?
1 hour later…
@JyrkiLahtonen About the meta question you answer a while ago: An User downvote me many times.
I have to admit that I am bit surprised too that the 9 months post gained 3 downvotes in the last three days: math.stackexchange.com/posts/1731835/timeline
I did not find an explanation why the post gained attention recently.
I do not see anything among linked questions - if it were linked in another post that would be a possible explanation. The question has not been bumped. Timeline of the answer does not show that it appeared any reviews.
(And, as I side note - I certainly should have handled that a bit better and should have formulated my comments in a more friendly language.)
I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to bring it up; but I feel the need to call attention to the hurdle new users face when joining this site.
Simply put; the site discourages bad questions; but a new user can not ask a question until they have some experience on the site. However, they cannot gain experience without asking something. Sure a person can research a topic and see what other people have asked. However this defeats the purpose of asking such a question as whatever they research is bound to have an answer somewhere on the site.
6 hours later…
@user400188 what information or advice do you feel would be needed in addition to the one given in this thread?
Q: How to ask a good question?

Willie WongHow to ask a good question? This thread has advice on the following aspects of writing a good question on this site. Each item in this list links to an answer below about that specific aspect of question writing. Provide context Choose a good title Formatting and writing Tag your question corr...

@MartinSleziak It was mentioned on meta; which might account for the the last two of the by now four. A recent reputation event, especially a dv, also gives the post some visibility and attention on the profile page, which might explain a second one.
@quid Yes, so there were only two before the meta post. You're right, some users might notice that if they checked the activity tab of that particular user - I did not think of that possibility.
3 hours later…
@TheGreatDuck Yes, yes, no. Please refrain from pinging me, which is closely approaching the line where doing so becomes harassment. Your question has been closed twice, your question has a score of net $\color{red}{(-6)}$. And, yet, you act bewildered as to why it was closed, and deleted?
2 hours later…
Um no. That question was closed once and you initiated deletion the instant it got to 4 reopen votes. If it was closed and had negative votes why did you even bother deleting it anyway? The site would've auto-removed it?
Also, I fail to see how pinging you to ask why you made an action that directly involves me is at all "harassment"? I'm not asking you about other's actions. I'm asking specifically why you made an action towards me. I cannot conceive how anyone would call that harassment, especially when I don't even do it that often. It's only when I have an actual question about something recent.
but whatever you say then. but then quit initializing closures on my posts. You've done that about 3 or 4 times in the past week or so on pretty old posts. I might be mistaken but it seems oddly suspicious.
@TheGreatDuck I will say this one more time: You refuse to accept criticism or take seriously suggestions others make. I've spent more time than most users trying to interact with you, but have found you self-righteous replies and behavior impossible to deal with. I have one vote...nothing gets closed or deleted without enough votes from other users who seem to agree with my assessment. Don't portray yourself as a "misunderstood genius." You are neither.
From this point forward, I will not address any further pings from you.
"Don't portray yourself as a 'misunderstood genius.'" don't make assumptions. I never portrayed myself as anything of the sort. If anything, I'm an idiot who relies too much on other people for help.
and I never claimed I was self-righteous or anything like that. I disagreed with some of the improvements you suggested, because I personally felt they would make the question worse. For instance, you said in one post because I said "I could handle the problem after getting the equation into some form" I had to explain my process for solving after that point... but my point was that I did not care about that process. I just wanted to know how to put an equation into a particular form...
1 hour later…
Uh, in the context of deleting questions, as we have here, can I delete this?
Q: Interesting patterns to the algebraic solutions of polynomials

Simple ArtIn yet another attempt to find the solution to the quintic polynomial, I started looking backwards at the solutions to the quartic, cubic, quadratic, and linear polynomials to see if I could pick up any patterns. $\left\{ \begin{aligned} 0&=ax+b \\ 0&=ax^2+bx+c \\ 0&=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d \\ 0&=ax^4+...

12 downvotes, and I really want to delete it... but 250+ views... and some answers...
@amWhy You are a busy individual. What motivates you?
@SimpleArt I'll have to think about that for awhile. I'll get back to you. Maybe one day you'll even change your username to "Beautiful Art" :-)
Haha, maybe
:-) I do like the ring of that though
@SimpleArt .... For all I know, you go by "Art", short for "Arthur"...in that case, you need a more appropriate adjective before "Art"!
Nah, the art is not short for anything other than literally "art", because making math look like art is one aspect I wish to have
That's what I thought. So I'll wait for you to change to Beautiful Art!
@amWhy Simply Beautiful Art sounds better IMO
@SimpleArt I can accept that as a user name! What about Simply Beautiful?
Hm... oh well, already changed
@SimplyBeautifulArt Welcome SBA!
Cya later @amWhy

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