@RodrigodeAzevedo Roomba. It had one answer, there were no votes on the question nor the answer, and there were very little views or comments on the whole thing.
The lesson to take from this is that if you spent time answering something, might as well spend time voting it up, and trying to improve it if need be (via comments or editng).
During last week 4 moderators posted at least one message in this room (Jyrki Lahtonen, Pedro Tamaroff, arjafi and Daniel Fischer). That is probably some kind of record.
In the case of those four mods I've mentioned, it can be checked in the transcript that they were indeed here.
@JyrkiLahtonen Just to clarify, I was not complaining. Since the post (and the comments) were discussed here, I thought it is reasonable to post some kind of update on the status.
Yes, @Asaf, I saw Pedro's post. Hmmm, it seems that my arrival leads to Asaf's departure. I think that you, Asaf, have been far far more prolific in "off-topic" blubber in the mods chat room, than I have been!.
@DanielFischer Well, I do have a handful of copies of PMA on hand! Maybe I'll hand them out to teenagers who should know they've reached an age (over 14 or so) at which they're considered "too old" to be begging for candy! I'll try not to scare the "little ones" with Rudin....
@amWhy If it weren't so darned far, I'd be tempted to go begging for candy at your house. I don't have a copy of PMA, and it would be nice to have one. But not so nice that I'm going to spend a lot of money for it.
@DanielFischer Hahaha; well your always welcome, and I'll reserve a copy of PMA for you! I'm also wondering whether I want to hand out US presidential campaign literature, along with candy and/or PMA! (So that when the little ones' parents go diving into the candy after their kids go to sleep, may see it!)
@DanielFischer I get that "politics" is exceedingly off-topic here (as well as on MSE, in general)....So I get that my two comments above should be deleted....Don't hesitate to delete. I know I ventured into forbidden territory! And some might find it offensive, though I tried not naming him in my criticism. *smiles
And also probably should delete my last comment, too.
@amWhy Please have the courtesy not to wrongly associate my name with such nonsense. That's quite a low blow. If you sincerely desire to better understand my views on MSE politics then you are welcome to ask.
@Joshcollins Oh, yes, certainly, MSE (mathematics.stackexchange.com) is exactly suitable for asking questions about proofs!
@josh There are "tags" you can attach (including "proof-writing", if you have a question as to how proceed with/write a proof; proof-verification, if you want others" eyes to read through a posted proof and comment on it, verify its correctness, or suggest a different approach)) and much in-between (e.g. proof using induction, questions about a proof that you've encountered and are trying to understand. deductive proofs), Etc.
Ok thanks for writing back @amwhy. :) How about proofs behind code? I'm finding that while many of those at Stack Overflow can understand the code, not as many of them understand the engine under the hood. I posted a question earlier, and while many of the mathematics community were supportive and offered answers, another user placed the question on hold because he didn't think "the users would be able to answer a question on code".
Your users have helped me to understand that the code revolves around set theory, but I'm unsure if I should post anything else in the future.
@Joshcollins When you post about the mathematics of a question or of some code, you'll generally be welcomed; so try to express your question within the context you described to me (kind of an explanation why mse is more suitable and why). There are many "code-savvy" users here, but for others, when they see code, they see "off-topic".
@Josh Could you provide a link to the question you posted?
@amWhy I'm not sure if you've just seen what "thegreatduck" commented, but I'm guessing it wasn't appropriate given that he's decided to hide/delete it all. Is this usual for this community?
@Joshcollins Yes, I did see his/her comments; some users forget they're "talking" to real human beings when they comment. At least, in this case, s/he came back to clean up and/or revoke his/her comments. Or, perhaps the comments were flagged as "rude", or "not constructive", then handled by the site mods (by deleting them).
@Joshcollins I think you need to be even more explicit about what you're looking for the code to do. For example, your statement "This is Python script from a module called itertools which should return every possible combination in a given string is helpful. Personally, I have Java down pat, but not python; and although I can glean what's happening, the documentation isn't entirely clear to me.
If you edit your post (explaining in more detail what the code is attempting to do, and how, mathematically, the algorithm might work), it automatically goes into the "reopen" review queue. Your post will be seen by anyone visiting the reopen review queue, who can help determine whether to reopen or not. It takes 5 votes to reopen (just as it takes five votes to close.)