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The system has built-in features to deal with bullies and trolls.
@infinitesimal I don't need to ignore anyone. Just because I don't agree with a particular users approach to interaction doesn't mean I need to ignore them. Their behavior wont upset just annoy me.
@induktio in response. 1) I accept your opinion, and I can understand that someone perceives the use of "of course", "obviously", "trivial" etc. as arrogant, but these are very common and almost traditional in mathematics. 2) well there may be 3 or so, but you see if you consider that I have about 2.5k downvotes, this can be described as hardly any. 3) again, if you consider that I have 2.5k downvotes, the percentage of "silly downvotes" is extremely low.
@dustin don't even give them an opportunity to waste any of your attention on being annoyed
I any case I actually don't really understand this dispute, thus I retire. I am anyway not here for socializing, rather to learn a bit of math and teach others a bit, but for both only a bit. My downvotes merely reflect my opinion, and I think at present it is undeniable that there is a lot of garbage around.
You are free to have an opinion.
In any case there is too much to read here, and I think this is really off-topic here. cya.
11 hours later…
@induktio I will let the SE team decide whether you have multiple accounts or not.
Is that a crime pal?
Btw why does the internet really need a sheriff @Internetsheriffabc123?
6 hours later…
@infinitesimal there is no problem with multiple accounts as long as they don't vote for each other see here
2 hours later…
Thanks for sharing Jeff Atwood's policy @dustin if there's no criminal intent we don't need the sheriff ;-)
4 hours later…
math.stackexchange.com/posts/1112614/revisions that user is now defacing my answers
downvoting is ok, but this is no longer acceptable. @induktio what's your age? 12?
@Internetsheriffabc123 It's very clear you have created fake accounts simply to downvote me, as evidenced by your recent account activity and then my sudden drop in reputation concerning reasonable answers.
@Internetsheriffabc123 Also, I didn't deface your answer; I made the links more cleanly formatted, as you should do also. I don't see why this user shouldn't be perma banned for all of the crap s/he has been stirring up including vulgar references, very targeted downvoting, etc.
Tell me how this answer deserved 3 downvotes: math.stackexchange.com/questions/1168694/…. It's so obvious @Internetsheriffabc123 is engaging in highly destructive behavior on MSE.

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