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@quid Good question. If there's something fishy going on, we of course want to be made aware of that. If it's just two people coincidentally asking the same question, there's no need for us to know. Unfortunately, you can't know which case applies. Make your best guess and flag if it looks suspicious enough.
Obviously the longer people get away with such activity the more people they will tell and will join in.
@DanielFischer thanks for the reply. I might flag next time.
@quid Yeah, don't be too flag-happy, but if it looks fishy, it looks fishy.
or as they say "J.D.L.R." Just Doesn't Look Right.
which has one less letter than "fishy" ;D
18 hours later…
@Internetsheriffabc123 It's time for your crap to stop. Quit downvoting like an idiot before you get banned.
Really, the whole thing needs to stop.
This is a Q&A site on math, of all things.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Take a look at my reputation history and look at all of the posts downvoted by this user (high quality posts as deemed by most other users on MSE). @Internetsheriffabc123 Simply likes to cause trouble. It's really starting to become destructive.
Sometimes it generates such amounts of drama that would barely fit in an elizabethean play
@induktio It it is significant, it'll get caught by automatic scripts and it will be undone
Apart from that, just ignore them.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I will do my best to ignore them, but this is not at all something new. This user has repeated offenses, and it's starting to get old. It's easy to dodge the scripts too if you really so desire.
Yes, we have users with enough motivation to be annoying that would fuel a flight to Mars
They feed mostly on attention.
Ignore them, and they will get bored after a while.
After all, the rush of excitement provided by downvoting good answers or whatever is quite small...
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I have been working on ignoring it but said user doesn't seem to ever get bored of it.
Well, try harder
This is the internet, after all
The gods created it to train us in that specific respect
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez This is the Internet, but this is MSE, where moderators exist, not just some unfiltered site where people can do whatever they want.
There is so much we can do
You cna do immensely more by simply not caring about downvotes
Care about upvotes
One day you'll write a paper and it'll get rejected by a journal and what then?
And trust me, it happens
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I've already done that.
Been accepted and rejected. :)
Well, a downvote then is a grain of sand
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez really has nothing to do with the votes from my perspective. It is just a form of annoyance and harassment. After a while, people get extremely annoyed with being harassed, so ignoring and not caring only goes so far.
If you want to know, @induktio, the system detects systematic UP votes for you from a few users rather that downvotes
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Actually sending out the final page proofs for a publication in an April issue just this afternoon. That is beside the point though. The issue here, in my opinion, is that one user in particular is repeatedly defacing the site. It's not like we don't know who the culprit is.
There is a user who has given quite a few votes in all, and half of them were for you, upwards
Some of those have been automatically invalidated, and I don't much understand why they were not all invalidated, really. You probably would not enjoy that much.
@induktio He is not defacing anything.
Well good. Invalidate them all. I don't care about the reputation. That's why I've given out bounties worth +900. But systematically downvoting good answers is an issue.
Yes. It is a signal that someone should get therapy, or a hobby.
@induktio :)
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I would concur with that assessment. Definitely needs some therapy. And please invalidate all of those votes from whatever user it is you mentioned. May have been by my brother who lives in the same house and sometimes uses the same computer...embarrassing.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I'll just let it rest now I guess. Ignore the person until hopefully the problem goes away. 3 months running and the problem persists though. Here's to hopefully no more problems from a particularly toxic user.
Try confronting them and invite them to a private chatroom to explain their actions
At least it will make you feel better that you tried to reason with them :)
1 hour later…
What does STFU stand for @Internetsheriffabc123?
Please stop behaving like 7 year olds
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I agree. I just want to point out that a) of about 2500 downvotes at most 50 of them are answers with score at least 3 or so, b) these guys obviously and of course care too much, this is merely an internet site, c) induktio it is obvious that it is all lies, "May have been by my brother who lives in the same house and sometimes uses the same computer" of course of course XD I had a good laugh.
If you people cannot behave sensibly, I am going to ask you to leave this room
2 hours later…
@Internetsheriffabc123 This is my last comment concerning you. 1) Your "well-received answers" were downvoted because of your evident arrogance and hostility which are not appreciated here, not because of the veracity of your arguments,
@Internetsheriffabc123 2) You downvoting hardly any of my answers is a complete lie and your immediate drop in reputation by -6 followed by mine own supports this perfectly (I literally watched it happen in real time; not only that but you downvoted my highest upvoted answers too),
@Internetsheriffabc123 3) @dustin and I care because we like MSE and you're downvoting people for silly reasons, 4) why would I volunteer information about the user mentioned by Mariano unless it were true? That would simply be dumb. And 5) It's not about being a reputation whore, for I have offered numerous bounties, some to no consequence.
Now @induktio don't you feel better? :-)
People say ignore, ignore, ignore... But I say a person can only be pushed so far. Why not try and "talk it out"?
And that^ in my humble opinion is behaving sensibly and adult like.
4 hours ago, by infinitesimal
At least it will make you feel better that you tried to reason with them :)
@induktio @dustin @Internetsheriffabc123 This room is not for you to come and quarrel. You could consider getting a room to discuss such situations. By this I don't mean a constant exchange of personal accusations and insults. I mean a civilized exchange that can solve the matter. At any rate, I don't recommend you continue with this issue any further. Use the flag systems for any irregularities you bump into, or contact the team for serious issues in a civilized manner.
@PedroTamaroff when two people are fighting at school they are sent to the principal's office to resolve their conflict infornt of a higher authority. Is this not an "office" in that sense?
@PedroTamaroff I don't come to quarrel. When I show up, I usually address a moderator and state my point. If someone else shows up to start a confrontation, that is on them. For example, consider the 13:43 time when I was speaking with Daniel. I wasn't here to quarrel someone decided to attempt to start an issue which I ignored.
@dustin I'm sure you are aware that Internet bullying can occur in any chatroom or on any question/answer thread.
Remember you can flag comments even in here :-)
@infinitesimal I am not saying anything about the comment bothering me. I was just addressing that I don't come here to quarrel.
and that is a good thing.
May I suggest next time if you run into this situation to use the "ignore this user" option and then continue to state your point.

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