Completely unrelated to your question, consider adopting a consistent coding style. You are using some hybrid of CamelCase and snake_case and also capitalize identifiers inconsistently. C programmers tend to prefer snake_case and it's even been proven easier to read, but that's ofc a subjective coding style matter. The most important is that you are using a style consistently. — Lundin 32 secs ago
Asking for a tool or library is off-topic on Stackoverflow. Your question belongs to softwarerecs.stackexchange.com — Daniel W. 38 secs ago
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3 hours later…
@Kaiido I've updated the answer with a list of differences and an explanation of how these might be used. If you want to ask why people might program like this, that's opinion-based. It might be a reasonable question at Software Engineering. — Barmar 52 secs ago
The process of obtaining legal documentation is not a programming problem. It is very very very tangentially related, but you should be talking to legal experts not programmers about it. (That or seeing if Huawei has any documentation about it themselves, since it is their requirement.) — Quentin 11 secs ago
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It's a beautiful bot in the neighborhood. Would you be mine, w...