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12:01 AM
The time is 2021-04-15T00:00:00.008Z and @Duga is alive
12:18 AM
ML Classification 0.13802326962112774 (Old classification 0.0)
Perhaps this and this posts could be useful. — Mauro Baraldi 23 secs ago
1:16 AM
ML Classification 7.769313492923251E-4 (Old classification 0.55)
Welcome to StackOverflow! This site is for specific questions related to programming (code) or use of a programmers tool (IDE, compiler, etc.). You'll find your experiences here will be much better if you spend some time taking the tour and reading the help center pages to learn how the site works before you begin posting. — Ken White just now
2:01 AM
The time is 2021-04-15T02:00:00.008Z and @Duga is alive
2:17 AM
ML Classification 0.01226420728848676 (Old classification 0.0)
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please read Open Letter to Students with Homework Problems. You can't just dump your problem statement here and expect us to do it for you. It's also a good idea to take the tour, read about what's on-topic in the help center, and How to Ask. — Chris 59 secs ago
2 hours later…
4:01 AM
The time is 2021-04-15T04:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
2 hours later…
5:52 AM
ML Classification 0.04091798744991639 (Old classification 0.4)
this fails - please always be more descriptive when asking other programmers for help. Exact error messages please — Caius Jard 54 secs ago
The time is 2021-04-15T06:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
6:15 AM
ML Classification 0.008543095900875302 (Old classification 0.4)
There are sites you can use where you can pay programmers to do your work for you. This isn't one of them. — NomadMaker 10 secs ago
ML Classification 1.7390043089197797E-4 (Old classification 0.43)
@mpen Ah, well, there you go - that may be the root cause of your problem. And there's no shade of blame on you for missing it. Whoever decided not to add camelization by default in an editor explicitly intended for programmers is IM(not-very)HO a retarded banana. I use Came Case Navigation from Maptz (code --install-extension maptz.camelcasenavigation). Let me know if that kills your issue and if it does, I'll be so happy (and you'll +1 me for the effort, of course, hehe). — Konrad Viltersten 16 secs ago
2 hours later…
8:01 AM
The time is 2021-04-15T08:00:00.008Z and @Duga is alive
ML Classification 0.07127741295544261 (Old classification 0.42000002)
Your question is not clear: 1.- "I wondering if these are the only nine data types that the spec allows programmers to use." You mean there could be more? What is your suggestion? 2.- Functions are still objects, so should not be considered as types. Then we should have 8 types instead of 9. What is the point you would like to make in your question? — rustyBucketBay 46 secs ago
8:26 AM
ML Classification 0.01864222926636033 (Old classification 0.4)
"I wondering if these are the only <s>nine</s> eight data types that the spec allows programmers to use" - yes. 262.ecma-international.org/11.0/#sec-ecmascript-language-typ‌​esgeorg 51 secs ago
9:09 AM
ML Classification 0.03967417711110902 (Old classification 0.0)
9:30 AM
ML Classification 6.639250467355993E-4 (Old classification 0.4)
"It appear to be a bug...?" In general, as programmers, if the behavior of something well-established and thoroughly-tested isn't what we expect, we're much better off assuming that the problem is with our code, not the well-established, thoroughly-tested thing. In The Pragmatic Programmer the aphroism they use is "select is not broken" after a famous(ish) story about someone insisting up down left right and sideways that the basic select function in Solaris was broken. It was, of course, his code. :-) — T.J. Crowder 48 secs ago
10:01 AM
The time is 2021-04-15T10:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
10:39 AM
ML Classification 0.28348925536657665 (Old classification 0.0)
ML Classification 0.005341984548064343 (Old classification 0.4)
I note that "export to Excel" doesn't mean one single and simple thing, which is reason enough why user-programmers like myself often don't even try to provide it. As you want lots of these tables, you should have very detailed ideas about what metadata to export too, and so on and so forth. Stata provides tools enough to export and it's an individual programmer's job to decide which they want. Sorry if that seems unhelpful, but although "export to Excel" is simple words, it's the details that matter here. — Nick Cox just now
11:26 AM
ML Classification 0.19118737385716697 (Old classification 0.4)
To use concatenate, you need to make sure two inputs you are merging have the same shape everywhere except for the axis you are merging. You can refer this for better understanding. You can try to construct Functional API model as mentioned here,Thanks! — TFer2 17 secs ago
ML Classification 0.19118737385716697 (Old classification 0.4)
To use concatenate, you need to make sure two inputs you are merging have the same shape everywhere except for the axis you are merging. You can refer this for better understanding. You can try to construct Functional API model as mentioned here,Thanks! — TFer2 just now
11:41 AM
ML Classification 0.023701698397145792 (Old classification 0.4)
I hope the programmers working on the payment tools I use will never share the json structure from the model of those applications... Better to clean your JSON example for the sake of your user's safety — GabiM 32 secs ago
ML Classification 0.7042896627179137 (Old classification 0.0)
Perhaps better suited for softwareengineering.stackexchange.com ? To me it seems stackoverflow is for a "piece of code" for which you need help, whereas softwareengineering is more general. — Bazzz 43 secs ago
12:01 PM
The time is 2021-04-15T12:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
12:30 PM
ML Classification 0.04323368122333926 (Old classification 0.0)
@SoftwareEngineer It's the iTextRenderer — zinon 7 secs ago
1:20 PM
ML Classification 0.10988724224907635 (Old classification 0.4)
Follow this tutorial: link , if I remove the comma no error comes out, but when I run the console stays frozen. — OsKaR 11 secs ago
2:01 PM
The time is 2021-04-15T14:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
ML Classification 0.1188408186268521 (Old classification 0.0)
There are plenty of articles how kd-trees work, and several .Net implementations. Most should have a "get all items within some distance" method. But stackoverflow is not a free code writing service, and library recommendations should go to softwarerecs.stackexchange.com. So you should probably narrow your question to a precise problem. — JonasH 57 secs ago
ML Classification 0.2600106649447656 (Old classification 0.0)
Edits fetched for 259320: 5. quota remaining 8561
1 hour later…
3:26 PM
ML Classification 0.01226420728848676 (Old classification 0.0)
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please read Open Letter to Students with Homework Problems. You can't just dump your problem statement here and expect us to do it for you. It's also a good idea to take the tour, read about what's on-topic in the help center, and How to Ask. — Chris 14 secs ago
ML Classification 0.005740325985026474 (Old classification 0.4)
So, this means that two different programmers have no idea about each other's implementation of the same interface, is this the kind of abstraction that's happening? — raptorAcrylyc 40 secs ago
4:01 PM
The time is 2021-04-15T16:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
4:36 PM
ML Classification 0.02832116624003231 (Old classification 0.4)
This is fantastic! Would you mind suggesting this to the Qt official issue tracker? It would help all Qt programmers a lot. — mrts 41 secs ago
5:07 PM
ML Classification 0.010729455805465042 (Old classification 0.43)
A very useful command for programmers is man -s2 -wK TIOCGWINSZ. It will search all man pages for a string TIOCGWINSZ. — 71GA 17 secs ago
6:01 PM
The time is 2021-04-15T18:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
ML Classification 0.06503001590239743 (Old classification 0.43)
Please, post text as text, not as photographs of text. This is a website for programmers, not photographers. We want to copy&paste&run your code, copy&paste your inputs, read your outputs, and copy&paste&google your error messages, not critique your use of color and perspective. Also, please make sure to post everything relevant to answering your question in your question, not behind a link. meta.stackoverflow.com/a/285557/2988 idownvotedbecau.se/imageofcode idownvotedbecau.se/imageofanexceptionJörg W Mittag 17 secs ago
6:28 PM
2021-04-15T18:27:00.295Z Quota has been reset. Was 8266 is now 9999
6:53 PM
ML Classification 0.02381986844910371 (Old classification 0.4)
@mrts But it's not any sort of an issue. It's just a question someone had. It's not a Qt bug or anything like that. As for helping all Qt programmers: they surely know about StackOverflow :) There's really no higher visibility imaginable than an answer that comes up in Google search results (thanks to SO's SEO). — Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica 59 secs ago
7:44 PM
ML Classification 0.06691117529250908 (Old classification 0.0)
ML Classification 0.0267684811768395 (Old classification 0.4)
Dear om-ha! I read this post programmersought.com/article/15656181875 and I try with: $ xhost +local:docker and later with: docker run -it --device /dev/video0:/dev/video0 -v $(pwd):/home -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -p 5000:5000 -p 8888:8888 opencvcourses/opencv-docker ...and my code WORKS! thanks for your help! — Noemí 13 secs ago
ML Classification 0.25988542270733345 (Old classification 0.0)
8:01 PM
The time is 2021-04-15T20:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
1 hour later…
9:01 PM
Edits fetched for 259551: 2. quota remaining 9816
10:01 PM
The time is 2021-04-15T22:00:00.008Z and @Duga is alive
10:35 PM
ML Classification 0.3621482951669535 (Old classification 0.0)
10:51 PM
Edits fetched for 259567: 3. quota remaining 9683
11:46 PM
Mathieu Guindon vs. Simon Forsberg: 16714 diff. Year: +160. Quarter: +40. Month: +40. Week: +10. Day: 0.

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