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12:00 AM
The time is 2020-05-27T00:00:00.001Z and @Duga is alive
2 hours later…
2:00 AM
The time is 2020-05-27T02:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
2 hours later…
4:00 AM
The time is 2020-05-27T04:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
ML Classification 0.18188176773109085 (Old classification 0.45000002)
I think you will get better answers to this question by posting at the Data Science Stack Exchange site! It's mostly just programmers here, and there's not a lot of programming in this question. — user513951 39 secs ago
ML Classification 0.031421074945906353 (Old classification 0.4)
Thank you so much for the comment, im sorry about the set up of the question because im really new to the coding/R etc and i don't quite know how to communicate in the language of programmers. I will try to fix it if i can... thx — Kwok Yu LIU 19 secs ago
4:39 AM
ML Classification 0.14793686733223418 (Old classification 0.0)
Note that your question may also be better suited for the Software Engineering stack exchange. There you'll find for example When to use assertions and when to use exceptions?. Plenty of information out there, just search for it – otherwise make it clear why already existing Q/As don't answer your question – and be sure to ask a very specific (not yet asked) question. — Ivo Mori 49 secs ago
ML Classification 0.15594986934175922 (Old classification 0.42000002)
Its a lot better to just post the traceback as a code block instead of some descriptive thing in a paragraph we can't quite make out. We're programmers, we've seen tracebacks. — tdelaney 13 secs ago
5:00 AM
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5:15 AM
ML Classification 0.026833181481569674 (Old classification 0.0)
Please show us what you tried to solve the assignment and explain where you ran into problems. See Open letter to students with homework problems and How do I ask and answer homework questions?Modus Tollens 31 secs ago
5:44 AM
ML Classification 0.0030598832233842185 (Old classification 0.42000002)
@GamingZacharyC All programmers were beginners at the beginning. The difference is that you started with batch file and VB script coding with one of the most complicated tasks instead of starting with simple tasks and later (after years on experience in batch / VB script coding and reading thousands of code lines like I did in the paste) write code for the task you have to solve as beginner. So it is no surprise for me that you fail. I needed also hours to get my first batch file running fine which elevates itself to administrator level using a temporarily created VB script. — Mofi 16 secs ago
6:00 AM
The time is 2020-05-27T06:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
2 hours later…
8:00 AM
The time is 2020-05-27T08:00:00.008Z and @Duga is alive
8:30 AM
ML Classification 0.04911091579648388 (Old classification 0.0)
Burnout can happen. The important bit is how do you avoid burnout before it's too late. For software engineer this post might help usehaystack.io/blog/post/using-git-signals-to-identify-burno‌​utThellimist 36 secs ago
9:45 AM
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10:00 AM
The time is 2020-05-27T10:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
10:34 AM
ML Classification 0.012017381344869649 (Old classification 0.45000002)
Welcome to Stack Overflow. SO is a question and answer page for professional and enthusiastic programmers. Add your own code to your question. You are expected to show at least the amount of research you have put into solving this question yourself. — Cyrus 33 secs ago
10:59 AM
ML Classification 0.012017381344869649 (Old classification 0.45000002)
Welcome to Stack Overflow. SO is a question and answer page for professional and enthusiastic programmers. Add your own code to your question. You are expected to show at least the amount of research you have put into solving this question yourself. — Cyrus 49 secs ago
11:25 AM
Edits fetched for 242980: 4. quota remaining 8750
12:00 PM
The time is 2020-05-27T12:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
2 hours later…
2:00 PM
The time is 2020-05-27T14:00:00.008Z and @Duga is alive
2:34 PM
ML Classification 0.01441535582945512 (Old classification 0.4)
Providing output which makes the "it works, honest" more plausible is appreciated. However, an explanation of how it works and why it is supposed to help would be better. StackOverflow is about sharing knowledge and helping people to understand. Not for providing code to solve problems (tested or not). Please help to fight the misunderstanding that StackOverflow is a platform for finding unpaid programmers to do work for others. — Yunnosch 11 secs ago
3:01 PM
ML Classification 0.006602102452743927 (Old classification 0.4)
@EFK It means that C allows you to write to one member of the union like bit.PMUXE and then later access another member of the same union like reg. This isn't allowed in C++, it is undefined behavior there. Lots of PC programmers carry weight in the C++ committee and so that language is turning increasingly useless for embedded systems with each revision of the standard... — Lundin just now
4:00 PM
The time is 2020-05-27T16:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
4:22 PM
ML Classification 0.019410450414067585 (Old classification 0.4)
Though if you ask me not only is your question malformed, it suffers from the very common problem with untrained programmers of assuming a solution and pushing for it until the end, regardless of how little sense it makes. If you want these clusters, extract them and process them at will. Don't ask to keep some magical sorting you heard whispers about in your youth. — Blindy 55 secs ago
ML Classification 0.0011127203447474669 (Old classification 0.0)
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please read the About and How to Ask pages now. SO is not a "write my code for me" service. We will help you resolve problems if you show your code which is an honest attempt to solve your problem, but we don't simply write the code for you. See also An open letter to students with homework problems. — Jonathan Leffler 45 secs ago
ML Classification 0.012017381344869649 (Old classification 0.45000002)
Welcome to Stack Overflow. SO is a question and answer page for professional and enthusiastic programmers. Add your own code to your question. You are expected to show at least the amount of research you have put into solving this question yourself. — Cyrus 12 secs ago
ML Classification 0.15051153374345527 (Old classification 0.4)
lol another crap answer. Dude were not all super pro programmers like you. If you would give a little bit more elaboration and detail to your responses, im sure youll make sense to ppl like myself. — Llama 43 secs ago
5:10 PM
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5:50 PM
ML Classification 0.014322721583785121 (Old classification 0.4)
@Barns, I can't share the method because it's a work of one of the programmers and it's not for public, imagine it as a modified binary search, but the variable passed to must only be numeric in order to work — Markowisz Stanislaw 1 min ago
6:00 PM
The time is 2020-05-27T18:00:00.004Z and @Duga is alive
2020-05-27T18:08:00.345Z Quota has been reset. Was 8265 is now 9999
6:23 PM
ML Classification 0.0130925520259055 (Old classification 0.0)
6:55 PM
ML Classification 0.0047509958704743446 (Old classification 0.4)
@George because you don't want to confuse C++98 programmers who are familiar with const int * v and int * const v difference — Alex Larionov 9 secs ago
7:33 PM
ML Classification 0.012017381344869649 (Old classification 0.45000002)
Welcome to Stack Overflow. SO is a question and answer page for professional and enthusiastic programmers. Add your own code to your question. You are expected to show at least the amount of research you have put into solving this question yourself. — Cyrus 6 secs ago
ML Classification 0.012017381344869649 (Old classification 0.45000002)
Welcome to Stack Overflow. SO is a question and answer page for professional and enthusiastic programmers. Add your own code to your question. You are expected to show at least the amount of research you have put into solving this question yourself. — Cyrus just now
java.lang.NumberFormatException: null
ML Classification 0.03703499002000726 (Old classification 0.0)
Hey thanks for your support..Actually I have put .env file in routes folder and it should be put in the root directory, Actually, I have done a dumb mistake and my goal is to want to become a software engineer. I hope I will achieve this before my birthday. — Manvir Choudhary 42 secs ago
8:00 PM
The time is 2020-05-27T20:00:00Z and @Duga is alive
8:41 PM
ML Classification 0.0013226219378535836 (Old classification 0.4)
That type of thinking doesn't lead anywhere. It's all two sides of the same coin. You're just as likely to have bugs because you didn't explicitly handle the versions you intended to support than if you did but accidentally used the wrong version checking logic. You're not going to get anywhere trying to suggest that it's "less code" to just rely on the import failure and this is somehow safer or better, it just flat isn't. It's a case where programmers wanting to be lazy is bad not good. Add a comment, save your teammate the inscrutable headache. — ely 52 secs ago
Edits fetched for 243029: 4. quota remaining 9811
ML Classification 0.012017381344869649 (Old classification 0.45000002)
Welcome to Stack Overflow. SO is a question and answer page for professional and enthusiastic programmers. Add your own code to your question. You are expected to show at least the amount of research you have put into solving this question yourself. — Cyrus 13 secs ago
ML Classification 0.1941620061919164 (Old classification 0.4)
Or, if you want to beat Matlab, check out the numerical libraries that are optimized for your processor by multiple generations of senior programmers: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_numerical_librariesBarney 6 secs ago
1 hour later…
10:00 PM
The time is 2020-05-27T22:00:00.008Z and @Duga is alive
2 hours later…
11:45 PM
Mathieu Guindon vs. Simon Forsberg: 16249 diff. Year: -951. Quarter: -18. Month: -70. Week: -10. Day: 0.

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