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A: Basis for a subspace of $\Bbb R^5$

MakotoThe basis for $U$ here is $$\{(3,1,0,0,0),(0,0,7,1,0),(0,0,0,0,1)\}$$ This spans the subspace, and it's vectors are linearly independent. The correct notation here is: $$\operatorname{Basis }U=\{(3,1,0,0,0),(0,0,7,1,0),(0,0,0,0,1)\}$$

You don't need to post the question and explain what you did in an answer. You should delete this answer and copy what is written here in the question.
@hjhjhj57 But then if I am correct, the answer would be "Yes" which would be silly, and I won't know if I am upvoted for my question or my answer
@MhenniBenghorbal Thank you, does that include my attempt at the notation? Or should it be a list like in the book? $\operatorname{Basis } U = ((3,1,0,0,0),(0,0,7,1,0),(0,0,0,0,1))$ instead of a set?
That's what comments are for. There's also a tag called proof-verification which is exactly for what you're doing. The fact that you're asking means there are some parts you're having trouble with, an answer would have to aim to clarify this parts. So unless you already know the answer, there'd be something to add, as @PVAL just did.
@PVAL Good point I will add that in
@hjhjhj57 It says that it is acceptable to post your own answers in the help page, and also are you saying I am getting free rep for posting my own answers? I have done this 5 times and I have 21 rep...
Forget what I said about the reputation, I just think is is not the way of asking (and think that users that have been around for a while shouldn't encourage it). And in fact, you're not even sure your answer is an answer, that's what the question is for.
@hjhjhj57 I want to be able to discern if my question or my answer are the upvoted thing and if I get upvoted I know it is the right answer, and if it is downvoted I will delete
Well, I disagree with your way of doing things, but we have a democratic community here, so let's see what happens (more like what meta and the moderators have to say).
I have made a meta thread here, and I see what you mean. I apologize if I am abnormal.…
Please don't immediately downvote!
I downvoted the answer, not the question
I may have overreacted also, but still disagree
I meant please don't immediately downvote the meta thread
That is fine, maybe I deserved the downvote, but I won't know until the meta thread gets discussed
Oh, why should I do that?
Because you disagree with the meta thread, and that means you should downvote it, but if you do it now it may start a chain reaction
Do you see my point about the answer only being "yes" ?
My problem is that I may know the answer, but feel uncomfortable with moving on without checking it
And wouldn't the comments suffice to check?
If the comments say 'yes' to me, the answer shows up as unanswered
In which case someone would need to put up an answer to take it off unanswered
In which case the answer 'yes' is most valid, but would be silly
I think that if you're asking is because something isn't clear, and an answer should elaborate on that
I understand your point, it happens quite frequently actually
In that case I would agree with you, but in the case of that question, I have never seen an answer to such a problem, but felt that it was only one that would work
why not post your attempt of proof in your question (using the proof-verification tag), and wait to see if you get useful feedback. If you only get replies saying "yes" you proceed to answer your own question (there's even a badge for doing this I believe).
don't get me wrong, answering your own questions is actually encouraged by SE. I just think that if you're answering you should be completely positive about your answer.
Check the proof-verification questions:…
@hjhjhj57 That would be my second preference, but I feel as though people will put up my answer pretty much and be wasting the time of valuable helpers who could be helping others - I also think I will get a faster reaction for doing it this way
I wouldn't worry about the time of the people. This is a huge community and we're all here because we want to. And about the reaction, well, maybe. I don't know.
I was going through those proof-verification questions, and saw something that hadn't occurred to me: people may even suggest different (and probable better) proofs..

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