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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

Well no one ever answered my question... So I guess I will.
Erm.. I think I was a little trigger happy on this one
Q: Google Earth stereoscopic 3D browsing

Primož KraljOne of the things I like very much in Google Earth is Flight Simulator. It would be great if one could use a red-cyan glasses for 3D effect using stereoscopic (anaglyph) rendering. On Windows there are a few solutions - is there something similar for Ubuntu?

@NathanOsman Nice!
@Seth Hmmmm ... It's obvious that a lot of people want something like that. And, apparently there are some solutions, just need to find/make one that works for Ubuntu. I'd reopen and bounty it, in fact.
It's definitely not a "TL because too old" candidate, imo.
@FEichinger Are you going to bounty it? :P
@Seth Sure.
@MarcoCeppi @jrg around?
@Seth yo
Didn't think that through well enough.
takes smack grimly
@FEichinger there ya go.
Bounty started.
Someone want to take a look at this Q?
Q: Where does ttar.gz have to be located at installation?

montoI want to install boot-repair_3.193.7.orig.tar.gz to repair my computer as it doesn't boot (only get the "grub rescue" prompt). Now booted on a live USB Ubuntu 11.10. Wanted to follow the below steps (found in this post) tar -zxvf aircrack-ng-1.1.tar.gz. cd aircrack-ng-1.1.tar.gz make make inst...

I think I'm missing something.
100 rep hurt pretty hard when you're not active on the site in months ... Go figure.
Better get active :P
@Seth ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ tar -zxvf boot-repair_3.193.7.orig.tar.gz outputs it to wherever the tarball wants it. It doesn't just unpack it to a new folder.
Also, because appropriate:
There we go.
I found the best online graphing calculator meta-calculator.com/online
Q: Posting An Answer

QasimI been trying to answer this question discrete GPU not working after update, But when i press Post your Answer, Its posting as an comment, I have tried several times but still the same

Q: Don't vote to close if it's just a bad question -- vote it down

belacquaLately, I'm seeing a lot of questions in the review queue which are marked for closure due to being 'too localized', or 'not a real question'. Some of these are marked on the same day they're asked, and some already have answers. If someone is quickly able to answer a question, it seems like...

That's horrible.
^-- This is what that should look like.
@AskUbuntuMeta not a real question?
it works for basic trigonometric functions. I havent found anything superior online
please tell me anyone of you know java?
class stringlongest
        public static void main(String s)
                int w=0;
                String l="";
                int lv=0;
                for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++)
                        if(s.charAt(i)==' ')
                System.out.println("Longest String is "+l+"\n and it's length="+lv);
Cuz this program ain't doin what it's supposed to
what is it supposed to?
Find the longest word in a string
I think I got it
Q: How can I find the longest word in a string recursively?

johnFinished, thanks everyone. Here's the revised code. public static String longestWord(String sentence) { String longest; int i = sentence.indexOf(' '); if (i == -1) { return sentence; } String first = sentence.substring(0,i); first = first.trim(); Strin...

@AmithKK main(String s), really?
@FEichinger I'll use buffered reader later
this is just a quick revision hack
it was missing a +" " after the string
@AmithKK It's horrible. In so many ways!
@FEichinger That's actually what the book says
I must follow the book
@JorgeCastro , I will remove that comment but as I remarked mentioned while it seems related to the question. To my mind, there seems to be some sort of confusion about the extent of control the community has over the direction of things.
probably String args[] is better :P
@AmithKK Yes. In many ways.
args[] takes every word as a String, which means you can just loop through args and pick the one with the greatest args[i].length()
Ah but here's the catch
we haven't been thought arrays yet
so I cant use them in the exam
... How does one teach bloody Java without addressing Arrays?
Ask the bloody syllabus lol
Also: Horrible indentation. And use telling names for variables. And don't ever use l as a variable name. Bad idea. Very bad.
@FEichinger why?
name your string "string"!
@mateo identifier error :P
@AmithKK l vs 1 in monospaced fonts? Bad.
failure :(
@FEichinger Yeah
But "You have 1 hour and 15 minutes to blast through this paper"
Yo yo yo!
@Seth yo
Could anyone here help me with my SD card issue?
@jrg Yo
@Seth still doing #!?
@jrg Is that short for bash? :P
bash = bash. #!=chrunchbang.
@jrg Oh, I sort of remember writing an sh file, !#/bin/bash
@AmithKK non-gtalk IM service?
@coding_corgi Using a hash for bash? Nah. That'd be too obvious.
@AmithKK So? Learn to code faster then.
@FEichinger Hmm
@jrg Could you help me with a hardware issue please? (I have Precise Pangolin, just to be a little more clear)
@coding_corgi did you ask a question on the site?
@jrg Well, I wouldn't show too much effort since I don't know where the error popped up, could I explain my question?
@coding_corgi Explain the device in question, how it's connected, what it's supposed to do and what it actually does. We'll guide you from there.
class stringreverse
        public static void main(String s)
                s=s.trim()+" ";
                int w=0;
                for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++)
                        if(s.charAt(i)==' ')
                                for(int x=i-1;x>=w;x--)
                                System.out.print(" ");
Program to reverse words in a string
@AmithKK I thought there was a function that did that....
@coding_corgi O.o
@coding_corgi Nope.
Not in String, at least.
What is the point of this funtion -_-
There is StringBuffer.reverse(), but not String.reverse().
@AmithKK You cannot apply normal comparators to Strings.
I'm hoping to release the 2buntu Android app by the end of the week.
It's going to be awesome.
@FEichinger No, like what is the use of the value you get
some example program?
@AmithKK 0 for equals. Anything else for not equals.
> The value 0 if the argument is a string lexicographically equal to this string; a value less than 0 if the argument is a string lexicographically greater than this string; and a value greater than 0 if the argument is a string lexicographically less than this string.
How is the "anything else" calculated?
@FEichinger Ok, I bought I Pi, I am preparing the SD card, I had Arch Linux ARM on it (that was my first home run), and I was really confused, so I wanted to upload the Rasbian .img file to it, and somehow I got in this big tangle of a mess, so now I have two devices out of 1 8GB sdhc card, and neither of their memory sums = 8GB, then I tried writing the Rasbian .img file to it with ImageWriter, and ImageWriter started, never got at 1%, so I x-ed that out and came here. PLEASE HELP!!!
Sorry about the long explanation...
@coding_corgi Open Disks and try formatting the whole drive
@AmithKK I think I tried that with disk utility... Let me see if there is an application called Disk...
@AmithKK I don't have an app called Disk... Sorry if I sound stupid...
Which version are you on?
I hope this isn't my AVR programmer all over again... I had the worst time with that...
@AmithKK 12.04 LTS
I think it might be disk utility there
@AmithKK Yup
For the record
@AmithKK Do I format the drive or the volume
@AmithKK Hey, I am not uby-tarted!
(Ubuntu Retarted)
:P jk
@coding_corgi Drive
I think you messed your partition table up
@AmithKK That's what I did, just had a close look... I keep getting an error... I can't seem to format my drive, should I say what the error is? (duh, I should...)
@AmithKK It says the device is busy, should I run: umount /dev/sdb1?
@coding_corgi Try rebooting onece.
@AmithKK yeah, they did change the name...
@AmithKK How would rebooting help?
@coding_corgi Usually makes busy devices fix itself :P
@AmithKK what about umount
@coding_corgi not sure
As far as I can tell, it checks char by char, stores a total, and returns the total as soon as it decided which one is greater.
Nevermind, not a total.
@AmithKK So should I give umount a shot then reboot?
Just the earliest occurance of a difference.
@FEichinger Just the JRE being stupid, ;P
@AmithKK okay...
@coding_corgi It's Java, that's to be expected.
@FEichinger Tell me about it, I spent half a year mastering it, and this is what I get?!
Anyway, my keyboard is being a pain.
ArrowDn is entirely dislodged now. which makes coding hard.
@FEichinger That sometimes happens with my netbook's keyboard, what I do is I pop out the key, and snap it back it, usually it's a pain to get it back in, and most of the time I break something or get in a pickle, but it's worth it....
@coding_corgi It is broken. Completely. There is only one hinge still connected.
@AmithKK THANK YOU! YOU SAVED A NIGHT OF FRUSTRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! umount helped!
@coding_corgi np
@FEichinger I just bought a 4 dollar keyboard for my Pi, how bout a new keyboard? Or was that one $$$ ?
@AmithKK Thanks again!
@coding_corgi It's the laptop keyboard. Already ordered the replacement.
Raspberry pi's don't like some cheap keyboards
@FEichinger good,
I use a tab cover keyboard and It works fine but
For the moment, I'm trying to replace ArrowDn by Insert.
When you hotplug it it reboots the pi
@AmithKK Mine worked well with Arch Linux ARM
@coding_corgi try pidora
@AmithKK Not really a fan of Fedora, just by the sound, I think I will use Rasbian, but Arch Linux ARM or Android looks sweet...
@AmithKK Now ubuntu won't recognize my sd card!
@coding_corgi Does it appear in disk utility?
Usually a format fixes this
@AmithKK Format disk won't help, should I add a partion? Just rebooted...
@coding_corgi try that
how old is this sd card?
@AmithKK not old, very new
@AmithKK It worked!!! Thanks again, you prevented a stressful night!!!
ok :P
@AmithKK yeah, mine reboots when some usb devices are pluged-in
@mateo That happened to me once...
Is it some undervoltage thingy?
Because my arduino does that when I accidentally plug in that uses too much voltage
@AmithKK I get a 5V dc with 1 ampere,
Same here
@AmithKK probably
@AmithKK Now ImageWriter still doesn't write to the SD card, it's done it before, it won't even get to 1% !
@coding_corgi YU NO USE dd?
slow, but robust :P
@AmithKK I could try the terminal, but that didn't work before, until I tried ImageWriter, my SD didn't work
@coding_corgi pv -tpreb input_file | dd of=output_file
@AmithKK Uhh.. For what?
DD with a progress bar
see if that works
first erase the sd card
@AmithKK I just have a .img file, no output file
@AmithKK format?
with FAT?
@coding_corgi sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd
that will format it properly
@AmithKK /dev/zero/ ?
@coding_corgi output=/dev/sd(device_alphabet)
@coding_corgi no, /dev/zero
@AmithKK what is /dev/zero/
it's a file with infinite 0's in it
@AmithKK okay...
@AmithKK So maybe I didn't format corretly
Okay, not replacing ArrowDn by Insert
Not enough space, as Insert is taller.
Replacing ArrowR by Insert. Replacing ArrowDn by ArrowR.
@FEichinger is that all working out? ;D
@AmithKK Okay, we formatted it too much, it doesn't pop up when I plug it in, is that okay?
?Should I add a partion
@coding_corgi Using the keys feels awkward, but it'll do. New keyboard should arrive tomorrow Saturday or Monday, hopefully.
@FEichinger hopefully...
I wonder if I should replace ArrowL by Pause, just so it's symmetrical ...
ha ha ha ha...OCD?
Not really. My hands wouldn't like the asymmetrical pressure needed to press the buttons.
@FEichinger dude! I have that too! This sentence is really bothering me right now, because I've used my left hand much more than my right hand to type it.
(Corgi sent me over from the EE room)
@anorton Why, hello there!
@anorton It does get painful over time. Depending on just how much time one spends using the exact same keyboard, obviously.
Right now, I'm not sure if I'll actually replace the keyboard or just the broken keys (of which there are a lot). I like the friction on the keys, due to how used they are.
@FEichinger I always use the same keyboard, so that doesn't help...
@FEichinger Hmmm... that is a problem.
Yes and no..
I never actually installed it. Though I plan on it.
Github made it to commit if anyone is interested.
@jrg Oh and Marco took care of it ;-)
By the way Game Dev Tycoon is the greatest game to ever find its way to the internet and everyone and their brother should download it!
@Gui Meh. I'm on the fence about it.
Awee Come on, it is so much fun...
It is. But there's also the fact that it's more or less a verbatim copy of a mobile game, with some fancy graphics and overly complicated mechanics thrown on top.
nah much better then lemonade tycoon
I'm talking about this.
How to print this from "COMPUTER"
@AmithKK substring(i, i+=3)
What if the amout of chars is even?
COMPUTER is 8 chars.
As far as I know, 8 is even.
Yeah but
First it will take substring from 0-3
next from 3-6
then from 6-9
there is no 9
Won't that be an error?
@FEichinger --^
That was not valid code. In fact, it doesn't even work in many langauges because they implement substring differently.
Point is: You just loop through it, catch some error cases (like the missing char)
And that's it.
@FEichinger oh I didn't know about that game..
The problem is that we didnt learn try and catch in school
public void stringpyramid(String s) {
    int i;
    String stored = "";
    while(i += 2 < s.length()) {
        stored += s.substr(i-2, i);
Should work.
@FEichinger Nope
It gets me a stringindexoutofrange error
That shouldn't happen.
class stringext
    public static void stringpyramid(String s) {
    int i=0;
    String stored = "";
    while(i+2 < s.length()) {
        stored += s.substring(i-2, i);
some modifications done to make sure java does not freak out
if you do i+2 instead of +=, you'll need to change the substring(i-2, i); to substring(i, i+2); and the i++ to i += 3;
Now to figure out how this works
Best I can do without actually running it. :P
@Seth It's not gonna work.
It won't have bare git experts, as SO is essentially boycotting it, because "It would be on-topic on SO! whine". And GitHub itself is a very narrow topic.
It could just be the dark corners of SO being loud again, but it's definitely a valid concern.
@FEichinger Explain that program to me please :)
@AmithKK It uses i as the position in the String, and uses stored to save the already processed parts of the String (this could also be done with a substring from 0 to i-1, but that'd need more function calls). It loops through the String in jumps of 3, adds the new 3-character substring to stored and prints the whole stored. Finally, once the next jump would go beyond the end of the String, it prints the entire String - which has the same effect as adding the rest of the ...
... String to stored would.
@FEichinger I didn't think it would..
There seem to be people are A51 who delight in "This is on-topic here!" Or "there!"
I honestly don't get the whole "ERRYTHIN HAS TO STAY ON SO!" stuff.
SO is scary!
Yes, it's on-topic there. Yes, there's large overlap. But if a topic is broader than SO, it can very well have its own site.
Well g'night.
I have yet to post on SO, because I can not stand the vocal parts of the community there.
Just got a really weird error message:
> Could not start ksmserver.
...and when I clicked "OK", my session terminated.
Q: How to get rid of the “scanning for btrfs file systems” at start-up?

Vibhav SinhaAfter upgrading from Ubuntu12.04 to Ubuntu12.10, I get a message "scanning for btrfs file systems" at starting-up. I don't have any BTRF-filesystem.It delays the booting for about 15 seconds. How can I get rid of this?

1 hour later…
Night all.
@Mitch , did you solve your problem of having the code sample a little darker?
No, its still too light. It started happening after the new design.
@Mitch I'll try to answer here but I'm not comfortable with the formatting in chat so if things don't look good, apologies in advance! Are you using Firefox?
Yes, I'm using Firefox
If you are using Firefox, please see http://meta.askubuntu.com/a/6817/25656 but the code to put into userContent.css would be something like this (assuming you're starting with a blank file):@namespace html url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain(askubuntu.com)
code { font-family: monospace !important; color: purple !important; background: #999 !important; }
I'll try it, Thanks
I've used purple and grey but you can use plain black on white if you choose. If you're happy with a dark font, there's no need for the background part. You'll need to close your browser and restart it after modifying userContent.css. Also, note that the exact part before .default differs from user to user. That's why I put in xxxx.default. Please let me know how things go!
Sure will :)
Q: Black screen while connecting Windows server 2012 through Remmina

K.K PatelI am getting black screen when I try to connect Windows Server 2012 from remmina, While this remmina can connect windows server 2008 R2 and other Ubuntu servers. I have also cross checked that Windows server 2012 can be opened by another windows 7 host through Remote desktop.

Q: Resizing the side bar on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Mathieu LeivHow can we resize the side bar on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS? I would like to make it as small as possible.

1 hour later…
Q: Hide every windows on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Mathieu LeivIs it possible to have a button on the side bar to hide every open window on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ?

@fossfreedom, in the code I provided yesterday, I forgot to include "!important" :( I have now corrected it.
cool - let me try again
@vasa1 ... just a shame I cant bounty Meta answers!
@fossfreedom, but did it work now? I hope it does! It should.
yep - just added a pic to your answer. Site is now usable for me!
This user askubuntu.com/users/165170/anindya asked the same question twice:
Q: Problem in upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10

AnindyaWhile updating Ubuntu from 12.04 to 12.10, it is giving an error: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mesa/libxatracker1_9.0.3-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb Connection failed [IP: 80] Please help. Also, my machine is not getting completely shutdown while shuttin...

Q: change from ubuntu 12.10 to 12.04

Anindyaactually I was updating from ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10 suddenly my machine got switched off then when i restarted the machine I am facing the following problems: 1. Even after doing shutdown it is not getting completely off. 2. I cannot update anything with update manager it is showing "Check Interne...

1 hour later…
@Seth oh, ok.
lets roll!
time to get it setup for my pi.
@FEichinger That program came. Thanks Sooo much.
pidor means gay in russian
so, i figured out how to have virtualbox VMs have multiple displays
and now i have a 4 display windows VM, and this is AWESOME.
/me leaves
cya @jrg
@AmithKK any time :)
I really wish people would stop trying to close programming questions
@MarcoCeppi But they're on-topic on SO! Why would we ever want to allow that here?! /sarcasm
@FEichinger Ubuntu questions are on-topic on U&L, we should probably migrate them there /+sarcasm
@MarcoCeppi I know, right? Let's just close the site already. There's no use for us. /++sarcasm
3 hours later…
Good Night
Why do I always end up with the complicated problems? :P
Q: Strategy for displaying a progress indicator while loading data into an SQLite database?

Nathan OsmanMy app consists of the following components: a content provider for data stored in an SQLite database a ListFragment that uses CursorAdapter to display data from the content provider a service that runs in the background periodically polling a remote URI for new data, adding any to the database...

I did never saw something like this:
Passiert das gleiche, wenn du es mal im Terminal sudo apt-get install package_name versuchst (package_name=das Programm das du installieren willst)? — joschi 2 hours ago
@NathanOsman Wouldn't you receive better answers in AndroidSE?
AndroidSE is not for development.
@jokerdino Just for users using that?
that is useless..
why? no.
@jokerdino no it is not a just users site?
it is not useless.
askubuntu.com is most useful for normal users. not software devs
@NathanOsman Because you're too good for easy ones :P
Can we get this reopened?
Q: How do I create an Ubuntu live USB using a Mac?

David SiegelI'd like to create a live USB stick on a Mac so I can install Ubuntu on another machine. How do accomplish this?

I have no idea why it got closed...
is it a dupe?
oh wait. it's an old question
not that I know of.
i have reopened it.
@jokerdino Yeah, post 86.
@jokerdino Thanks.
@Seth It is old.
It is OLD.
i think it was closed because it was a Mac question?
anyway, moving on.
might be the reason. I think it might have been an accident too.
i think he wanted to protect it
Ah. That would make sense.
can't wait to get 10k...
keep waiting
I know. I need to find something to answer.
you are more than half way there.
@Seth link me a good answer from you.
Uh... OK.
Should I be doing this?
@Seth Yes, you should.
@Seth I'm waiting for a simple link.
@Lucio I'm not sure I dare post one ;-)
Can we close this?
Q: Getting dpkg-buildpackage depencency errors when using apt-get install source --compile

SethI was playing around with apt-get install source --compile And I used audacity: sudo apt-get install source --compile audacity However, I am getting a dependency error: dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: autoconf automake debhelper (>= 7.0.50~) libasound2-dev libavcodec-...

I was tired and it's a stupid question.
@Seth Don't worry, I'll find one. I hope..
@Seth I don't understand how did you solved this.
I think that it should be opened, it seems useful IMO.
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