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Finally beat level 20!
.... i'm evil. :P
How to delete Apps and Files & Folder (lenses) icons from Launcher? http://bit.ly/iR7IfS #unity
Hmmm... the Wine IRC channel is pretty dead.
1 hour later…
Well, its official. I hate covad
five hours on the phone, and we have a dodgy ADSL connection at the office :| 3 weeks late to boot.
@GeorgeEdison you're dominating the interesting board...
@lazyPower You're right... I just noticed that.
Its cuz your the man
hi5 on being the man
i miss marco, i think we lost him to minecraft for a solid month.
dude, your html5/jquery unity rendition is pretty sweet. You planning on implimenting the menu's and dash?
@lazyPower No - that's not mine!
I just saw that somewhere and mentioned it here.
ah, i see.
...maybe jSlick will be capable of something like that some day.
@GeorgeEdison can i bother you for some C++ help?
@lazyPower Sure.
I sent you a room invite so we dont clutter up AU
hi guys!
@GeorgeEdison my apologies for the hard to view theme on our blog before - it's fixed now :D
@TheX go check it out (you'll love it).
@RolandTaylor :D
btw @GeorgeEdison I'll talk to you in a bit about an interview :D (about stackapplet)...
@lazyPower aww thanks bro :D
disappears - food time
@RolandTaylor Much better.
agreed much much better
Sync Computers Using Ubuntu One without the Cloud http://bit.ly/iTsTNF #ubuntuone
Greetings everyone
Greetings Chris
How are you this evening? (assuming it's night where you're located)
Not bad, working on some C++ homework
And yourself?
@ChrisKerrigan greetings, earthling.
I just wanted to eat his hand...
heya :)
hey, ya!
que ya?
and another 10 rep for @RolandTaylor :-D
going to work time so bbl :D
Naptime, see yinz tomorrow
Why can't I stick something in front of a Queue!?!
@GeorgeEdison you can
Good morning
How do I use bookmarks sync? http://bit.ly/j0tzAx #1104
You guys were mentioned in the Ars Technica review of Ubuntu 11.04 (page 5)
> There are already several custom lenses that adventurous users can install on their system for testing. Some of the custom lenses pull data from Web APIs and others are designed to interoperate with existing desktop applications. For example, there is an AskUbuntu lens that provides a convenient Unity-integrated interface for searching the questions from the AskUbuntu Stack Exchange site.
so we are adventurous?
coudn't controll to see the troll outlash in the comments section arstechnica.com/open-source/reviews/2011/05/…
Alfonse complains that the launcher does not show any names .
anyone know how to get at an actual download instead of a stupid apturl?
chromium doesn't handle apturls correctly, and i'm not interested in making it work right. i'd rather just use the cli
@djeikyb if you had the sources setup you can install as usual with sudo apt-get install <package>. The <package>-name should be the same as in the apturl link.
ah. i'm trying to get a package from playdeb.net. so i'll need to find what their repository is..
brilliant. i got stuck on the apturl thing and stopped looking for help on playdeb itself
@MarcoCeppi what happened to the meta post about the copyright thing ?
2 hours later…
@all Morining
What is the preferred way to store application settings on Ubuntu? http://bit.ly/lDDe4y #applications
morning @Achu
Hi @Takkat
Q: MySQL Automatic backup tools

AchuI use back-in-time for backuping up my projects automatically. but my data base is not backuping up automatically like scheduling by day or hours. Is there any tool to back up MySQL automatically?

I know nothing about SQL, sorry
@Takkat no problem
@Takkat i got dependency problem when i install apps "dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" when i google it i found old discussions i face this on natty what should i do?
Damn you James Glifford. Havent worked since yesterday, playing Angry Birds :p
lol Hi @KaustubhP
@Takkat hi!
@Achu what apps? all?
@Takkat yes all
Need to check your sources?
ok let me
also try a different mirror
when i run apt-get update paste.ubuntu.com/606851
achu: 1 sec I shall create a post for you on the mysql backup (if I find ours ;) )
@Rinzwind ok thanks
hmm btw we do it with a cronjob Is that automatic enough?
how the automatic work?
i mean by schedule or somthing @Rinzwind
we use a perl script for our backup :-X
@Achu omg there a quite a lot of sources. Try to (temporarily) deaktivate proposed and the 3rd party sources and see your dependency errors goes away
@Takkat yeah i know it is a lot :)
thing is @Achu you have a command(!) to do backups
it is called mysqldump
@Rinzwind can i see the perl script? is it working by schedule?
that script has 1 line that is important _O-
mysqldump -u {username} -p {password} > backup$DATE.sql
and you have a complete mysql backup :X
and mysqldump -u {username} -p {password} {database} > backup$DATE.sql does 1 database
anyway please post your answer i will check
yes but in comes crontab ;) that's a scheduler you can tell to run every x minutes
mysql admin has a scheduler too!
@Rinzwind i got to go now thanks
why can I not find a ubuntu screenshot of mysqladmin's backup?
2 long answers after another is pretty daunting :X
HA! at least I got 10 rep for my last one :-X
@Rinzwind your daily rep sucks :P
Hi btw
work is getting in the way
OH and lunch too :-X back in 30m
same here :( - no time for lunch :'(
again my question to this is "WHY?"
Q: i cant install thunderbird

reali can not install thunderbird.tar.bz2 , after i extract the file, make command not work. this error appears: XXXXX@ubuntu:~$ sudo make KBUILD_NOPEDANTIC=1 make -C /lib/modules/uname -r/build M=pwd make[1]: Entering directory /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic' CC [M] /home/XXXXX/src/wl/sy...

@Rinzwind can't do other than add to your rep :P
Similar here. They try to update a 9.04 server. Look at the answers ;)
rep back @Takkat :=D
I'm not sure with support ending dates for server, hope I didn't overdo :)
LTS ends when another LTS shows up IIRC
(it would be stupid to continue supporting an older LTS)
@Rinzwind yeah but 9.04 wasn't LTS
right :=D
then it ends even sooner :D
hope they have a typo and are running 8.04 :P
the 1st 2 answer should be deemed incorrect. even wrong: you'll end up with errors cuz of not finding servers :X
@Rinzwind maybe the posters will find out - if not, then time to -1
I commented on them (hates downvoting)
why is it when i need to find old repo's I never find that page and when I occaisionally need it for something like this it's the 1st answer in google!?
@Rinzwind Murphy's law. I have stopped bookmarking when I didn't find my bookmarks any more :D
problem will be solved with dash >:) it will remember the pages I looked at _O-
someday :X
LOL guess what I was told this morning?
no clue
I am NOT allowed to code anything on any server due to instruction sessions taking place today.
envy you - so you have a lot of spare time today? Good for us :P
I edited 1 file and added an alert stating it is friday 13th >:D
and to be careful when removing items _O-
oh! I totally forgot about that
So their answer was my previous stmt :X
acc to Microsoft: "Windows XP: 19,3 malwares per duizend installations"
WIN7: 22 per 1000
(oops@microsoft >:D )
many old XP boxes are not connected to internet. So they can't catch a flu
Why would anybody want Ubuntu to look like Windows?
I was looking for the interview where it had the reasoning for not making BFB do something :(
I don't even like Ubuntu looking like Ubuntu..
I'm in it for the sweet package management
@djeikyb this at least I can comprehend
@Rinzwind don't tell me this was from The Sun uk too :P
nope :=D
saw the sun uk ? >:D
They have LEGO ads all over the place today shudder
oh and then: I always thought that Pillip is a male name :S
What is this date format:
"Thu Jun 10 22:00:46 UTC 2010"
the long version :=)
context needed @KaustubhP :=D
@KaustubhP date -u
@Takkat I am getting date in the above format, need to compare two dates, in Java
I don't speak Java :/
See Takkats post :=)
date -u
Fri May 13 11:30:02 UTC 2011
hmm our time is way off :X
oh we missed soimething, @KaustubhP has another %y after the month
maybe a custom string
no we didn't ?
@Takkat nope
oh of course we didn't - mental hickups it's day 10 not year 10 :)
Fri May 13 11:35:53 UTC 2011
might be mysql (?)
@Rinzwind Java gives me the same date, but I cannot pass it to the constructor, because the method is deprecated.
There is a dearth of Java devs in this chatroom :'(
EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss 'UTC' yyyy
aha. well the only java I know has script behind it :=D
AND this:
REM "850.JAVACOM - JAVA Interface : May-18-2001 10:19:12
but I never had to use that :-X
Hi everybody!
I've said victory to early my problem with Ubuntu persist :( LOL
Equivalent to MS-DOS edit http://bit.ly/jHoNqP #softwarerecommendation
cool @haltman
OMG @ twitter :D
gedit FTW!
@Rinzwind Not so cool :(
victory you said :=)
or did you mean "gave up"?
@Rinzwind the second one :-(
that's not the linux spirit @haltman ! :=D Keep searching >:D
@Rinzwind yes I know ;-) but I can't understand if it's and hardware problem or a software problem :(
intel graph cards seem to be buggy in 11.04. and very buggy at that
@Rinzwind yes they are... evil intel empire...
buon giorno!
my laptop does all kinds of crazy things because of intel graphics....
hm, i got no issues with my intel hd graphics
I dislike my intel graphics.
@htorque konnichiwa!
i can even play that html5 angry birds with it :D
well, i just dislike my entire *PU setup. (CPU and GPU)
I always went with nvidia in my systems
scusi? non ho capito konnichiwa! :P
Hello @htorque @TheX @JamesGifford @haltman. They heap work on my desk so can't be too talkative :(
@htorque my laptop changes resolutions to the lowest resolution possible everytime the screensaver comes on.... and then I cant change it back till I do a "unity --reset"
@htorque non ho capito Japanese? :=D
nvidia has always "just worked" for me - whether blobs are evil or not
@Takkat hi
@TheX that's weird :D (not the fact that you're using a screensaver :P)
@Takkat Alright. I shall leave you alone then. :)
@htorque indeed. nVidia Just Works (except for 2 cards; fx5200 and one other)
@TheX quick thought: does the screensaver have a resolution setting?
maybe it's a fancy 3D screensaver?
@Cas it is the default black screeen
My great share of the day for the developer in all of us.
one of my favourite
@lazyPower I am a digital construction builder :+)
@Rinzwind: I like thinking of myself as a jr gardener. I'm so new to the professional side of this.
Has anyone a script to send emails, from a ubuntu box?
i face this error:
send-mail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory
Can't send mail: sendmail process failed with error code 75
@KaustubhP all problems with mail have one sollution: "mutt"
Q: Why is the copy dialog notification icon a mouse pointer?

Seth HikariWhy is the copy dialog notification icon a mouse pointer? Is this suppose to be, or is it a bug? This is really confusing. Natty Unity

i don't 'get' this one
what is the copy dialog notification
does anyone else have this?
@htorque great find: askubuntu.com/questions/42488/… are those the default settings or are those also the ones someone changed themself?
@Cas yeah.
I never see it though, because I do almost all my copying/moving using cp or mv
@KaustubhP even if you weren't getting the error, your ISP is probably blocking the port required to be a mail server...
@JamesGifford is this files or text then? could you give an example so I can get it to show up
@Cas It's a file thing.
in order to get it to show up, you need to copy (duplicate) a HUGE file. like say, a ubuntu iso
oh ok, still never seen it :/
it's rare. i've seen it like 3 times
riiiight i see now
we are talking about file transfer copy
I want a AskUbuntu! t-shirt O+
@Cas Correct.
In the answer there are screenies. - askubuntu.com/questions/40635/…
@Rinzwind probably just returns profile defaults
/me off to find a large file to transfer :P
waves from his terrace
@OctavianDamiean waves from the ground hows UDS?
how do i do that @OctavianDamiean
@JamesGifford UDS was amazing! I had to leave yesterday evening
@Cas what? this?
@OctavianDamiean lol yer
just put either an underscore or an asterisk before and after the text you want to make italic
@OctavianDamiean Neat to the "amazing", not cool you had to leave early.
ahh i c
@JamesGifford I'm pretty sure that I'm going to attend UDS-P as well
oh yea
Q: Ask Ubuntu goodies anyone?

Octavian DamieanHere at UDS a lot of people of course wear Ubuntu T-Shirts, for very obvious reasons. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could have some nice Ask Ubuntu T-Shirts to give away as there are a large number of Ubuntu experts here (~600 attendees)? Here's what the UDS one looks like: And we could just p...

vote for t-shirts!
@OctavianDamiean Hm. you mean UDS-Pathetic Pigeon? ;)
@JamesGifford indeed!
@OctavianDamiean Haha. Did you see that April Fools question by @RolandTaylor?
@JamesGifford no?
@OctavianDamiean can't upvote more than once
@OctavianDamiean Oh wow. hangon. 2buntu.com/index.php/archives/142
@Alaukik around?
@Takkat Hi excuse me for the late I was busy here in office..
@haltman: I still am very busy - not for long :)
poor Takkat
Oh not so much, that'll make me rich :P
here I am with orders not to touch our software :D
so nothing to code :X
@Takkat lucky you! ;)
@haltman atm poor - so no luck
Are you all programmers?
spends all the money he can get
@Takkat me too LOL
@haltman coders. programmers do not type instructions but use pen and paper ;)
likes to call himself a software developer @haltman
<---- software revolver....
Hey everyone!
I like to shoot holes in it....
@Rinzwind ah ok now I have learn something new ;)
@OctavianDamiean nice term ;-) I'm a mistake developer LOL
@haltman had to learn the difference for an official test regarding software deployment for school. In practive it never came up (everyone always just starts coding instead of making diagrams first (what a programmer should do ;) )
@TheX Yay for software revolvers!
likes to call himself a wannabe developer, is more of an aimless kid with too much time on his hands
@Rinzwind I often do flowchart before doing code..and preserve it so if I have to check how to work a code after long time I can understand in a second..
woah this is weird there is dead area where my mouse will not click!
@haltman actually the order of the processes of developing software doesn't matter if you develop as a one man team as long as the documentation is there in the end
and as long as you are disciplined enough to set specifications which don't change
it is something totally different when you develop in a team tho
@OctavianDamiean correct but my memory is really short LOL btw I never developed in team
you'll need those charts, diagrams and whatnot to communicate and set the specifications so that everyone understands them and can work to achieve the set goal
@OctavianDamiean Yes I do that for myself I also write the date to have a sort of history version..
Exists a tool free like eclipse for develop PHP/javascript/html ?
@haltman Komodo. Vim. Emacs. jEdit.
Depends on how much of an IDE type guy you are
@haltman checkout Aptana, it builds on Eclipse
it should be pretty much exactly what you are looking for
aptana +1 from me!
@james and @Optavian Thanks for suggestions ;) I use notepad++ but not auto hident and it's really a frustration
@haltman why not gedit with autoindent plugin
@Cas because in office where i develop we have to use microsoft windows :-(
oh ok, i thought notepad++ had autoindent but it has been years since i last used it
you could look at bluefish for html editing
why I am scared to answer a q by Jorge? >:-D
I love notepad ++
notepad ++ is cool. +1 for the options of holding the alt and deleting colums \o/
@TheX do you know a way to active autoident?
Notepad++ will only auto-insert subsequent indents if you manually indent the first line in a block; otherwise you can re-indent your code after the fact using TextFX > TextFX Edit > Reindent C++ code.
@Rinzwind thanks for suggestion I go to check It ;)
from yahoo answers comes this comment...
"press tab.


Get someone to press tab for you."
and this twu.ca/divisions/technology/sst/orion/blog/… suggest you can add a script to autoindent in notepad++ (there's an example for xml)
@Rinzwind which one?
@haltman You're welcome. :)
@haltman Aptana works on Windows as well
@OctavianDamiean Quick Android dev question. How much are those "dev phones"? I've got a friend that wants to start Android dev, and he's curious.
Q: What team do I need to be on to delete a page on help.ubuntu.com?

Jorge CastroI would like to delete a junky page from help.ubuntu.com, but it seems I do not have access to the page, what team should I talk to to have the page removed?

the title and body ask for 2 different things: 1 asks for a team to join; the other for a team he could approach >:D
@JamesGifford tell him to get a normal HTC Magic or Nexus One (preferably a HTC Desire), used ones will be perfectly fine
@OctavianDamiean yes I've seen it ;)
no need to buy uber-expensive ones from the developer portal
@OctavianDamiean Alright.
@JamesGifford generally Android developers should test against the emulator as it is the most basic and default system image
@JamesGifford if he gets any HTC device he will have to flash the device with a custom developer image, which is really not that hard, there are many good articles on the internewbz about that
@OctavianDamiean Sent that on to him. Thanks! :)
May create problem to use ubuntu on a monitor with tuner tv?
finito \o/ weekend. Time to leave office.
"Video editor PiTiVi to be removed as default app in Ubuntu 11.10" (And no replacement for it). Guess the CD is getting smaller :-D
@JamesGifford he is very welcome to join my Android help chat room on Stack Overflow if he needs further assistance
@Rinzwind don't we go with a DVD from now on?
@OctavianDamiean Sweet. I'll tell him that as well.
@Takkat have a nice w.e.!
@OctavianDamiean if it was up to me it would be a BD (just toss ALL on it)
Screw it, I'm making him join SO/AU so he can talk and I can stop being the messenger. ;)
@JamesGifford messengers tend to get shot :=)
@Rinzwind Tell me about it. :)
Q: Move entire OS from NTFS drive to bigger ext4 drive.

pangelAccording to SMART data, the hard drive I curently use is about to fail. I bought a new, bigger drive to copy the system to a safer place. The old drive is 160GB. Ubuntu was installed with Wubi, and the partition is NTFS. There are a few other partitions around (recovery partition, swap...) that...

<-- not goning to work me thinks :-X
they want to remove Synaptics drivers. :L
Argh? @JamesGifford
"* Synaptic
- Still some use cases, are they enough?
- mvo needs to chime in on this"
why is it all we hear is things being removed? D: where are the NEW and IMPROVED things?
well, i've got a trackpad that's synaptics.
@Rinzwind I know, right?
@haltman no i don't know a way to enable autoindent
@TheX :-(
@Rinzwind no dude that'd have implications which would negatively affect a lot of people

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